The author is most afraid that the inexperienced reader will not read the heading further. He believes the definition terms anode and cathode Every competent person knows, who, solving a crossword puzzle, immediately writes the word “anode” to the question about the name of the positive electrode and everything fits in the cells. But there are not many things that are worse than half-knowledge.
Recently, in the Google search engine, in the “Questions and Answers” section, I even found a rule by which its authors suggest remembering the definition of electrodes. Here it is:
«Cathode - negative electrode anode is positive. And remembering this is easiest if you count the letters in words. IN cathode as many letters as in the word “minus”, and in anode respectively, as much as in the term “plus”. The rule is simple, memorable, one would have to offer it to schoolchildren if it were correct. Although the desire of teachers to put knowledge in the heads of students using mnemonics (the science of memorization) is very commendable. But back to our electrodes.
To begin with, we take a very serious document, which is the LAW for science, technology, and, of course, school. It "GOST 15596-82. SOURCES OF THE CURRENT CHEMICAL. Terms and Definitions". There, on page 3, you can read the following: “The negative electrode of a chemical current source is an electrode that, when discharged, is anode". The same thing, “A positive electrode of a chemical current source is an electrode that, when discharged, is cathode". (Terms are highlighted by me. BH). But the texts of the rule and GOST contradict each other. What is the matter? ...
How to determine the number of turns of transformer windings
When the type or data of the transformer is not known, the number of turns of each winding can be determined using a multimeter.
Using an ohmmeter, determine the location of the terminals of all the transformer windings. If there are gaps between the coil and the magnetic circuit, an additional winding is wound over the windings with a thin wire. The more turns the winding has, the more accurate the measurement results will be.
If there is no space on the transformer coil for an additional winding, then instead of an additional winding, you can use part of the outer winding. To do this, carefully open the outer insulation layer of the coil in order to gain access to the last layer of the winding, made, as usual, turn to turn. A number of turns are counted from the end of this winding in the “naked” layer. Carefully clean the enamel of the last counted turn.
When measuring, one probe of the voltmeter is connected to the end of the winding, the needle is clamped in the other probe. An ohmmeter measures the resistance of all windings, a winding with high resistance is primary.
In the case when there are still windings with high resistance, one of the windings with low resistance is taken as the primary one and a low alternating voltage is applied to it, for example ...
Hall effect and sensors based on it
The Hall effect was discovered in 1879 by the American scientist Edwin Herbert Hall. Its essence is as follows. If a current is passed through a conductive plate and a magnetic field is directed perpendicular to the plate, then the voltage appears in the direction transverse to the current (and the direction of the magnetic field): Uh = (RhHlsinw) / d, where Rh is the Hall coefficient, which depends on the material of the conductor; H is the magnetic field strength; I is the current in the conductor; w is the angle between the direction of the current and the magnetic field induction vector (if w = 90 °, sinw = 1); d is the thickness of the material.
The Hall sensor has a slotted design. A semiconductor is located on one side of the slot, through which current flows when the ignition is turned on, and on the other hand, a permanent magnet.
In a magnetic field, moving electrons are affected by a force.The force vector is perpendicular to the direction of both the magnetic and electric components of the field.
If a semiconductor wafer (for example, from indium arsenide or indium antimonide) is introduced into a magnetic field through induction into an electric current, then a potential difference arises on the sides, perpendicular to the direction of the current. Hall voltage (Hall EMF) is proportional to current and magnetic induction.
There is a gap between the plate and the magnet. In the gap of the sensor is a steel screen. When there is no screen in the gap, a magnetic field acts on the semiconductor plate and the potential difference is removed from it. If there is a screen in the gap, then the magnetic lines of force close through the screen and do not act on the plate, in this case, the potential difference does not occur on the plate.
The integrated circuit converts the potential difference created on the plate into negative voltage pulses of a certain value at the output of the sensor. When the screen is in the gap of the sensor, there will be voltage at its output, if there is no screen in the gap of the sensor, then the voltage at the sensor output is close to zero ...
How to repair a choke for a fluorescent lamp
In the article, the author shares his experience in the restoration of chokes, which are part of industrial devices for supplying linear fluorescent lamps. Prices for these chokes can be higher than for fluorescent lamps. Unfortunately, acquiring the required copy of the throttle can be difficult, especially in the "outback. Yes, and it is not always possible to place the product that is offered on the market in the chandelier (shade) of a fluorescent lamp. It can be cheaper, easier and faster to restore an old defective throttle than acquiring new.
And Tesla said: Let there be light. And the light became. And Tesla saw the light that he was good. And Tesla separated the wire from the outlet. ~ Genesis of Electromagnetism about Nikola Tesla
Coca-Cola with Pepsi-Cola is impossible without Nikola! ~ George W. Bush about Nikola Tesla in his school essay
He’s just an asshole! I would try to make at least half of what I sketched on paper! ~ Leonardo da Vinci about Nicola Tesla in his memoirs
He was panicky afraid of germs, constantly washing his hands, and in hotels demanded up to 18 towels a day. If a fly was sitting on the table during dinner, forcing the waiter to bring a new order. ~ Wikipedia about the criteria for the genius of Nikola Tesla
We are not stokers, not carpenters! ~ Nikola Tesla about her calling
Commencing shock therapy! ~ Tesla infantryman about the precepts of Nikola Tesla
Zadolbal Winchester spoil! ~ Carmack about Tesla meteorite
Wah! Wah! ~ Cthulhu about Tesla
I have a direct current, and it has a curve. He's definitely a plow! ~ Edison on how Tesla muddied AC
Kvass - not a stake, drink to Nikol! Any “chemistry” is a boycott! Drink to Nikol all year round! ~ Nikola Tesla about Kvass “Nikola”
Nikola Tesla (aka Samodelkin, Ukrainian. Mikola Tesla, Alb. Niccolo Teslo, 1856 - ????) - a famous inventor, a mad scientist, the second rector of LETI and just a Serb born in Croatia, who worked for the USSR while being in the USA. Ethnic Albanian by passport; Slovenian in reality; Kyrgyz in the shower. Pioneer, October and Komsomolets of all electrical engineering and radio physics.
It was brought to Earth from the depths of space by the Tunguska meteorite, although all sorts of non-authoritative sources claim that, on the contrary, it brought the Tunguska meteorite to Earth. He entered the history of physics and science fiction as the very first of the Jedi, who mastered the Force in full and learned how to transmit lightnings generated by the Force over long distances. Tesla's numerous inventions were further disseminated in the national economy and military affairs of both the Jedi and the Sith. Made (exclusively for lulz) TeslaYolku, Costume Electrician and VibroTank for the military industry.He took part in the USSR’s secret plans for conducting internationalist sabotage operations in Parallel Worlds, for which, when the Americans conducted the Rainbow experiment, he was transferred to Cyberspace, where he actively helped the USSR destroy the world, which we see on our screens in these your Red Alerts. No one knows if he participated in the hostilities directly and whether he returned from Cyberspace to our real world, but everyone knows very well what he designed there.
Among the now living students and envious of Tesla are such interesting personalities as ...
Tricky probe instead of a tester
I borrowed this sampler circuit from N. Shilo (Ukraine) in 1984. I don’t know who its author is, but many years of experience using this sampler show that it would be useful to share experience.
In my specialty, I deal with electric drives, as well as control circuits for automatic lines, etc. I believe that in nine out of ten cases this probe replaces a regular tester. The probe allows you to evaluate the magnitude and sign ("+", "-", "~") of the voltage in several ranges: up to 36 V,> 36 V,> 110 V,> 220 V, 380 V, as well as ringing electric circuits, such as the contacts of relays, starters, their coils, incandescent lamps, p-n transitions, LEDs, etc., i.e. almost everything that an electrician encounters in the course of his work (with the exception of measuring current).
In the diagram, the switches SA1 and SA2 are shown in a non-pressed state, i.e. in the position of the voltmeter. The magnitude of the voltage can be judged by the number of LEDs in the line VD3 ... VD6, VD1 and VD2 indicate the polarity. Resistor R2 must be made of two or three identical resistors connected in series with a total resistance of 27 ... 30 kOhm. The pressed switch SA2 turns the probe into a classic dial, i.e. battery plus a light bulb. If you press both switches SA1 and SA2, then you can check the circuit in two resistance ranges: - the first range is from 1 MOhm and above to ~ 1.5 kOhm (VD15 is on); - second range - from 1 kOhm to 0 (VD15 and VD16 are lit) ...
In the summer of 1814 Napoleon’s winner All-Russian Emperor Alexander the First visited the Dutch city of Haarlem. The distinguished guest was invited to the local academy. Here, as the historiographer wrote, "The large electric machine first of all attracted the attention of His Majesty." Made in 1784. the car really made a big impression. Two glass disks with a diameter of a person’s height rotated on a common axis by the effort of four people. Friction electricity (triboelectricity) was supplied to charge the battery of two-Leiden cans, capacitors of that time. Sparks from them reached a length of more than half a meter, which the emperor was convinced of.
His reaction to this Central European miracle of technology was more than restrained. From childhood, Alexander was familiar with an even larger machine, and it gave more of these sparks. It was made. even earlier in 1777. in his homeland in St. Petersburg, it was simpler, safer and required less servants than the Dutch. Empress Catherine II in the presence of her grandchildren entertained herself with the help of this machine by electrical experiments in Tsarskoye Selo. Then she, as a rare exhibit, was transferred to the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera, then, by some order, she was taken out of there and her traces were lost.
Alexander was shown the technique of the day before yesterday. The principle of generating electricity using friction has not been applied for more than 200 years, while the idea underlying the domestic machine is still used in modern laboratories of schools and universities in the world. This principle - electrostatic induction - was discovered and first described in Russia by the Russian academician, whose name few people know, and this is unfair. I want to remind about this to the current generation ...
About electricians from the Absurdopedia
Electrician - the master of darkness, the thunderstorm of all Odminov, the only creature in the world that can twist a light bulb alone. In Egyptian mythology, the hard worker Krabu is opposed. Summons the Evil Spirits from the Shield to help. Incinerates eyes at preliminary preparation of a metal rug under your feet.
Electrician's Way
Elected become the elect, so if you are not knocked 220, do not even think about the profession of the master of darkness.
A true electrician from childhood has been studying motors from Chinese cars and licks batteries like "crown". By the age of 12, an electrician goes to a radio electronics club, where his "inventions" are unsuccessfully scraped off the walls of a cleaning lady. The electronics circle eventually goes bankrupt on fuses and sends the young Electrician to the aircraft modeling club. After that, silence occurs in the radio electronics club, and even sounds from the aircraft modeling circle do not come from behind the wall.
After receiving the First Electrical Education, the paths of electricians diverge and two types of electricians appear - the Chubais type and, in fact, the Electrician, which we are used to seeing.
An electrician can do anything!
Outwardly, it is no different from an ordinary person: he dresses like a respectable manager, he doesn’t solder anything, he doesn’t lead a transformer lifestyle (when he gets 220, brings 127, and buzzes the rest) and makes friends with people of intellectual labor. In the midst of true Electricians do not appear for what are strongly true Electricians despised, and in the end are declared true Electricians "gone out of the way of the true." Bureaucrats, in a word.
True Electrician
A true (or Tru, as Odminy say) electrician continues to mumble in the morning "ohmmm, oh volts to amperes! Ohmmmm!", Drink vodka, scold customers for improper use of equipment, do not use sockets and plugs at home, hate computer men, fight with a fitter key, etc. Romance! It is not forbidden to work, but only in the housing office, otherwise you can overwork.
Famous Electricians
Chub Ice - not Tru Electric. He dreamed of becoming the master of darkness, but lost his way and was mired in bureaucracy, bears and worn out equipment.
John Lenin - Tru electrician. He knew the Volt-Ampere characteristic of all devices and invented the Ilyich Lamp.
Tesla - Tru Electric. Invented the transformer, the Tunguska meteorite and many other useful things ...