Choosing a driver for MOSFET (example calculation by parameters)
FET gate control is an important aspect in the development of any modern electronic device. For example, when only the bottom is used in a pulse converter power key, and the decision was made in favor of using an individual driver in the form of a specialized chip, it is necessary to solve the problem of selecting a suitable driver so that it can satisfy the following conditions.
First, the driver will need to provide reliable opening and closing of the selected key. Secondly, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for an adequate duration of the leading and trailing edges during switching. Thirdly, the driver itself should not be overloaded while working in the circuit. At this stage, it is advisable to start by analyzing the data from the documentation for the field-effect transistor, and from them, determine what the driver's characteristics should be ...
RCD snubber - principle of operation and calculation example
During the development of a power pulse converter (especially for powerful push-pull and forward topology devices, where switching occurs in hard modes), care must be taken to protect the power switches from voltage breakdown.
Despite the fact that the fieldwork documentation indicates the maximum voltage between the drain and source at 450, 600, or even 1200 volts, one random high-voltage pulse on the drain may be enough to break the expensive (even high-voltage) key. Moreover, neighboring elements of the circuit, including a scarce driver, may come under attack. Such an event will immediately lead to a bunch of problems: where to get a similar transistor? Is it on sale now? If not, when will it appear? How good will the new fieldwork be? Who, when and for what money will undertake to solder all this? ...
Inch * degree / watt - what is this radiator parameter?
When approaching the question of choosing a radiator for a power transistor or a powerful diode, as a rule, we already have the result of preliminary calculations regarding the power that the component will need to dissipate through the radiator against the surrounding air. In one case, it will be 5 watts, in the other 20, etc.
To dissipate more power, you need a radiator with a larger surface contact area with air, and if for the same transistor operating in the same mode, take a smaller radiator, then the radiator will be more heated. Thus, the statement is true for the same key: the larger the surface area of the radiator in contact with air, the more heat will be dissipated, and the less the radiator will heat up. That is, the longer the radiator and the more branched its profile is, the better it will dissipate heat and, accordingly ...
How to check the differential machine and RCD
Residual current circuit breakers residual current circuit breakers are designed to disconnect power when a leakage current occurs. This is often called differential protection. However, any switching device must be checked both for operation as such and for compliance with the rated parameters.
Does the residual current device as they are called "RCDs" operate when the current difference between the poles. In simple terms, the principle of operation of these devices is to compare the current through phase and zero. If the current through the phase is greater than zero, it means that part of it flowed in a different way, for example, insulation of the conductors was damaged or the heating element broke and a current of a certain magnitude "flows" into the ground.If the body of the appliance is grounded - this situation is not too terrible and even with good grounding is not even dangerous, but if you have a two-wire power supply network without grounding,then on hit potential ...
Export from Sprint-Layout - to Gerber format for ordering board production
In recent years, many have ordered the manufacture of printed circuit boards in China. And this is not at all surprising, because on Aliexpress alone there are a huge number of enterprises offering for an affordable price to manufacture printed circuit boards in any quantity, and even with free international delivery.
But there is one feature in this process: all PCB manufacturers require sending them project files exclusively in Gerber format. The reason for this provision is that Gerber is a file format that is very convenient for modern equipment, which is a way of textual description of all the smallest elements of a PCB design in the form of easily reproducible commands. However, not everyone who is interested in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and is engaged in the development of electronics only at an amateur level ...
LEDs are the most efficient of all common light sources to date. Problems also lie behind efficiency, for example, the high requirement for the stability of the current that feeds them, the poor tolerance of complex thermal operating conditions (at elevated temperatures). Hence the task of solving these problems. Let's see how the concepts of power supply and driver differ. To begin with, let's delve into the theory.
A power supply unit is a generic name for a part of an electronic device or other electrical equipment that supplies and regulates electricity to power this equipment. It can be located both inside the device and outside, in a separate case. A driver is a generic name for a specialized source, switch, or power regulator for specific electrical equipment. There are two main types of power sources ...
Why do TENy burn on water heaters and washing machines and how to replace them
TEN - a tubular electric heater or thermoelectric heater, a device for converting electricity into thermal energy. They differ in shape, purpose, for example, water and air, power and size. They are installed everywhere where you need to heat something: in electric stoves, heaters, etc..
Heating elements sooner or later burn out, while they can either simply stop working or be punched into the housing, which will result in a risk of electric shock. Let's look at the reasons for their failure, structure, differences and methods of replacement.The electric heater consists of a tubular body, inside of which there is a spiral or thread made of a material with high resistivity, for example nichrome, fechromAnd so on. The spiral is separated from the body by an electrically insulating but heat-conducting material, such as periclase ...
What is voltage, how to lower and increase voltage
Voltage and amperage are the two main quantities in electricity. In addition to them, a number of other quantities are also distinguished: charge, magnetic field strength, electric field strength, magnetic induction and others. A practicing electrician or electronics engineer in everyday work most often has to operate with voltage and current - Volts and Amps. In this article, we will talk specifically about tension, about what it is and how to work with it.
Voltage is the potential difference between two points, characterizes the work performed by the electric field to transfer charge from the first point to the second. Measured voltage in Volts.This means that voltage can be present only between two points in space. Therefore, it is impossible to measure the voltage at one point. Voltage is measured with a voltmeter. The voltmeter probes connect voltage to two points or to the terminals of the part ...