The efficiency of LED lighting systems is no longer in doubt, it is for this reason that it is increasingly LEDs that serve as light sources in many areas, both in industry and in everyday life. Thanks to the use of LEDs, the energy consumption for lighting is reduced up to 10 times compared to incandescent lamps. However, economy is not the only advantage of LED lighting.
The light output of the LEDs reaches 110 Lm / W and much more, while the luminous efficiency limit for a conventional incandescent lamp is only 15 Lm / W, for an energy-saving fluorescent lamp - 70 Lm / W, and for a metal halide lamp of average power - a maximum of 90 Lm / W . In addition, the life of LEDs as light sources reaches 100,000 hours, that is, 100 times greater than the guaranteed lifetime of an average incandescent lamp, amounting to only 1000 hours ...
How is the marking performed during wiring
A home foreman, planning to repair an electrician in his apartment or complete its laying in a house under construction, must first think carefully about the technology of the upcoming work and the sequence of its stages, including marking the wiring. Otherwise, as practice shows, serious errors arise that require the investment of additional funds and time.
If we turn to the clarification of the verb "mark" the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, then he explains it as a measurement, marking, designation of the size of something.
With regard to electrical wiring, as well as any technical systems, this means that for marking it is necessary to have: an object - a house or apartment building, in which it will be necessary to lay electrical wires, the owner’s plan embodied in the work project. In other words, the markup process means transferring ...
Industrial temperature sensors
Numerous technological processes requiring temperature control occupy not the last place in industry. Temperature measurement of gases, liquids, bulk powders and solid surfaces - each of these cases has its own characteristics, and for correct measurements it is important that the measurement method is consistent. There are many temperature sensors created on the basis of various physical laws and used for these purposes. There are both special and universal sensors.
The most widely used in industry today are thermoelectric sensors capable of operating in the temperature range from -200 ° C to + 2500 ° C and even higher. These are reliable, high-precision devices, often used to automatically control processes. The operation of the first type of such sensors - thermocouples, is based on the phenomenon ...
High temperature superconductivity
Initially, superconductors had a very limited application, since their operating temperature should not exceed 20K (-253 ° C). For example, the temperature of liquid helium at 4.2 K (-268.8 ° C) is well suited for the superconductor to work, but it takes a lot of energy to cool and maintain such a low temperature, which is technically very problematic.
The high-temperature superconductors discovered in 1986 by Karl Müller and Georg Bednorets showed a critical temperature much higher, and the temperature of liquid nitrogen at 75K (-198 ° C) for such conductors is quite enough for operation. In addition, nitrogen is much cheaper than helium as a refrigerant.
The discovery in 1987 of a "jump in conductivity to almost zero" at a temperature of 36K (-237 ° C) for compounds of lanthanum, strontium, copper and oxygen was the beginning.Then, for the first time, the property of compounds of yttrium, barium, copper and oxygen to discover superconducting properties was discovered ...
How to connect a voltage regulator to home wiring
The electricity that comes to our apartments is strictly regulated by the legislation of state standards. In accordance with the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission for network 220, the deviation of the supply voltage is allowed within ± 10% of the nominal value or from 242 to 198 volts.
Even such a dispersion of readings does not always favorably affect the operation of sensitive household electronic devices and ordinary, simple incandescent lamps used in lighting. Electricity distribution companies use transformer substations with power lines, through which electricity is supplied to each house and apartment. Often, when the lines are loaded, a situation is created when the maximum voltage value is already set on the transformer ...
Automatic switches of the A3700 HEMZ series
One of the most popular series of circuit breakers for high currents (up to 630 A) in power supply systems are A3700 series circuit breakers. Automatic machines are issued in unipolar, bipolar and three-pole execution. They are intended for current protection of electrical equipment during current overloads and short circuits in a wide variety of AC and DC electric circuits with a rated voltage of up to 660 V (for alternating current) and up to 440 V (for direct current).
Circuit breakers can also be used for infrequent switching of electrical circuits, as well as to protect these circuits when the voltage drops below unacceptable values. Current protection releases are performed on semiconductor and electromagnetic elements. Mechanical wear resistance of A3700 circuit breakers - 16000 on-off cycles, switching wear resistance ...
When it comes to solving the problem of autonomous power supply, it becomes obvious that one uninterruptible power supply alone is not enough. For high-quality and long-lasting service of any such system, a reliable battery is also needed, capable of providing the required number of ampere-hours for the required time. An example of such reliable batteries are the batteries of the Chinese company MNB Battery.
These batteries are ideal for both UPS and power supply of any other modern equipment. They are made of modern materials and components, constantly improved, because it is not for nothing that MNB Battery is today one of the leaders in the market of independent power supplies. MNB batteries are made according to AGM and GEL technologies. The electrolyte, in the form of porous fiberglass, which is located in the battery housing, made by AGM-technology does not contain ...
Residual current circuit breakers save a person from electrical injuries by removing voltage from the wiring when leakage currents occur through it. Invisible and uncontrolled violations of the insulation layer can cause enormous damage to our lives and property. Therefore, such protections are gradually gaining more and more popularity among the population.
Manufacturers produce these devices with a rather large assortment and endow them with various electrical characteristics that optimally select devices for the specific operating conditions of each wiring. The functions carried out by the RCD include: switching on the consumers, powered from the device, under voltage, reliable transmission of the rated load current without false alarms, disconnecting consumers under load, under normal conditions, disconnecting the controlled circuit when critical differences ...