The article “Electronic Oscilloscope - Device, Principle of Operation” briefly talked about this universal instrument. The information given is sufficient to make the measurement process conscious, but in the case of repair of such a complex device, deeper knowledge will be needed, because the circuitry of electronic oscilloscopes is very diverse and quite complicated.
Most often, a beginner radio amateur has at his disposal a single-beam oscilloscope, but having mastered the methods of using such an instrument, it will not be difficult to switch to a two-beam or digital oscilloscope.
The figure shows a fairly simple and reliable C1-101 oscilloscope with so few handles that it is absolutely impossible to get confused. Please note that this is not some kind of oscilloscope for school physics lessons, it was just that that was used in production only twenty years ago. Oscilloscope power not only 220V ...
A traveler, a fisherman, a hunter, or just a person who loves to relax in nature, can never be sure until the end that he will not suddenly find himself in a situation where an important electronic device for him, be it a cell phone, GPS-navigator, echo sounder, or laptop will not be discharged at the most inopportune moment.
If this happens, then you can remain without communication, the idyll of the whole event will be violated, and anything can be threatened, up to human health. This, however, was before the advent of portable chargers for mobile equipment. Here are car-lighter chargers, portable finger-type chargers, and even hand-held generators and small solar panels. Solar chargers, as an alternative to an environmentally friendly source of electric energy, have gained particular popularity in recent years among consumers ...
A group of volunteers from Greenpeace, who arrived in 2011 on the Philippine island of Luzon, settled in a tribe of local residents who, as it turned out, used only paraffin candles and kerosene lamps to illuminate after dark. The inhabitants of the village did not use electricity at all, and the guests of the island had nowhere to charge their numerous digital equipment.
Some of the Filipinos, who had a kerosene lamp on the farm, traveled 50 kilometers to a neighboring village to get kerosene for their lamps there, but civilized Americans were in a real technological shock from all this, their thoughts were busy finding a solution - how to charge their gadgets, given the complete absence of even power lines within the area of Central Cordillera, where they settled. Fortunately, there was an abundance of seawater on the island, which, as you know, can serve as an electrolyte solution, andif electrodes are placed in such a solution ...
For laying hidden communications in the room, in particular wiring, it is often necessary to make a groove in the wall, or, to put it more closely to the topic, choose a strobe. This process is conveniently carried out using a tool specially designed for this purpose - a chipper.
The shtroborez is similar to a grinder and at the same time like a hand-held circular saw, but cutting is done here with two diamond blades with the ability to adjust both the depth of cut and its width. The result is a smooth stroba, a groove with perfectly even side walls, which can hardly be achieved using a grinder, and the working time is halved compared to a grinder, because two cutting discs work simultaneously with a stroborez. How to choose a chipper if it is necessary to carry out the appropriate work? Fact that various works require...
How to extend and mount a power input cable in an apartment
In the houses of the old building on each floor of the entrance, the builders installed an electric input shield.From it they spread an electric network in all rooms. Now another technical decision has been made. All commutations of the electric circuit are carried out inside the apartment where the distribution electric switchboard is mounted.
However, during settlement, it is often necessary to replace or transfer the distribution electrical panel. Cheap designs are simply not capable of fulfilling modern tasks of safe power supply. Even for a modern two-room apartment with 60 m2 of area, more than a dozen electrical circuits are required. Changing the shield model will require lengthening the power cable, and it may be walled up in a concrete wall or not fit in length. It is not always convenient to take a new cable and lay it with an additional routeth, especially when it is fixed ...
The bathroom is very different in humidity from other rooms in the home, therefore, for the safe installation of electrical appliances there, it is important to consider this factor. This also includes fixtures, which, although it is customary to place them high on the ceiling or on the wall, nevertheless, a correctly selected lamp for the bathroom can be installed in almost any humidity zone of the bathroom, provided, of course, that it has the appropriate protection class .
Basically, any bathroom can be divided into four humidity zones, in each of which the requirements for the security of the installed lamp, as well as safety, will be different. Each humidity zone is different from each other, which is why for each of them special requirements are placed on the luminaires. The first humidity zone is in the bath or in the shower ...
Electric unicycle - transport of the future!
Many of us regularly overcome significant distances on foot, without at all thinking about the possible optimization of the energy costs of our body. Sometimes, when we get to work or study, having walked a considerable distance on foot, we feel tired, which to a certain extent reduces our performance. And despite the fact that there is a whole working day ahead, and the forces on it are simply necessary.
Meanwhile, the development of individual transport does not stand still, and now, a real revolution in this area has been completed - an electric unicycle has been created. This is a new mobile vehicle that allows you to easily get almost anywhere, leaving behind, among other things, annoying and such tiresome traffic jams. The electric unicycle is compact, it can be easily transported, it is convenient to recharge, even a child can handle ithowever the audience interested ...
The device and principles of operation of the magnetic starter
The name of this electrical device for 0.4 kV electrical installations contains two fundamental actions: actuation as an electromagnet from the passage of electric current through the coil winding and start-up of the electric motor by power contacts.
Structurally, any magnetic starter consists of a stationary part and a movable armature that moves along the runners. It is highlighted in blue in the picture.
The starter can be very simplified as one button, on the case of which there are terminals with connected power circuits and stationary contacts. A contact bridge is mounted on the moving part. Its purpose: providing a double break of the power circuit to turn off the power of the electric motor and a reliable electrical connection of the incoming and outgoing wires when the circuit is switched on ...