Among the whole variety of Arduino boards, it is difficult for a beginner to choose the right one. In addition to official boards, such as Arduino UNO, Nano, MEGA, there are also Arduino-compatible boards, such as Digispark, Electronic Troops, Seeeduino, Freeduino, Robocraft and others. What is their difference and which Arduino board to choose? Let's figure it out!
Perhaps this characteristic is on a par with such as: memory size, clock frequency and type of microcontroller used. Arduino clone boards can be divided similar to Arduino UNO, MEGA, and other baseboards. The most common is UNO; in fact, most clones are associated with it. Compatibility with shields is provided by arrangement of terminal blocks and PCB layout. The size of the original UNO board is 6.9x5.3 cm, the dimensions of third-party boards may vary, but the location of the terminal blocks and the distance between the connectors ...
WiFi relay Sonoff world on - device overview and examples of use
The Sonoff World On relay, from the family of devices for wirelessly controlling the inclusion and disconnection of household loads via Wi-Fi from the network, will become a rather useful and convenient element of your home automation system. If you use a smartphone, you have Wi-Fi at home, and you also want to control the power of various network loads directly from your smartphone, even if you are away from home, then these Wi-Fi relays are just for you.
Just install the Sonoff relay near the outlet or switch (or even instead of the outlet or instead of the switch), and connect your household appliance in series through it with a 220 volt network. Then create a connection via the Internet, configure communication with the relay via Wi-Fi, and control your household electrical appliances directly through the application from your smartphone. Let's take a closer look at the five Sonoff World On relay models. Relaydesigned to control the power of any electrical appliance ...
Seek Thermal Compact - a thermal imager for a smartphone
Builders, fitters, electricians and electronics engineers often have to determine the temperature or heat leakage, this can be done using various thermometers and thermocouples, but in some cases it is either long, or inconvenient, or even impossible. Then a thermal imager comes to the rescue - a device for visual monitoring of the temperature of a body, object or structure.
On its body there is a screen on which information from the bolometric matrix is displayed. The last analogue of the camera matrix, only working in the infrared range (wavelength above 740 nM). This allows you to "See" how much the body is heated. An interesting portable representative of such a device is the Seek Thermal Compact. Often, thermal imagers resemble a pistol with a short “barrel”.This screen displays a picture in which colors from shades of blue to redtemperature values are displayed...
How to choose a Christmas tree garland
With the approach of the New Year holidays, the topic of choosing and acquiring a quality New Year's garland becomes more and more relevant. One way or another, a beautiful illumination, designed to emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday, able to please you and your guests with colorful bright lights, should be completely safe.
In the current situation, it will be a big mistake to decide that buying a garland in a store, and not in the market, will guarantee your safety, this is by no means the case. There are low-quality products in the markets and in the stores, and vigilance is not necessary to lose anyway. Let us recall what you should pay attention to when choosing a garland in order to protect yourself from electric shock, and property - from a fire. Often you can find Chinese garlands with the possibility of extension, in which each link is equipped with a socket ...
Functional and safe electrics for gardening
The choice of wiring accessories for a summer residence, as well as conducting electrical work, requires special attention to the quality of materials. Especially when it comes to a wooden house. If this important aspect is neglected, the consequences can vary, ranging from problems with power supply to the risk of fire.
Having correctly calculated the necessary load and correctly conducting the wiring, it is important to choose high-quality wiring products, clearly predict the required number of sockets and switches, and also take into account exactly where they will be installed. If you plan to install outside, for example, on the porch, it is worth considering the possible temperature changes, exposure to sunlight, rain or other natural factors. In this case, it is better to avoid products made of polycarbonate, yellowing under the influence of the sun ...
In this short review, we consider four types of relays controlled via the Internet from the Russian company KERNELCHIP. For over 10 years, this company has been professionally developing and programming non-standard devices for interfacing with computers, as well as developing automation and control systems and remote control and monitoring systems via Ethernet and GSM / GPRS. Today, when the Internet is everywhere, such solutions are more relevant than ever. It will be about the controlled relays of the Laurent series.
The Laurent-T module has a feature - a special purpose: the collection and transmission, via Ethernet (LAN) interface, of the readings of digital temperature sensors. The module is capable of working maximum - with 20 sensors of the Dallas DS18B20 type. Sensors are connected to a 1-Wire common bus. So Laurent-T is an Ethernet temperature controller ...
Laser level - device and principle of operation
For the high-quality performance of construction, installation or repair work, only the knowledge of the master is not enough. For even bricklaying, for installing drywall partitions, and even just for deciding new wallpapers, you need to precisely mark up or at least align the elements vertically or horizontally, so that everything works out neatly and evenly.
At all times, builders and installers used a bubble level or plumb to level surfaces, this was always enough for a professional worker, to be honest. But how convenient is it to use a mechanical tool? Maybe it's time to look at the modern achievements of technological progress? In fact, a tool has long been on sale that can not only facilitate marking, but also significantly speed up work. For those who are professionally engaged in construction and installation works, this tool will become indispensable ...
Weekly electronic timer: brief description, functionality
Recently, the implementation of the ideas of a smart home is in great demand. There are many different solutions that allow you to automate various processes, to make more convenient and efficient operation of household electrical appliances, both in the apartment and in a private house. One of these solutions, which can significantly simplify life, is the use of a weekly electronic timer, which will be discussed in this article.
Weekly electronic timer - a device designed to turn on and off the load (household appliances) at a specified time, with a set frequency. From the name of the device it follows that such a timer differs from the usual daily timer in that it can operate for several days, weeks. You can set the desired settings for each day of the week individually. Just set the timer once ...