When repairing an apartment, special attention should be paid to competent wiring. If you miss this moment, a lot of inconvenience may appear, such as a lack of sockets or their placement behind furniture, too few lighting fixtures or an incorrect lighting scheme. It does not matter whether you do the repair of the wiring yourself or hired specialists - these tips will be useful to you in any case.
The first step is to evaluate: how many electrical appliances will be powered in the room. Then you can find out the exact number of outlets. This should be done when you have already made a plan for future repairs and know the approximate location and dimensions of the furniture. Next, you need to decide where the working area will be, and where the recreation area is - it is also necessary for the distribution of outlets and not only. In this matter, an important role is played by lighting. For any room with a universal and convenient solution ...
LED strip malfunctions and repair methods
LED strips are widely used in decorative lighting and functional lighting, but from time to time they fail completely or partially, in connection with which there is a need for their repair or replacement. Often, you can do just replacing a small part of it, which will reduce repair costs. In this article, we will cover typical problems with LED tape.
Before starting the discussion, I note that the main emphasis will be placed on common tapes with 12V power, 24V tapes are similar in design, and in the end we will consider the features of repairing network (220V) tapes. First, let's figure out what the LED strip consists of and why it is flexible. LED tape can be divided into two parts: a flexible printed circuit board and LEDs and current-limiting resistors. On one side, the flexible circuit board is coated with adhesive. A metallized layer is applied on the second side ...
Why is the neutral wire heated
Heating the neutral wire can cause it to burn out and cause a power accident. Most often this happens when the loads are distributed unevenly in phases in a three-phase power supply network and due to poor contact. In this article we will explain why the neutral wire is heated and what to do in this situation. In order for the reasons for heating zero, you need to understand how a three-phase network works.
The load in the three-phase network can be connected by a star and a triangle, and the windings of the supply transformer can also be connected. The winding has two conclusions - the end and the beginning. If the ends of the windings of a three-phase transformer are connected at one point - then they say that this is a star connection diagram. According to Kirchhoff’s laws, at the point of their connection (O), the current will always be zero, that is, flow from phase to phase. If the load in each of the phases is the same, then the voltage at the beginning of the windings will be equal ...
What is grounding, how does it work and what is it for
The power grid is the foundation of the modern world. Almost all modern household appliances are powered by electricity, because it is a convenient source of energy. But there is a flip side to the coin - a high risk of electric shock. Without the right approach to equipment design and network design, electricity will do more harm than good. Grounding is one way to ensure safety.
Grounding is a complex of solutions and devices for protection against electric shock and ensuring the operation of protective equipment. Domestic power networks have a grounded neutral. What does it mean? If we consider this issue in a simplified manner, then three-phase generators are installed at power plants. Their windings are connected according to the star scheme. The connection point of the windings is neutral.If you ground the junction point of the starthen we get a power line with a grounded neutral ...
In the framework of this article, we consider the features of series and parallel connection of batteries. There are different situations where it may be necessary to increase the total capacity or increase the voltage by resorting to parallel or serial connection of several batteries to the battery, and you always need to remember the nuances.
A parallel connection involves combining the positive terminals of the batteries with a common plus point of the circuit, and all negative terminals with a common minus. When connected in series, the batteries are connected by opposite terminals into a serial circuit, and the free positive terminal of the extreme battery is connected to the plus point of the circuit, and the free negative terminal of the other extreme battery is connected to the minus of the circuit. Parallel connection of batteries gives a combination of capacities ...
Internet of things - what is it?
Concept and background for the birth of the "Internet of things." Due to the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, by 2010 the number of devices connected to the Internet increased to 12.5 billion, and this with a world population of 6.8 billion, that is, almost 2 connected people per inhabitant of the earth already in 2010 to the device’s global network.
These devices are capable of connecting to the network and interacting with each other via Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi networks, via cellular networks, via satellite network, etc. Analysts do not exclude that by 2020 the number of such devices around the world will reach 50 billion. In connection with this state of affairs, it is not at all surprising that such a phenomenon as the Internet of Things or the Internet of the Things, abbreviated IoT. The concept of the Internet of things is the emergence of a computer network of things, a network of physical objects with integrated technologies of interaction as between them ...
Arduino Read and Control Methods for I / O Ports
To interact with the outside world, you need to configure the outputs of the microcontroller to receive or transmit a signal. As a result, each pin will work in the input and output mode. There are two ways to do this on your favorite Arduino board, exactly how you will learn from this article.
Everyone knows that Arduino is programmed in C ++ with some adaptation and simplifications for beginners. It is called Wiring. Initially, all arduino ports are defined as inputs, and there is no need to specify this in the code. There are three modes in which the port can operate: INPUT - input, in this mode, data is read from sensors, the status of buttons, analog and digital signals. The port is located in the so-called high-impedance state, in simple words - the input has high resistance.OUTPUT - output, depending on the command prescribed in the code, the port takes a value of one or zero.The output becomes a controlled source. ...
Lead-acid battery - device and principle of operation, varieties
The design and functioning of a classic lead-acid battery are based on the reversible electrochemical reactions of lead and lead dioxide with an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid: when the battery is discharged to a load, lead oxide at the cathode and lead at the anode, interacting with sulfuric anions, turn into lead sulfate ( lead dioxide is reduced at the cathode, lead is oxidized at the anode).
When the battery is charging, lead sulfate on the plates decays into ions, lead oxide forms on the cathode, and metallic lead again on the anode. In this case, the concentration of the sulfuric acid solution increases, since sulfuric acid ions reuniting with hydrogen again form sulfuric acid.Thus, it is possible to use the same battery again and again, simply recharging it from time to time.During battery discharge concentration...