The electronic journal "I'm Electric 2.0" with applications
A magazine to make life easier for electricians and for everyone who really wants to become such a specialist :) The first issues of the magazine were published in 2007. Within five years, 22 issues were released. In addition, annexes to the journal, fully devoted to certain topics, were issued. All issues were in the formatPdf.
The magazine was well received by both novice electricians, students, and already experienced specialists. At that time on the Internet there was little useful practical information on electrical engineering, power supply, electric drive, electric lighting and electronics, therefore the magazine was in demand, interesting to everyone, covered the need for new knowledge from many people, it was expected, there were many positive reviews, comments and suggestions on its development. It so happened that the new issues of the journal "I am an electrician" in electronic form after 2011 for a long time did not come out ...
Methods for converting solar energy and their efficiency
The radiation of the Sun all the time carries energy to the Earth. This is essentially electromagnetic energy. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the sun lies in a wide range: from radio waves to x-rays. The maximum of its intensity falls on visible light, namely, on the yellow-green part of the spectrum. In general, it can be said that the energy of solar radiation controls life on Earth, climate and weather on our planet - all living nature on Earth owes its existence to the Sun.
The fact is that from the Sun - to the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, a power of the order of 174 petawatts (peta - 10 to the 15th degree) continuously comes in the form of radiation. At the same time, 16% of the incoming energy is absorbed by the upper layers of the atmosphere, and 6% is reflected from it. Depending on weather conditions, up to 20% is also reflected in the middle layers of the atmosphere, and about 3% of the energy coming from the Sun is absorbed. Thus, our atmosphere scatters and filters a significant part ...
How to check a field effect transistor
To check the health of the field-effect transistor, you can use any digital multimeter with the diode “ringing” function. This function works in such a way that allows you to measure the direct voltage drop at the p-n junction, which will be displayed on the multimeter during testing.
In the process of this test, the multimeter is able to pass current through the circuit under test within a few milliamps, and if the voltage drop turns out to be too small, then if the device has a sound alert function, it will clear. And since p-n junctions are present in any field-effect transistor, we can expect a completely adequate result. Before checking the field effect transistor for continuity, short-circuit with a foil for a second all its terminals to remove static charge, to discharge all its transient capacitances ...
How to calculate the filament temperature of a filament lamp in nominal mode
As you know, with increasing temperature of the metal, its electrical resistance increases. For various metals, in connection with this phenomenon, its own temperature coefficient of resistance α is characteristic, which can be easily found in the reference book.
The reason for this phenomenon is that the thermal vibrations of the metal crystal lattice ions become more intense with increasing temperature, and the conduction electrons that form the current collide with them more often, spending more energy on these collisions. And since the current itself (according to the Joule-Lenz law) leads to heating of the conductor, then as soon as the current begins to flow through the conductor, the resistance of this conductor immediately begins to increase.Similarly, the resistance of the filament of the lamp increases when it is connected to a power source.Let's find the temperature of the filament in the nominal mode of its operation ...
What is the coefficient of performance (COP)
The efficiency (abbreviated - Efficiency) of an electrical installation shows what proportion of active electrical energy Q, irrevocably consumed by this installation, is accounted for by the useful work A performed by this installation for its intended purpose (if we are talking about a converter or a consumer), or what proportion to the installation of mechanical energy (or energy of a different form, for example, chemical or light) is converted into useful energy (work) in it.
Thus, the efficiency is a dimensionless quantity, the value of which is always less than unity, and can be written in the form of a decimal fraction, or in the form of a number (the number of percentages) - from 0% to 100%. Electric heaters, in which the energy of electric current is converted directly to heat, have the highest efficiency (close to 100%). In practice, this is the so-called Joule heat, which is released according to the Joule-Lenz law ...
Calculation, selection and connection scheme of the controller for RGB-tape
RGB tapes are designed to create adjustable backlighting. Using the controller, you can set the hue, brightness of the glow of the LED strip or choose a program for dynamic color change. Let's talk about how to choose an RGB controller and how to connect it.
Multi-color LED strips consist of SMD 5050 type LEDs in the housing of which there are three crystals, each of which glows in a specific color. As a result, each LED can emit an almost unlimited number of shades. There are RGB-tapes, which consist of single-color LEDs of other types, for example, SMD 3528 or others. In them, each LED shines in one color. Their use and controllers for them are essentially no different from the previous view.Power is connected via 4 wires(3 colors and general plus). You can connect each of the colors directly ...
How to calculate and choose a power supply for a 12V LED strip
LED strip allows you to organize lighting and lighting. When using models with 220V power, a small adapter with a diode bridge inside is needed to connect. But to connect low-voltage LED strips to 12V or 24V, you need a power supply. And for multi-color models, there’s also a controller. We will talk about how to choose and calculate the power supply for the LED strip in current and power in this article.
All of the following is true for a common 12V LED strip, as well as for models with a 5V or 24 volt supply voltage. Before proceeding to the calculation of the power supply for the LED strip, you need to determine where it will be installed, it depends on which option to pay attention to. According to the cooling method, two types of power supplies are distinguished: with active cooling and with passive cooling. Active cooling consists of radiators and a fan ...
How to protect wiring from overload and short circuit
The main task of an electrician is to make wiring reliable and safe. Accidents may result in fire or electric shock. Accidents occur due to increased current and short circuits. As a result, too much current flows through the conductors, they heat up and insulation melts on them, sparking or an arc occurs. In this article I will talk about how to protect wiring from overload and short circuit.
To understand the danger of high current flowing through wires, one needs to recall two important laws of physics from the course “electricity and magnetism”.The first is Ohm's law: The current in the circuit is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. This means that if the circuit has low resistance, the current will be large, and if large, then small, and also with increasing voltage, the current increases with it. This seems obvious, but newcomers often have a question ...