Hearing about solar lamps (lamps powered by solar panels), many dismissively give up. Chinese products sold in the store with the proud name “lamp” are suitable only for the role of a firefly. However, they illustrate the modern capabilities of the semiconductor industry. A decade and a half ago, luminaires powered by solar modules were used only in astronautics or in special equipment. Such components were not available to the general consumer.
It is intuitively clear that self-powered luminaires can be used where it is impossible or disadvantageous to supply electrical energy. In such cases, use battery power. The battery life of a solar lamp is determined by the battery capacity and type of light source. But the battery requires regular recharging, so there is no need to talk about the complete autonomy of the lamp ...
The many faces of the microwave: cooks, radiates ... myths
The article describes the design of the microwave oven and the mechanisms of heating food. The complete inconsistency of rumors about the harmful effects of microwaves on humans and products is shown.
Microwave ovens, or microwaves, quickly entered our everyday life. The hostesses quickly appreciated their convenience - a few tens of seconds, and warmed dishes can be served on the table. Culinary recipes, and even books focused on the use of a microwave oven, have become an exchange currency among home-cooks.
Immediately there were rumors about the extreme harmfulness of microwave ovens for food and housewives. The remedy was found almost immediately: “tested” on computer and TV monitors, cacti and other prickly representatives of the home flora migrated to the kitchens, protecting their housewives from the harmful effects of the new “miracle” of household appliances ...
NooLite lighting control units: what can toy boxes do?
Getting acquainted with the NooLite line of modules from the Nootehnika company, one does not leave the feeling of admiration mixed with distrust. Do these toy, small devices, costing less than a common magnetic starter, have such an impressive array of capabilities? Nevertheless, the NooLite system, which the manufacturer positions as specialized for lighting control, incorporates modern ideas, and it is implemented at a high technical level.
We will consider the capabilities of lighting control modules using the example of several representatives of a line of blocks whose nomenclature is constantly expanding. These are two control panels (transmitters) PU212-1 and PU313-1, power blocks (receivers) SN111-300 and SL111-300, and for those who like to manage everything from a computer, the adapter for the PC118 computer. The design of the transmitters is identical and designed for stand-alone operation in any convenient place ...
In the era of actively developing socialism, plug sockets in the bathroom were considered unnecessary and unnecessary luxury. Therefore, it is hardly possible to see somewhere "Khrushchev" with "native" outlets in the bathroom.
But life does not stand still, and the Khrushchev’s are still in operation. And today their owners are increasingly faced with the need to install electrical outlets in the bathroom. It is necessary to connect washing machines, showers, hair dryers, electric shavers and, possibly, some more rare and even exotic types of electrical appliances.
Due to the stereotypes that have developed over decades, sockets in the bathroom were perceived by many electricians as something unnatural: “How so? High humidity, splashes, steel pipes of hot water and cold water, cast-iron risers, and sockets nearby? It’s not just dangerous, but very dangerous! ” ...
With the use of wind energy, mankind has been familiar from time immemorial. Once an unknown inventor adjusted the sail to an unpretentious floating vessel, and with its help, centuries later, the entire Earth was examined by inquisitive navigators. Windmills, even in our time in many countries, regularly serve man.
But today, the use of wind implies, above all, the generation of electricity. Let's try to figure out how simple, cheap and convenient it is. For those who want to immediately hear the outcome, the conclusion: wind power will never be cheaper than energy received from other sources: thermal, nuclear or hydroelectric power plants.
Therefore, it makes sense to engage in wind power plants for the home only to those who have itchy hands to adapt a ready-made generator they got "on occasion", or to enthusiasts of clean energy who are fanatically wanting ...
The path to amateur radio begins, as a rule, with an attempt to assemble simple circuits. If immediately after assembly the circuit begins to show signs of life - blinking, beeping, clicking or talking, then the path to amateur radio is almost open. As for “talking”, most likely, it will not work right away, for this you will have to read a lot of books, solder and set up a number of circuits, maybe burn a large or small bunch of parts (preferably a small one).
But flashers and tweeters are obtained from almost everyone at once. And a better element than the NE555 integrated timer simply cannot be found for these experiments. First, let's look at the generator circuits, but before that, let's turn to the proprietary documentation - DATA SHEET. First of all, pay attention to the graphical outline of the timer, which is shown in the figure. And figure 2 shows the image of a timer from the domestic directory ...
NooLite Lighting Control System: Making Your Home Smart
Reading about Bill Gates’s mansion worth $ 53 million, equipped with an ultra-modern “smart home” system, you involuntarily grunt: we would have his money - if the house were even “smarter”. And if you think about it, then our home is gradually acquiring elements of intelligence.
It’s rare that anyone controls a TV manually today - there is a remote control that takes care of all the setup tasks. Keychain motorists habitually lock cars. Modern refrigerators with programming operating modes, washing machines with dozens of washing programs - electronics imperceptibly, but surely enters into our everyday life.
And only lighting until recently has been deprived of attention. The emergence of a series of devices that allow you to remotely control the lighting of apartments by transmitting commands over the air, marked the end of the era of archaic keyboard switches ...
Electrician crane service profession
There are a lot of professions related to electrical engineering today. But we must admit that the level of requirements for the performer in these professions is very different.
As an example, many well-known electricians who serve some household or office buildings and are mainly involved in the replacement of light bulbs can be cited. And they can be opposed by specialists repairing complex equipment, which incorporates power electronic conversion equipment.
Both those and others - on "you" with electricity, have an electrical safety approval group (possibly even the same one). Both are skilled workers. But even with a cursory examination, the differences in the qualifications of these specialists are visible to everyone. With all due respect to ZhEKovsky electricians, to electricians producing ...
Electrosafe private house and cottage. Part 4 (ending). SPD selection examples
Let's first understand in more detail what we will deal with. Let's start with overvoltage impulses. For calculations and the choice of SPD, we need to know what distinguishes lightning current pulses and current pulses of all other overvoltages. The figure shows what their main difference is - the lightning current pulse is almost 17 times longer than the overvoltage pulse, that is, it has a much greater power.
Next, I will list some general recommendations based on the practice of using SPDs: 1. Categorically, circuit breakers cannot be used to protect SPDs from accompanying currents. Only fuses. 2. Class 1 SPD should preferably have a monoblock design (without removable modules). 3. An SPD for a lightning current greater than 20 kA (10/350 μs) should be based on the arresters. 4. The cover in which the SPDs are installed should be metal. Now we will use the SPD selection algorithm presented below. Since when powering the house from VLI we have a grounding system ...
Sodium lamps: dominance of the tamed chemical element
The article discusses the design and application of high-pressure sodium lamps.
It is difficult today for astronomers. No matter where in the sky they are oriented by telescopes, the lines of sodium and mercury will always be present in photographs of the spectra of stars. Such spectra do not at all prove that stars are rich in these chemical elements. The reason is purely earthly: the external illumination of cities and freeways with the help of high-intensity discharge lamps creates such a strong illumination of the atmosphere that sensitive astronomical instruments capture the light of man-made “stars”.
The biggest contribution to street lighting, and the main obstacle to astronomical observations, are today high-pressure sodium discharge lamps. About them and will be discussed in this material. First of all, why exactly high pressure? The fact is that discharge tube lamps ...
Thermonuclear energy: state and prospects
The article discusses the reasons why, until now, controlled thermonuclear fusion has not found industrial application.
When powerful explosions of thermonuclear bombs shocked the Earth in the fifties of the last century, it seemed that very few were left before the peaceful use of nuclear fusion energy: one or two decades. There were reasons for such optimism: only 10 years passed from the moment the atomic bomb was used until the creation of the reactor that generated electricity.
But the task of curbing thermonuclear fusion was unusually complex. Decades passed one after another, and access to unlimited energy reserves was never obtained. During this time, humanity, burning fossil resources, polluted the atmosphere with emissions and overheated it with greenhouse gases. The disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima-1 discredited nuclear energy. What prevented us from mastering such a promising and safe process ...
Electrosafe private residential building and cottage. Part 4. Surge Protection
Despite the theoretical possibility of the appearance of pulsed overvoltages with an amplitude of tens of kilovolts in the 0.4 kV power supply system, the REAL value of the amplitude is limited by the pulsed insulation strength of electrical equipment.
The impulse insulation strength of electrical equipment with a nominal voltage of 230/400 volts is set by the standard and is taken equal to 6 kV. Based on this, the appearance of voltages higher than 6 kV in electrical circuits is unlikely (the appearance of amplitudes above 6 kV is possible according to Russian scientists only in 10% of cases).
Based on this, ALL electrical equipment up to 1000 volts was divided into 4 categories (for three-phase systems 230/400 volts): category 4 - this equipment can withstand 6 kV surge voltage (electricity meters, automatic machines, arresters, etc.),Category 3 - this equipment can withstand ...