Hidden Wiring Detectors - Woodpecker, MS-158M, MS-48, BOSCH DMF 10 zoom
The article describes the principle of operation of several different devices for troubleshooting in wiring. This article will be useful both for beginner electricians, and for people who are just interested.
Almost every man at least once in his life, but hammered a nail into the wall. Someone in order to hang a beautiful, expensive painting, which was recently acquired at the exhibition. Someone just nailed a shelf for a flower. And surely every second thought flashed: "But is there any electric wire or fittings?" And it’s good if you have a drawing according to which electric wires were laid. And if there is no such picture? Then everyone acts at their own peril and risk.
But in order not to get into a mess and do business, there are special devices that relatively accurately indicate the presence of electrical wiring or fittings in this place.
In this article we will consider the most popular and affordable devices for finding hidden electrical wiring ...
Boolean algebra. Part 3. Contact schemes
The article describes the basic principles of designing relay circuits in accordance with a given algorithm of their operation.
The two previous articles described the basics of Boolean algebra and the algebra of relay circuits. On this basis, structural formulas were developed, and already typical contact circuits were developed on them.
Drawing up a structural formula according to a ready-made scheme is a simple matter. It is much more difficult to present the electrical circuit of the future machine according to the ready-made structural formula. It needs some training!
Figure 1 shows the most common contact circuit options and their equivalents. They will help in the preparation of electrical circuits of machines, as well as analyze ready-made structures, for example, during the repair process.
How can you use the options for contact circuits discussed above? ...
New technologies. Conductive plastic
The article talks about the upcoming breakthrough in the field of electronics - these are conductive plastics. The TV can be rolled up. The era of flexible electronics is about to begin.
Until now, the main role in modern electronics is played by materials such as copper (wires and other conductive parts) or silicon (semiconductors, computer "chips"). We present plastics more in the form of instrument housings, insulating coatings. Material scientists think differently, they believe that in the near future organic materials based on carbon can become the main raw material in the production of radioelements, magnets, lasers.
The possibilities of plastics are endless, if you synthesize millions of molecules, replacing individual sections in them, you can create polymers with many functions ...
Troubleshooting wiring harnesses
The article provides practical recommendations for troubleshooting and wiring. The article is recommendatory (like, what, where) and fact-finding.
In this article, we will consider the most common wiring malfunctions in typical apartments.
After a hard working day, when you come home, you find that your apartment does not have light or sockets do not work. Do not panic.
If you live in an apartment where the wiring has not yet changed, then first you should check the circuit breakers (automatic machines) or fuses in the switchboard.
Most homes have standard wiring. If the house is more than 15-20 years old, the wiring is made of aluminum wire. Over time, aluminum corrodes and degrades ...
Boolean algebra. Part 2. Basic laws and functions
Continuation of the story about Boolean algebra, conventions, rules, operations. Transition to the basics of contact circuits.
The first article talked about George Bull as the creator of the algebra of logic. The second article will describe the basic operations of Boolean algebra, and methods for simplifying Boolean expressions. So, Boolean algebra uses statements as arguments, and not their meaning, but the truth or falsity of the statement.
If the statement is true, then it is written like this: A = 1, if it is false, then A = 0 (after all, it is not true that potato is a fruit). (See the end of article No. 1). For any statement, A is either true (A = 1) or false (A = 0). There cannot be a middle here ...
How to make a conductive paste yourself
We note right away that "conductive pastes" in the literature are much more often called "conductive adhesives." This name is more accurate - because, in fact, the main thing in the installation is to fasten, glue the parts. And whether such glue will have the consistency of a paste or, say, liquid sour cream - this is a secondary matter.
And one more reservation: it is not necessary to think that electrically conductive glue should be used for installation of any details through which current should pass. Old, tested soldering is both simpler, more affordable, and cheaper. And what is, perhaps, the most important, solders are produced by industry, and electrically conductive glue has to be done in a makeshift way.
In any case, conductive glue should be used only when the material either cannot be brazed, or pickling before brazing is undesirable, or parts cannot be heated (which is inevitable during soldering) ...
Home Power Station. The use of automation to control the operation of the generator
Electric power generators. What is it? This is comfort. This is security. This is confidence. Confidence in yourself, in your home. The presence of a generator in your own home today will not surprise anyone. Today, a petrol or diesel generator is not a luxury - it has already become an urgent need. After all, with the loss of electricity, life in the house freezes - there is no water, no heat, no light ...
The power of generators used in everyday life ranges from 500 W to 100 kW. Generators of average power are most in demand - from 6 to 15 kW, about as much is necessary for the normal existence of medium-sized houses.
Almost all medium and high power generators are equipped with an electric starter, which greatly facilitates the operation of generators. To start work, just press the button or turn the ignition key and the station is ready for work ...
Boolean algebra. Part 1. A bit of history
At school, we all studied algebra, only they did not talk about Boolean algebra. What is the difference between Boolean algebra and school algebra, the history of its appearance, problems and applications are described in this article.
What is Boolean algebra? Oddly enough, despite the fact that for five years they have been studying algebra at school, many students, and later adults, will not be able to answer the question, what is algebra? Algebra is a science that studies the sets of some elements and the actions on them.
In a school course in algebra, such elements are numbers. Numbers can be denoted not by numbers, but by letters, everyone is familiar with this. In the first lessons of algebra, this always makes it difficult for many students. Remember how difficult it was at first to get used to folding letters instead of numbers, solving equations that didn't say anything.
Probably, each of us then asked ourselves the question: “Why do we need to enter letters instead of numbers and is it necessary at all?” ...