Minato's magnetic motor: is there a cornucopia of magnetic energy?
Using the Minato engine and similar structures as an example, the possibility of using magnetic field energy and the difficulties associated with its practical application are considered.
In our daily lives, we rarely notice the field form of the existence of matter. Unless, when we fall. Then the gravitational field becomes a painful reality for us. But there is one exception - the field of permanent magnets. Almost everyone in childhood played with them, panting to break two magnets. Or, with the same excitement, move the stubbornly opposing poles of the same name.
With age, interest in this occupation disappeared, or, conversely, became the subject of serious research. The idea of the practical use of the magnetic field appeared long before the theories of modern physics. And the main thing in this idea was the desire to use the “eternal” magnetization of materials to obtain useful work or “free” electrical energy ...
With the use of wind energy, mankind has been familiar from time immemorial. Once an unknown inventor adjusted the sail to an unpretentious floating vessel, and with its help, centuries later, the entire Earth was examined by inquisitive navigators. Windmills, even in our time in many countries, regularly serve man.
But today, the use of wind implies, above all, the generation of electricity. Let's try to figure out how simple, cheap and convenient it is. For those who want to immediately hear the result, the conclusion: wind power will never be cheaper than energy received from other sources: thermal, nuclear or hydroelectric power plants.
Therefore, it makes sense to engage in wind power plants for the home only to those who have itchy hands to adapt a ready-made generator they got "on occasion", or to enthusiasts of clean energy who are fanatically wanting ...
Choosing a backup power source for a home or summer house
Selection and comparison of various backup power sources with specific parameters, consumer capabilities and prices.
Unfortunately, the solution to the problem of sudden blackouts (electricity) in our country is completely transferred to the shoulders of homeowners. Yes, emergency services still exist, but the deadline for fulfilling the application for the restoration of power supply is practically unlimited by anyone and can range from hours to weeks. If, God forbid, the substation transformer burned out in your collective farm, then you can assume that the end of the world has come.
The only good news is that in the courtyard of the 21st century and with the general decline of the Russian economy, energy sources appear in stores that can help in this situation. If you do not have alternative energy sources in mind: a wind generator, a solar battery, a compact hydroelectric station, which were discussed in previous ...
Which electric floor heating to choose: cable or infrared?
Until recently, two types of electric underfloor heating could be found on sale: based on heating cables and heating mats. They did not have differences in the principle of operation, and the choice between them depended only on the features of the room in which floor heating is required.
A few years ago, a brand new infrared film-based warm floor appeared on the market. Manufacturers unanimously declare the numerous advantages of this type of electric underfloor heating. Many people who carry out repairs in their apartments are interested in the question: “What kind of electric underfloor heating to lay?”.
The main argument of sellers in favor of heating films is the beneficial effect of infrared radiation on the human body. Indeed, medical research has established the healing properties of infrared radiation. It is used in physiotherapy to treat many diseases ...
What is better for a private house - single-phase or three-phase input?
Electricity consumption in residential buildings is constantly growing. Each inhabitant of our country, in terms of per capita, consumes a daily amount of energy many times greater than the data, for example, fifty years ago.
In the middle of the twentieth century, in every private house there were just all electrical appliances, that is an electric stove, several light bulbs and, at best, a TV or radio. Today, household electrical consumers are simply dark in any residential building, and in private homes three-phase cable entries have become increasingly common. Many refuse a traditional single-phase network.
But what are the advantages of a three-phase network? And is it worth it to definitely give her preference? Many believe that a three-phase network will consume more power, that is, turn on more devices. This is not entirely true ...
What to choose? RCD or Differential Automatic
In the process of wiring, very often you hear the following question: what to choose - a residual current device (RCD) or a differential circuit breaker? So let's find out what is actually better. Differential automatic machine or RCD.
I will tell you definitely. The correct answer to this question does not exist, because The choice between an RCD and a differential automaton depends on numerous factors.
But still, I’ll try to explain and give you the opportunity to make a choice on my own with examples.
Point 1. Free space in the shield. First of all, you need to determine if there is free space on the DIN rail in your apartment panel ...
Multitariff electric meter. When will the costs pay off?
Multi-tariff meters are becoming more common when accounting consumption electricity. How quickly will the costs of its acquisition and installation pay off?
It seems obvious the economic effect of the use of multi-tariff metering devices for electric energy. The essence of the work of this electric meter is that, depending on the program laid down in it, it takes into account the energy consumption not by one digit, but by several. The entire amount of electrical energy consumed by the consumer is divided into two time periods: day and night.
The tariff for electricity consumed during the daytime is normal, set by the regional energy commissions. But the electricity “burned” at night costs exactly half the price ...
RCD in two-wire: to put or not to put?
Electrical engineering is an exact science and here, unlike such ephemeral areas of human activity as, for example, design, there are clearly documented norms and rules (PUE, GOSTs, instructions), and not just “like” or “don't like”. Yes, PUE is “the bible of an electrician” and the formidable phrase “read in PUE” speaks of the importance, pumpability and great seriousness of those who said it.
But it turns out in life is always much more complicated everything is arranged than it is written even in the wisest books and these books can be interpreted in different ways. Particularly heated discussions among electricians in electrical forums raise questions related to the grounding of electrical installations and the installation of residual current devices (RCDs). It so happened that in our time in everyday life there are simultaneously two grounding systems TN-C and TN-C-S ...