Safety precautions when using false ceilings
In an effort to give the interior a modern unique style, it is important to remember that whether it is a public, office or residential building, it should not only be comfortable and cozy, but also safe. All interior elements, including suspended ceilings, must be safe. At first glance, the suspended ceiling seems a priori safe, but it is only at first glance. Let's figure out what to look for when installing suspended ceilings, so that their subsequent operation is safe for us.
First of all, the ceiling mount must be reliable. Elements of the frame are installed strictly horizontally, according to the marks, in accordance with the design documentation. First, marking is made, the angle of the cladding plane is set, it is important that the joints of the panels correspond to the design, and at the joints the sheets would not sag or vibrate, that is, they would hold tight ...
Tips for Repairing Switching Power Supplies
An article “What is a switching power supply and how does it differ from a regular analogue”, which tells about the UPS device, has already been published on the site. This topic can be supplemented with a little story about the repair. Under the acronym UPS is often referred to uninterruptible power supply. In order to avoid discrepancies, we agree that in this article it is a Switching Power Supply.
Almost all UPSs used in electronic equipment are built according to two functional schemes. According to the half-bridge scheme, as a rule, fairly powerful power supplies, for example computer ones, are carried out. According to the two-stroke scheme, power supplies for high-power UMZCH pop art and welding machines are also manufactured. Anyone who has ever repaired amplifiers with a capacity of 400 or more watts knows perfectly well what weight they have. It is, of course, about UMZCH with the traditional ...
Methods of heating residential premises to ensure comfortable living conditions are constantly being improved. Among them, the electric heating system of the lowest building structure - the floor - is gaining more and more popularity. With the correct installation system, the heat of the heating elements is directed only upward due to the action of the forces of natural circulation. Its consumption for heating the foundation and the surrounding lower elements is blocked by a layer of thermal insulation and redirected by a reflective screen into the room.
The sequence of installation operations for any heating elements is strictly defined. It must be adhered to and carried out strictly. Laying a warm floor under a tile for reliable operation should be divided into stages: planning, preparing the base, creating a heat shield ...
What is active lightning protection
Active lightning protection is an electrical system that serves to artificially accept and discharge lightning current into the ground. An active lightning protection system is triggered when a dangerous thunderstorm threatens its natural development of a specific protected area. The system is ahead of its self-development and the formation of a lightning discharge in a natural way, and thereby protects a vast territory, much larger than conventional lightning protection methods.
To better understand how active lightning protection works, we turn to the basics of the theory of the occurrence and development of lightning and the principles of the organization of lightning protection systems. What is lightning and what is lightning protection? In general, linear lightning is an electrical discharge in the atmosphere resulting from growth ...
Why modern inverters use transistors, not thyristors
Thyristors belong to semiconductor devices of the p-n-p-n structure, and, in fact, belong to a special class of bipolar transistors, four-layer, three (or more) transition devices with alternating conductivity. The thyristor device allows it to work like a diode, that is, to pass current in only one direction. And also like a field-effect transistor, the thyristor has a control electrode. Moreover, as a diode, the thyristor has a peculiarity - without injection of minority working charge carriers through the control electrode it will not go into a conducting state, that is, it will not open.
A simplified model of the thyristor allows us to understand that the control electrode here is similar to the base of a bipolar transistor, however, there is a limitation that unlocks the thyristor ...
Heat-resistant cable for baths and saunas
The choice of cable for laying in the bathhouse or sauna should be approached with the utmost responsibility, since not only the reliability of the wiring, but also the safety of people depends on how correctly this choice is made. The peculiarity of the bath rooms is that the temperature in them can reach + 170 ° C, and the humidity can reach 90%. For this reason, the cable must be suitable, satisfying these difficult conditions.
Of course, both the bathhouse and the sauna usually include more than one room, each of which has its own temperature regime, and therefore the cable is required for different rooms different. For laying the lighting network in the dressing room, ordinary cables like PVA, VVG, AVVG or NYM are quite suitable. But what about the steam room, if you need to connect both lighting and an electric oven there? It needs a special heat-resistant cable, and there may be several options ...
Power Generating Pavegen Paving Slabs
The British company Pavegen Systems Ltd., whose director is Lawrence Kemball-Cook, the author of the technology, successfully produces and sells unique paving tiles around the world that generate electricity thanks to pedestrians walking along it. The idea was realized by Lawrence Kemboll-Cook in 2009, when he studied at the University of Loughborough kinetic solutions for energy networks. Cambell-Cook came up with this idea for tiles while working for one very large energy company.
Since the founding of Pavegen, Lawrence began his move into the market leaders in the energy-harvesting pedestrian sector, generating interest in technology globally. A number of commercial objects at the implementation stage picked up Lawrence's idea, transforming his concept and design into real products ...
Why is the transformer humming
Why is the transformer humming? Have you ever thought about this? Someone will say that this is because the coils are poorly fixed between themselves or the windings oscillate, knocking on iron. Maybe the core area turned out to be less than the required by calculations, or did too many volts per turn turn out during winding? Does the frequency supplied correspond to this core material? Let’s understand, however.
In fact, the cause of transformer humming is initially magnetostriction. Magnetostriction is the phenomenon of changes in the size and shape of a ferromagnetic body under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. In addition to magnetostriction, noise can be caused by working oil pumps and fans of cooling systems of powerful transformers. The electrodynamic forces in the windings and the electromechanical devices that regulate the voltage under load also create noise ...