Outfit approval for work in electrical installations
Today we’ll talk about something that many electricians who make wiring in apartments did not even hear about, but every day electrical workers in enterprises or organizations deal with this. When they are sent to carry out some types of tasks, they are preliminarily given an admission order for work in electrical installations. We will talk about what it is later in the article.
One of the main documents for an electrician is PBEEP or the Rules for the Safe Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers. On it annually, and in the event of a break in work for more than 6 months or other situations, they often pass exams to obtain an electrical safety clearance group. Let's look at what is written in it, below is a screenshot from the text of this document. Admission order (outfit) - an order for the safe conduct of work drawn up on a special formdefining its content, place, start and end time ...
Current clamp application examples
To diagnose malfunctions in electrical equipment or electrical installations, it is often necessary to measure currents. There are two options: use an ammeter or using current clamps. The first option can be done using a conventional multimeter, but it is bad in that you need to break the circuit, and this is not always possible and not always convenient for correct measurements. The second method, clamp meters, allows you to find out the current in the circuit without disconnecting it.
The principle of operation of current clamps is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The conductor, in which the current is measured, is inserted into the magnet wire, on which the secondary winding is wound. The measured current in this case is called primary, and the current in the measuring coil (secondary winding) is called secondary. Moreover, its value is proportional to the primary current and can be calculated. Previously, clamp meters, for the most part, could only measure alternating current ...
10 most common causes of electrical failures
The electrician in his practice is faced with completely different cases, which sometimes reach the point of absurdity. After all, you can never foresee what might happen to electrical equipment during its operation. Equipment is three-phase and single-phase - these types are most common.
However, it is worth noting that their breakdowns are either the same or have similar causes. The most common element in the electrical equipment of an industrial enterprise was and remains (perhaps forever) an electric motor, let's look at the causes of their breakdowns. Problems with electric motors. Situation: voltage comes to the electric motor, but it does not work or does not work properly. Start inspecting the boxes on the motor housing where the cable is supplied and disconnecting the star or triangle circuit. Oxidation or burning of contacts. You need to clean them and make a trial run ...
How to become an electrician - career choice, education, skills, self-education and prospects
In the life of every person at one or another stage of life, the question arises of choosing a profession. This article is dedicated to those who have chosen the profession of electrician from many different areas of activity. How to become an electrician? We will try to answer this question by considering all aspects of this profession.
Many people have shown interest in this profession since their school years. Someone followed in the footsteps of relatives, but someone just likes everything related to electricity - there are many options. You can master this area of activity, like any profession, always. Not all electricians have become such from the very beginning, for many people, the profession of an electrician can be second, third, etc.in life, as the case may be. But in any case, an electrician is not just a person who has received an education, this is a person whose soul lies in this profession, for whom to be an electrician is not just work ...
The profession of a substation maintenance electrician
The choice of a profession is one of the most responsible decisions in the life of every person. If initially there is a desire to connect your life with the electrical industry, then here everything is not so simple. In this area of human activity there are many different professions, one can say the lines of activity that have their own characteristic distinguishing features. In this article, we give a brief description of the profession of a substation maintenance electrician.
To begin, consider what this profession is and what is the responsibility of an electrician in servicing substations. Surely everyone knows about such an object as an electrical distribution substation.
Why do we need substations? Distribution substations are used to receive electric energy, its conversion and distribution to consumers or other substations ...
How relay protection and automation work
The protection principle was based on the principle of relays - devices that constantly monitor some electrical parameter of the network, and when they reach critical values they trigger: they sharply change their initial state by switching the electrical circuit.
The first protection devices were made on the basis of electromechanical relay designs, and the specialists involved in their operation began to be called the term "relay", which is valid to date.
The relay protection and automation service (RPA), created in the power system on the basis of constantly gained experience, is simultaneously involved in other complex processes: control systems, including local, remote and remote methods, blocking of certain devices, signaling circuits that allow analyzing ...
Profession Electrician relay protection and automation
There is such a profession in the energy sector: to protect people and equipment from short circuits and other malfunctions in the electrical circuit. The work is complex, highly paid, prestigious.
Only persistent, purposeful and competent people master this profession. They are usually called by profession - relay workers. This is explained by the fact that for a very long time the relay-based element base is used in the algorithm of protection and automation circuits, although recently microprocessor devices using computer technologies have begun to appear in large quantities.
Just want to give an example from the life of the substation team with equipment operating under a voltage of 330 kilovolts.How relays cope with their duties can be learned from the sad example of an accident. A repair team led by ...
Profession Fitter Instrumentation
At the mere mention of the word "locksmith" in the mind there is a person who performs mainly mechanical work. In his hands you can see a screwdriver, file, wrench and even a sledgehammer. All these tools are also used by the instrumentation and automation fitter, since the equipment that has to be repaired, adjusted and serviced is the most diverse.
Here you can meet the thinnest, almost watch mechanisms, heating furnaces, water valves, injection mechanisms of large injection molding machines or frequency-controlled electric drives. Therefore, the instrument requires the most diverse: from microscopic screwdrivers to pipe wrenches of the latest number.
When carrying out various communication lines, for example, to connect sensors, a sledgehammer is often used, and even scrap.Without this tool, a hole in a brick, especially a concrete wall ...