Thematic quiz by Joseph Trumpet
7 questions for real electricians.And what do you think? 1. You are the director of energy sales. A subscriber came to your appointment and said that he was paying. I take 10 amperes from the network and return exactly the same amount to her. What should I pay for? Explain to him why.
2. There is such an episode in E. Radzinsky’s novel about Stalin. A giant statue of Stalin was installed on the Volgo-Don Canal. Unreasonable birds sat on their heads and expressed disrespect for the great leader and teacher. To combat them, voltage was brought to the monument. On landing, birds that had perished fell dead on the ground. Do you think this is true or fiction writer?
3. In the program “duty on the country”, the famous comedian M. Zhvanetsky complained about the sockets “pull the plug, and the socket also extends with it”. But is the “duty officer on the country” handling the outlet correctly? ...
The 10 best battery technologies for charging and storing future energy
All digital devices, such as players, smartphones, voice recorders and other wearable gadgets, as well as electric vehicles, are being improved more and more in their capabilities. Limitations are imposed mainly by the finite amount of energy stored in the batteries. A smartphone, for example, works after the next recharge for a maximum of 2 days. Now, if the batteries were improved, made more capacious, then work on a single charge could be extended many times.
However, smartphones, unfortunately, are developing in the past 10 years much faster than improving battery technology. But there is hope for improvement, because science does not stand still, and in recent years, scientists have begun to offer very interesting new solutions. They can be called battery technology of the future. Let's pay attention to some of them. In 2022, the Israeli company StoreDot plans to launch production ...
Ultrasonic distance measurement and ultrasonic sensors
If you need to measure the distance to an object located at some distance in front of you, or to some major obstacle in a non-contact way, then you can use an ultrasonic sensor. Devices of this type are very easy to use, they are reliable and economical, while they do not require any consumables.
The principle of measuring distance is based here on the technology that some animals use simply because of the specific structure of their body and the characteristics of the environment. The main condition is that there is air between you and the object, the distance to which is measured. The ultrasonic sensor generates individual sound pulses of the ultrasonic range, that is, those that are not heard by a person in his ear. And since these pulses propagate through the air, they move at the speed of sound. As soon as this sound reaches the nearest boundary of the object ...
The problem of overheating of lighting LEDs and solutions
When compared with rapidly fading light sources, LED sources have only one, but a very serious flaw. Their durability and reliability largely depend on the efficiency of heat removal from light emitting components. Therefore, the protection circuit of the LED from overheating is an important component of any high-quality LED lighting system.
The average light-emitting diode LED ten times surpasses a traditional bulb with a filament in energy efficiency (profitability). However, if the LED is not installed on a radiator of sufficient area, then it will most likely fail. It is generally accepted, without going into details, that more efficient lighting LEDs need more efficient heat dissipation than conventional ones.Let us nevertheless examine the problem more deeply ...
Street lighting with solar lamps
In the dark, summer cottages, driveways and simply garden paths, flower beds and lawns will be wonderfully complemented by a small solar-powered autonomous lighting system. Lamps of this plan not only give soft, not harsh light, but also simply decorate the territory. And from an economic point of view, they also contribute to the conservation of monetary resources. Let's take a closer look at these fixtures, talk about their design, consider the advantages and disadvantages of such systems for cottages and estates.
Solar-powered evening lanterns can be seen for a long time in the squares, near cafes and shops, they also appear in the dachas, where guests visit from time to time. And this situation is justified, because having arrived at the cottage, we want to relax or, say, receive guests in a beautiful, cozy, calm environment, in a word - in comfortable, pleasant for the soul conditions. Solar-powered flashlights just create such conditions. In addition, the presence of workers in the dark ...
Voltage divider for resistors, capacitors and inductors
In order to obtain a fixed voltage value equal to a fraction of the initial value, voltage dividers are used in electrical circuits. Voltage dividers can consist of two or more elements, which can be resistors or reactances (capacitors or inductors).
In its simplest form, the voltage divider is represented by a pair of sections of the electric circuit connected in series with each other, which are called the shoulders of the divider. The upper arm is the section that is located between the point of positive voltage and the selected connection point of the sections, and the lower arm is the section between the connection point (selected point, zero point) and the common wire. Of course, voltage dividers can be used both in direct current circuits and in alternating current circuits. Resistor dividers fit for those...
Why in different countries the voltage and frequency in the electric network differ
In the Soviet Union until the 1960s, AC mains voltage had an effective value of 127 volts. In the United States during the same years, the voltage at the outlet reached 120 volts. Later, the current voltage values in the networks will be standardized with changes, in order to reduce copper consumption for wires, because for transmitting the same electric power, the smaller the cross-section of the wires, the smaller the current, and the current in the wire will be the smaller, the higher the voltage at transmission.
However, this transition will not happen immediately. Economically, the transmission of electricity at high voltage, of course, is more profitable, but switching to another voltage on a national scale is by no means cheap, not to mention changing current frequency standards. Historically, the first electric networks in the United States owed their voltage of 110 volts to the famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison.This is his light bulbs with carbon filaments were calculated ...
About microcontrollers for beginners - creation history, main types and differences
Microcontrollers are an integral part of the life of a modern person. They are used from children's toys to process control systems. Thanks to the use of microcontrollers, engineers managed to achieve greater manufacturing speed and product quality in almost all areas of production. This material is an overview of key dates in the history of microcontrollers. This is not a technical guide, many subtleties and points are missing.
To understand the reasons for the appearance and development of microprocessor technology, take a look at the characteristics and features of the first computers.ENIAC - the first computer, 1946. Weight - 30 tons, occupied the whole room or 85 cubic meters of volume in space. Large heat dissipation, power consumption, constant malfunctions due to electronic lamp connectors. Oxides led to the disappearance of contacts and lamps lost contactlost contact with the board ...
How does an electric generator work?
The function of any electric generator is to generate an electric current. But in fact, the generator does not produce anything, but only converts one form of energy into another (as is characteristic of all energy processes in nature). Most often, pronouncing the phrase “electric generator”, they mean a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Mechanical energy can be obtained from gas or steam expanding under pressure, from falling water, or even manually. In any case, in order to receive electric energy from a generator, it must first transfer this energy in an acceptable form, most often in mechanical form. Generators operating by mechanical drive are the dominant form of generators in the modern world. Such generators operate in nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, in automobiles, in diesel and gasoline generators ...
When we pronounce the phrase “electric current”, we usually mean the most diverse manifestations of electricity. The current flows through the wires of high-voltage power lines, the current rotates the starter and charges the battery in our car, lightning during a thunderstorm is also an electric current.
Electrolysis, electric welding, sparks of static electricity on a comb, current flows in a spiral of an incandescent lamp, and even in a tiny pocket flashlight a tiny current flows through an LED. Needless to say, our heart, which also generates a small electric current, is especially noticeable during the passage of the ECG procedure. In physics, it is customary to refer to the ordered movement of charged particles and, in principle, any carriers of electric charge as electric current. An electron moving around an atomic nucleus is also a current. And a charged ebony wand, if you hold it in your hand ...
A diode bridge or, as it is also called, a rectifier is needed to convert AC to DC. It is used wherever you need to get constant voltage power, regardless of the power of the device, current consumption or voltage. To rectify a single-phase voltage, a Gretz circuit of four diodes is used. If there is a transformer in the circuit with a tap from the midpoint, use a circuit of two diodes. The bridge is called the inclusion of four diodes.
The diode bridge can be made in one housing, or it can be made of discrete diodes, that is, separate ones. The diode bridge input is called the AC voltage connection points, and the output is the point from which the constant is removed. Alternating voltage is applied to the points at which the anode is connected to the cathode of the diodes. At the output, plus and minus are obtained, while the positive pole is removed from the connection point of the cathodes, i.e. plus power, and the connection point of the anodes is a minus ...
How to find out the power of an LED strip
To organize outdoor and indoor lighting, especially to create a variety of local lighting of interior areas, they are increasingly resorting to the use of LED strips. LED strips are universal, compared to lamps they are inexpensive, compared to fluorescent lamps - they are very energy-efficient, and besides, they are very easy to install - all this explains the growing popularity of LED strips among a wide range of consumers.
Due to the relevance of this topic, let's talk about the parameters of LED strips, how to find out and calculate the power of the tape and what you should look for when choosing an LED strip for your needs. A typical LED strip is a kind of flexible printed circuit board with SMD LEDs mounted on it in a certain order on one side, and with conductive tracks on the back. These tapes are issued on a constant voltage 5, 12, 24 or 36 volts ...