LEGO Mindstorms robots - entertaining robotics
The constructor of LEGO Mindstorms is a set of electronic units and mating parts designed to create a programmable robot. LEGO introduced the first Mindstorms kit back in 1998, and 8 years later, in 2006, the first version of the LEGO Mindstorms NXT 1.0 kit was released, after another 3 years, in 2009 the second version of the kit - LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0, was released. and finally, in 2013, the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set went on sale.
The LEGO Mindstorms kit includes both standard LEGO parts, such as axles, gears, beams, wheels and servomotors, as well as motors, sensors, and a programmable unit. These sets are divided into resource and basic. The basic set of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT has three versions: 8527 LEGO MINDSTORMS contains 577 parts, 2006 release. This is the first version of the commercial kit. 9797 LEGO MINDSTORMS Education NXT Base Set contains 431 pieces ...
Power limiter - brief description, application in home wiring
A power limiter is a device designed to limit the amount of power consumed. This device monitors the load and in the event of its growth above the established level provides power to the consumer. The operation of the power limiter is carried out with a time delay of several seconds to several minutes. That is, if the consumer includes electrical appliances in the network whose total power exceeds the set limit, then the relay will trip after the set time.
There is an LED on the power limiter that signals overload. Depending on the type of limiter, there may be a digital indicator on the current limiter, which displays the current power value, and if the set power limit (overload) is exceeded, a countdown occurs, after which the wiring will be de-energized ...
Fibaro Starter Kit for creating a smart home
When it comes to home automation, at first glance it may seem like something very, very complicated, it immediately suggests a bunch of different sensors that need to be connected and configured somehow. However, in reality this is not always the case. In particular, the Fibaro Starter Kit is easy to install and configure, therefore, to create a “smart home” system with it, the user does not need special knowledge and special skills.
The Fibaro system is a Z-Wave wireless intelligent building automation system. And the Fibaro Starter Kit consists of only several parts, it includes a controller and several wireless sensors that will make it easy to create a “smart home” for a housewife who is not even sophisticated in these matters, without any damage even to the most sophisticated interior .. .
How to make a reliable extension cord (carrying)
Both at home and at enterprises it is often necessary to turn on electrical appliances in that part of the room or outdoors where there is no outlet from which you can power the necessary electrical appliance. This problem is easily solved with an extension cord, the so-called “carry”.
In addition to the function of the extension cord - that is, the ability to turn on the appliance at a certain distance from the plug socket, the carry-out performs the function of branching one plug connector into several, which is important if you need to plug several appliances into one socket. For example, to connect to a computer network, you need several outlets to connect a monitor, system unit, audio equipment, printer, router, etc. Extenders for technical needs are also widely used, which are used to connect various power tools and devices to the network ...
To power various electronic equipment, DC / DC converters are very widely used. They are used in computing devices, communication devices, various control and automation circuits, etc.
In traditional transformer power supplies, the voltage of the mains is converted using a transformer, most often lowered, to the desired value. The reduced voltage is rectified by a diode bridge and smoothed by a capacitor filter. If necessary, a semiconductor stabilizer is placed after the rectifier.
Transformer power supplies are usually equipped with linear stabilizers. There are at least two advantages of such stabilizers: it is a small cost and a small number of parts in the harness. But these advantages are eaten by low efficiency, since a significant part of the input voltage is used for heating ...
Peltier thermoelectric module - device, principle of operation, characteristics
The phenomenon of the emergence of thermo-EMF was discovered by the German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck back in 1821. And this phenomenon consists in the fact that in a closed electric circuit consisting of heterogeneous conductors connected in series, provided that their contacts are at different temperatures, an EMF occurs. This effect, named after its discoverer, the Seebeck effect, is now called simply the thermoelectric effect.
If the circuit consists of only a pair of dissimilar conductors, then such a circuit is called a thermocouple. In a first approximation, it can be argued that the magnitude of the thermo-emf depends only on the material of the conductors and on the temperatures of the cold and hot contacts. Thus, in a small temperature range, thermo-EMF is proportional to the temperature difference between cold and hot contacts, and the proportionality coefficient in the formula is called the coefficient ...
How to install and connect a telephone jack
During the development of communications, several standards have been created for connecting stationary telephones to existing lines. Almost all of them are used to some extent in everyday life and in industrial enterprises. Inside the networks of large organizations that have existed for several decades, you can find simultaneously working models of various designs, mounted at different times. Features of their device must be considered before installing and connecting the telephone.
The main task of the socket is to ensure a quick and reliable connection of telephones to the existing communication lines created by the stationary part - a socket or a mother-contact and a plug inserted into it: father-contact. Any electrical outlet consists of ...
Controlled sockets and switches ELRO
In this short review, we will consider controlled sockets and regulators AB600 from the Dutch company ELRO. In fairness, we note that the AB600 product line is positioned by the manufacturer as a home automation system, mainly designed for remote control of lighting, but it can be controlled, in principle, not only with lamps or spotlights, but also with any other household electrical appliances of various capacities.
The AB600 line includes both sockets and built-in regulators designed for the maximum allowable load power from 250 to 3500 watts. Each of these devices can be installed in a convenient place for the user, and as for the built-in regulators, they can even be installed in the luminaire housings. One thing is invariable - sockets and regulators are controlled from the remote control ...