What is an electric cord and where is it used
There are three main types of products for connection - these are cables, wires and cords. The first two types are very similar and often differ mainly in the technical conditions of the manufacturers and the definitions used in them. And the third type - cords has some features, for example, the cross-sectional area of these products rarely exceeds one and a half square millimeters, and their flexibility is very high. Therefore, we will tell you about electric cords and their scope.
To understand the electrical engineering terms and for their correct understanding, you need to refer to the legal documentation, such as GOSTs, SNiPs and other documents. GOST 15845-80. “Cable products. Terms and definitions "electrical cord is defined as" electrical wire with insulated conductors of a high class of flexibility. Moreover, in various sources you can find information that the maximum cross-sectional area of their conductive conductors ...
Earth's magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field of a giant permanent magnet, tilted at an angle of 11 degrees to the axis of its rotation. But there is a nuance, the essence of which is that the Curie temperature for iron is only 770 ° C, while the temperature of the Earth’s iron core is much higher, and only on its surface is about 6000 ° C. At such a temperature, our magnet would not be able to maintain its magnetization. So, since the core of our planet is not magnetic, terrestrial magnetism has a different nature. So, where does the Earth’s magnetic field come from?
As you know, magnetic fields are surrounded by electric currents, so there is every reason to assume that the currents circulating in the molten metal core are the source of the earth's magnetic field. The shape of the Earth’s magnetic field is indeed similar to the magnetic field of a current loop.Magnitude measured on the surface of the earth ...
A superconducting magnet is an electromagnet whose winding has the property of a superconductor. As in any electromagnet, the magnetic field is generated here by direct current flowing through the winding wire. But since the current passes in this case not through an ordinary copper conductor, but through a superconductor, the active losses in such a device will be extremely small.
As superconductors for magnets of this type, superconductors of the second kind almost always act, that is, those in which the dependence of magnetic induction on the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field is nonlinear. In order for a superconducting magnet to begin to show its properties, ordinary conditions are not enough - it must be brought to a low temperature, which in principle can be achieved in various ways. The classic way is this: the device is placed in a Dewar vessel with liquid helium, and the Dewar vessel itself ...
Programmable microcontrollers in JavaScript: which one to choose, features and capabilities
After 2010, in our country, the amateur radio hobby got a second wind with the advent of the ability to program microcontrollers in high-level programming languages, far removed from the iron. The first massive project was the Arduino family of boards. We have repeatedly examined these microcontrollers in articles, but today we will talk about microcontrollers that are programmed in Jacascript. Yes! The very same language that was used mainly when writing WEB-pages.
If we consider from the point of view of electronics in those devices that we will consider below, standard microcontrollers are used.The difference from the products from the manufacturer is only that they have a preinstalled loader program, although call it what you want, which allows you to execute the program code downloaded to you, and in some cases, communicate with the computer via USB, if it is not implemented in hardware. Why microcontrollers for javascript and other non-traditional languages for them? ...
How to choose an antenna for a TV: basic criteria and tips
In cities, cable television has almost completely replaced the “wireless” competitors, but there is still a demand for TV antennas. In order to receive on-air TV you need to choose a device suitable for your area in design and range. Especially often this need arises in the countryside and the private sector. In this article we will consider what are the antennas for the TV and how to choose it correctly.
Before moving on to talking about the types of television antennas, it is worth talking about the basic terms that will be used in the article. Repeater - a device that receives and amplifies a radio signal and transmits to its subscribers. People call it a TV tower. Antenna - a device for receiving or transmitting radio waves. Its main task is to convert electromagnetic waves into signals the other way around. It is connected to the receiver, in our case, to the TV ...
How to repair a wire, cable or cord
Most of the equipment that runs on electricity is powered by wires. But their veins and insulation are not eternal, so the wires are thrown or torn, or their insulation is frayed. In this article, we will consider the main malfunctions and methods of repairing wires, cables and cords.
In the everyday sense, wires, cables and cords do not have significant design differences. The insulation or flexibility class of the core may be modified, but in both senses there is not much difference. It is worth noting that, when it comes to mobile equipment, for example: iron, electric drill, grinder, charging for the phone - their conductors are called cords. If we are talking about wiring internal or external - such conductors are called cables (not always, depending on the product used), but if we are talking about connections inside devices or extensions, these are most often wires.All cable products consist of ...
Modern LED lamps: what to look for when choosing
LED lighting fixtures and lamps are no longer a novelty for a long time, but often an ordinary person does not understand what he is buying at the store and whether a simple light bulb can somehow affect his health. The fact is that the quality of a light source is not determined by its power and how much light it gives out. These are just quantitative indicators, an indicator of the quality of light is the ripple coefficient and color rendering index.
As already mentioned, the quality of the lamps determines not their brightness, but such indicators as the ripple coefficient and color rendering index. These two characteristics determine both the perception of light and your well-being. You may have noticed that when you spend a lot of time, for example, in a garage with old fluorescent lamps, your head sometimes starts to hurt and there is some feeling of unnatural surroundings, and if you go out into the sun everything seems much more saturated and more pleasant for the eye ...
How are amplifiers for TV antennas arranged and which one to choose
Any signal that is transmitted wirelessly may attenuate due to various obstacles in its path and other factors. In this regard, interference appears that especially affects analog communication. To ensure stable television reception, signal amplifiers of TV antennas are used.
The television signal is transmitted mainly in the decimeter range (the so-called UHF). It can be analog or digital.Analog TV is fading away every year, and broadcasters and consumers increasingly prefer a digital signal. It is more resistant to interference and allows you to transfer a picture of better quality. Digital cable and terrestrial television standards are labeled DVB-T or DVB-T2. The signal quality is determined by the level of reception at the consumer, measured in decibels dB (dB). A repeater is what the people call a television tower. And the farther the repeater is from the receiver ...