How to build 10 Sayano-Shushensky hydroelectric power stations in Russia in six months ?!
Calculations and miscalculations of the economy based on statistical data.
Electricity consumption growth in Russia is taking leaps and bounds. With the current generation of 210 GW by all types of power plants, it is still not enough. An increase in production of only 1.5 times, to 350 GW, is planned only in 2020.
But there is an opportunity to increase the equivalent power generation in just six months. At the same time, loading their enterprises, idle in a crisis, therefore, reducing unemployment.
What is this way? Let's consider everything in detail. According to experts, 80% of the generated energy can be saved through energy-saving technologies .. This is 210 x 0.8 = 168 GW. For comparison, the largest hydroelectric power station in Russia, Sayano-Shushenskaya, produces 6.4 GW. And that was before the accident ...
Disadvantages of the generally accepted theory of electromagnetism
Despite the indisputable successes of the modern theory of electromagnetism, the creation on its basis of such areas as electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronics, there is no reason to consider this theory complete. The main drawback of the existing theory of electromagnetism is the lack of model concepts, a lack of understanding of the essence of electrical processes; hence the practical impossibility of further development and improvement of the theory. And from the limitations of the theory, many applied difficulties also follow.
There are no grounds for believing the theory of electromagnetism to be the height of perfection. In fact, the theory has accumulated a number of omissions and direct paradoxes for which very unsatisfactory explanations have been invented, or there are no such explanations at all.
For example, how to explain that two mutually motionless identical charges, which are supposed to be repelled from each other according to the Coulomb law, are actually attracted if they move together a relatively long abandoned source? ...
Attention factor affects the outcome of electrical injuries
The unresolved issue of what is primary in a fatal electric trauma - damage to the respiratory system or cardiac arrest - is largely due to the enormous role of the central nervous system, which unexpectedly confuses our ideas about the mechanism of action of electric current. In some cases, the central nervous system forces the irreversible development of pathological changes, in others, on the contrary, it creates defensive (protective) lines against them.
Experimental electrical trauma cannot provide an unambiguous interpretation of these mysterious circumstances. The main object of study is too complex - the person, and therefore the transfer of data obtained during the experimental electric trauma caused to the model, i.e., to the animal, is too conditional. It is conditional first of all because such a transfer does not take into account the state of the central nervous system of a person, the most important role of which in the outcome of electric shock is beyond doubt ...
Daedalus' Inventions: Vibrating Tram
Most vehicles need shock absorbing suspensions to ensure smooth ride. The exception is air cushion devices (WUAs), but they have to pay for the softness of the need to continuously pump a huge amount of air. Therefore, Daedalus is trying to construct a new mode of transport, occupying an intermediate position between wheeled transport and WUAs.
Daedalus’s car (the prototype of which was a vibratory conveyor) has instead of wheels special runners, or “shoes”, installed along the entire length of the device and performing fast vertical vibrations, so that the vehicle moves forward as if with quick short jumps.
If the shoes are sufficiently elastic (for example, made from the wonderful rubber used to make baby balls), then the energy loss will be small and the power spent on movement will be small.
The speeds of the new transport, which can be considered as a logical development of the principle ...
Daedalus' Inventions: Electric Cleaning
From the point of view of chemical technology, washing dishes is an extremely uneconomical process: to wash off a little dirt, a huge amount of water is consumed. Even more egregious examples of wastefulness are washing and bathing, and many industrial processes are even worse.
Each dirt particle is enveloped in a layer of detergent molecules (detergent), which holds it in suspension in a liquid, so that this expensive product ultimately also goes into a drain pipe.
In search of saving measures, Daedalus recalled electroplating - the method of applying metal coatings by electrolytic deposition of metal on the surface of a product. Similarly, Daedalus argues, dirt from the cleaning solution can settle on the corresponding electrode.
As the electrode becomes covered with a film of dirt, the detergent molecules will be released - so we get a clean, foamy detergent solution suitable for reuse ...
Daedalus' Invention: Underground Electricity Storage
Daedalus is the pseudonym for the English scientist David Jones. For many years he led the Daedalus column in New Scientist magazine, where he shared his ideas and inventions with readers of the magazine.
Daedalus’s inventive fantasy is always based on scientific reality. And strangely enough, approximately 17% of inventions in one form or another were subsequently taken seriously, patented, implemented, and some, as it turned out, had already been implemented before! Some of Daedalus’s ideas published in the magazine were demonstrated “in practice” - in television popular science programs ...
The homopolar theory of terrestrial magnetism states that in the convection currents of molten iron moving in the Earth’s core under the influence of the planet’s magnetic field, an electric current arises, which in turn supports this field.
Daedalus sees the existence of these currents as a key to solving the energy problem - you just need to lower the electrodes so deep as to connect to the deep currents ...
The future for DC power systems?
In the beginning of the twentieth century, fierce debates between specialists over the advantages and disadvantages of using direct and alternating current circuits for power supply. It so happened that preference was given to three-phase AC circuits. Industrialists, calculating the volume of capital costs for the creation of power supply systems, have chosen, it would seem, the most optimal option.
The decisive role in the ubiquity of three-phase AC networks was played by the simplicity of obtaining torque with a minimum number of phases. Against direct current, such arguments were put forward as the high cost and low reliability of engines, the complexity of energy conversion. But that was then. What now? The practical experience gained over many years of the development of the electric power industry gives, in my opinion, devastating results.
The first one. From the course of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering it is known that in order to transfer maximum power to the load in alternating current circuits, the condition of equal source resistance to line resistance and load resistance must be met. It follows that the theoretically achievable efficiency for AC circuits is 33% ...
The author is most afraid that the inexperienced reader will not read the heading further. He believes the definition terms anode and cathode Every competent person knows that, solving a crossword puzzle, when asked about the name of the positive electrode, he immediately writes the word anode and everything fits in the cells. But there are not many things that are worse than half-knowledge.
Recently, in the Google search engine, in the “Questions and Answers” section, I even found a rule by which its authors suggest remembering the definition of electrodes. Here it is:
«Cathode - negative electrode anode is positive. And remembering this is easiest if you count the letters in words. IN cathode as many letters as in the word “minus”, and in anode respectively, as much as in the term “plus”. The rule is simple, memorable, one would have to offer it to schoolchildren if it were correct. Although the desire of teachers to put knowledge in the heads of students using mnemonics (the science of memorization) is very commendable. But back to our electrodes.
To begin with, we take a very serious document, which is the LAW for science, technology, and, of course, school. It "GOST 15596-82. SOURCES OF THE CURRENT CHEMICAL. Terms and Definitions". There, on page 3, you can read the following: “The negative electrode of a chemical current source is an electrode that, when discharged, is anode". The same thing, “A positive electrode of a chemical current source is an electrode that, when discharged, is cathode". (Terms are highlighted by me. BH). But the texts of the rule and GOST contradict each other. What is the matter? ...