Installation boxes for sockets
Installation boxes are intended for installation of plug sockets and electrical wiring switches of an apartment (house) in them. Installation boxes are mounted directly into the wall of the room, and a socket or light switch is installed in it.
Some types of installation boxes have enough space for mounting in them not only sockets (switches), but also other elements of the electrical wiring of the apartment. For example, if it is necessary to connect several sockets with a loop, a terminal block is installed and connected to the installation box, and then the socket.
Depending on the installation location, several types of installation boxes are distinguished: boxes for installation in drywall and hollow walls, boxes for brick or concrete walls, boxes intended for pouring into concrete (used in industrial enterprises). The first type of installation boxes is characterized by the presence of special clamps ...
All electronic equipment is powered by direct current sources. For mobile equipment, batteries or galvanic batteries are typically used. Now there is plenty of such equipment in the hands and pockets: these are mobile phones, cameras, tablet computers, various measuring instruments and much more.
Stationary electronics - televisions, computers, music centers, etc. powered by AC using power supplies. Here, in no case can you do without batteries or small batteries.
Electronic devices are often not stand-alone and work on their own. First of all, these are built-in electronic units, for example, a control unit for a washing machine or microwave. But even in this case, the electronic units have their own separate power supplies, most often even stabilized ...
LED trees - a new type of festive lighting
The desire of a person to surround himself with convenient and functional things is understandable and logical. Everyone wants to live in a solid house or apartment, work in a well-furnished office. But for many this is not enough. I want beauty, celebration, emotions. Bright LED trees were created specifically for those who appreciate beauty in the environment and setting.
What are LED trees? The following elements are included in the design of the LED tree: the frame imitating the shape of a tree or a bush made of a special alloy material, which is enclosed in a plastic shell and decorative elements are LED garlands with silicone tips stylized as leaves and flowers. A 24V transformer is attached to the products.
These decorative lighting designs are quick and easy to install. They can have any color, size and appearance - from a small bush to a "giant" ...
What method of laying home wiring choose
When it becomes necessary to completely replace the electrical wiring of an apartment, the question arises of which method to lay the wire to choose. Depending on the method of laying the wire, the wiring is classified as open and hidden. Below we consider in more detail both methods of wiring, and also note their main advantages and disadvantages.
Hidden electrical wiring is laid directly in the wall under a layer of plaster or under other finishing materials, for example under sheets of drywall. In addition, concealed wiring can be laid under the floor or directly in the cement screed. Sometimes the wiring is laid in specially provided channels of ceiling plates.Open wiring is most often laid in an open way on a wall or ceiling in special plastic boxes ...
Electricity and the environment
The life of a modern person, especially a city dweller, is inconceivable without electric energy. It is necessary to temporarily stop the supply of electricity, and the supply of gas, water to the apartments stops, the heating does not work. In the dark, cold and without water, a modern resident becomes completely helpless.
Electric energy consumption is constantly growing, and its production is increasing. The consequence is a large load on the environment, its environmental pollution. Therefore, the rational consumption of electric energy is the most important technical and organizational task.
Electricity is the most perishable product in the world - if it is not consumed by loads, then after a moment many tons of coal, fuel oil, thousands of cubic meters of gas will disappear without a trace and useless. The coordination of the amount of generated and consumed energy is solved in several ways ...
In electronic technology, it is often necessary to measure direct currents. Apparently, for this reason, many multimeters, mostly cheap, can only measure direct current. The measurement range of alternating current is in some models of multimeters, which are more expensive, but these indications can only be trusted if the current has a sinusoidal shape and the frequency does not exceed 50 Hz.
Any measuring device is considered good if it does not introduce distortions into the measured quantity, or rather, introduces, but as little as possible. For a voltmeter, this is a high input impedance, since it is connected in parallel with a section of the circuit. It is appropriate to recall here that with a parallel connection, the total resistance of the section decreases. The ammeter is included in the break of the circuit section, therefore, for it, a low internal resistance is considered a positive quality, unlike a voltmeter. Moreover, the smaller the better, especially when measuring low currents ...
In amateur radio practice, this is the most common type of measurement. For example, when repairing a TV, voltages are measured at characteristic points of the device, namely at the terminals of transistors and microcircuits. If you have at hand a circuit diagram, and it shows the modes of transistors and microcircuits, then it will not be difficult for an experienced master to find a malfunction.
When building self-assembled structures, stress measurement cannot be dispensed with. The only exceptions are the classic schemes, about which they write something like this: "If the design is assembled from serviceable parts, then no adjustment is required, it will work right away."
As a rule, these are classic electronics circuits, for example, a multivibrator. The same approach can be obtained even for an audio frequency amplifier, if it is assembled on a specialized chip ...
Any electrical circuit consists of a source and a receiver of electrical energy, interconnected by wires. What is a wire, it is understandable, but as a receiver and source can be any combination of various devices.
The source of electrical energy can be a conventional battery or a powerful transformer substation. The energy receiver shown in the figure is also the most diverse - from a flashlight for a flashlight to an apartment building. Connecting wires will also correspond to power consumption. Further, only low-power sources and receivers will be considered not more powerful than the mentioned light bulb.
For a power source, the receiver is a load. That is what it is most often called.Further in the article, resistors will be used as a load, in some cases light bulbs ...