All about voltage stabilizers (to help the home master)
A theoretical and practical guide for those who decide to install a voltage regulator in their home.
A simple layman entering a query on voltage regulators in a search engine immediately stumbles upon eulogies and abusive speeches of all brands, a bunch of producer countries.
This massive confusion is understandable - high competition does not tolerate sitting out of pants with calls waiting, you need to spin as actively as possible, but the impression is of mass uniformity of all stabilizers, where the buyer is essentially presented only with a choice in price and appearance of the device. And this is not at all true. The main thing in the voltage regulator is its functional filling, its operating range, quality and type of execution. This work is devoted precisely to a detailed separation of the types of voltage stabilizers for the correct choice of nominal and type of stabilizer ...
Soldering irons and soldering stations
Soldering is the process of joining parts by introducing molten material between them - solder, the temperature of which, as a rule, is lower than the melting temperature of the parts to be joined. The purpose of soldering is to obtain a mechanical connection or electrical contact. Further, the article will mainly deal with the soldering of electronic components.
The soldering of metals was used in ancient times. It is believed that this technological operation exists for at least 5000 years. Even when humanity did not know iron and steel, copper, gold and their alloys became widespread. But even then, master chasers used the connection of parts of products using soldering. Archaeologists have found gold vessels, the handles of which were soldered with gold, as well as alloys of gold and silver. Gold items with traces of soldering were found during excavations of the tombs of the ancient state of Babylon. Scientists dated finds 3200 BC ...
Analog sensors: application, methods of connection to the controller
In the process of automation of technological processes for controlling mechanisms and units, one has to deal with measurements of various physical quantities. This can be temperature, pressure and flow rate of a liquid or gas, rotation speed, light intensity, information about the position of parts of mechanisms, and much more. This information is obtained using sensors. Here, first about the position of the parts of the mechanisms.
The simplest sensor is a normal mechanical contact: the door was opened - the contact opened, closed - closed. Such a simple sensor, as well as the above algorithm of operation, is often used in burglar alarms. For a mechanism with translational movement, which has two positions, for example, a water valve, two contacts are needed: one contact is closed - the valve is closed, the other is closed - closed. A more complex translational algorithm has a mechanism ...
Peltier effect: the magic effect of electric current
The beginning of the 19th century. The Golden Age of Physics and Electrical Engineering. In 1834, the French watchmaker Jean-Charles Peltier placed a drop of water between the bismuth and antimony electrodes, and then passed an electric current through the circuit. To his amazement, he saw that the drop had suddenly frozen.
The thermal effect of electric current on the conductors was known, but the opposite effect was akin to magic. You can understand the feelings of Peltier: this phenomenon at the junction of two different areas of physics - thermodynamics and electricity, causes a sense of wonder today.
The cooling problem was not as acute as it is today. Therefore, the Peltier effect was addressed only after almost two centuries, when electronic devices appeared, for the operation of which miniature cooling systems were required.The advantage of Peltier cooling elements is their small dimensions ...
RGB LED strip - types, device, schemes
In addition to white LED stripsdescribed in a previous article tapes with color LEDs are also available. Currently, it is only 4 colors: red, blue, green and yellow. The LED housings are the same as in the white tapes. Colored ribbons are used mainly for decorative lighting, modding of computer cases and cars, as well as at discos and other entertainment events.
Usually they are called RGB tapes. Each LED of such a tape is an assembly of red, blue and green LEDs. RGB tape has 4 pins. One conclusion is common and three separate conclusions for each color.
According to the laws of physics, from these colors you can get the whole gamut of shades. This is how colors appear on the TV screen. Naturally, to control such a tape you will need ...
LED strips can be seen almost everywhere. A car is driving, and in its headlights LEDs are brightly lit. Motorists affectionately call such a backlight "cilia." The purpose of such a backlight is daytime running lights, this is a requirement of car inspection, and not the desire of the car owner to decorate his car. Such lights are much more economical and more durable than incandescent lamps used in headlights. However, if you want to decorate your car, you can use the colored ribbon, gluing it wherever your heart desires.
You go to the store, there are also LEDs everywhere: the goods on the windows are highlighted, various cabinets are also indicated by luminous stripes. Even street advertising is highlighted with LED strips. And no one soldered these LEDs one at a time, everything is already soldered to us. In domestic conditions, LED strip can also be used. This is the illumination of ceilings, aquariums, cabinets ...
Good and bad LED wiring patterns
In previous articles, various issues related to connecting LEDs have been described. But you cannot write everything in one article, so you have to continue this topic. Here we will talk about various ways to turn on the LEDs.
The Chinese industry produces all kinds of souvenirs, trinkets, lighters, in which the LED is turned on without a limiting resistor: just two or three disk batteries and one LED. In this case, the current is limited by the internal resistance of the battery, the power of which is simply not enough to burn the LED.
But here, in addition to burnout, there is another unpleasant property - the degradation of LEDs, most inherent in white and blue LEDs: after a while, the brightness of the glow becomes quite insignificant, although the current through the LED flows quite enough, at the nominal level. This is not to say that it does not shine at all ...
Electrical work when connected to the electricity network of a country house
Work related to the connection of the internal network goes far beyond the elementary electrical connection of the upper terminals of the input automatic machine and the main transmission line network.
The technical nuances and difficulties in this matter are due to the fact that the branches from the power transmission lines and the input itself actually remain without protection against overcurrents of short circuits. After all, on a support in the place of branch execution, in the general case, there are no any protection devices.
Therefore, a short circuit in the branch is fraught with an elementary fire, because the hot arc between the conductors in the case of this short circuit itself will stretch to the very destruction of these unfortunate conductors. For the equipment at the substation, there will be no emergency operation: the wrong current level. Accordingly, a protective shutdown will not occur. This situation is most dangerous for obvious reasons for wooden houses. And the most dangerous part of the short circuit branch is wall penetration ...
Developments that will allow abandoning traditional energy in favor of alternative
There is a lot of talk about the need to obtain electricity from renewable sources. They are environmentally friendly and unlimited in use.
What prevents alternative energy sources from completely replacing traditional minerals today? This is hindered by a number of economic, technical and political reasons. This article discusses the technical reasons and developments that will help to overcome them.
Alternative energy is most widely represented by solar and wind power plants. They give the world a large part of clean electricity. There is a common problem for all renewable electric energy sources. It is associated with the need not only to generate electricity, but also to store it. After all, the sun does not shine at night and it is not always windy ...
Profession Fitter Instrumentation
At the mere mention of the word "locksmith" in the mind there is a person who performs mainly mechanical work. In his hands you can see a screwdriver, file, wrench and even a sledgehammer. All these tools are also used by the instrumentation and automation fitter, since the equipment that has to be repaired, adjusted and serviced is the most diverse.
Here you can meet the finest, almost hourly mechanisms, heating furnaces, water valves, injection mechanisms of large injection molding machines or frequency-controlled electric drives. Therefore, the instrument requires the most diverse: from microscopic screwdrivers to pipe wrenches of the latest number.
When carrying out various communication lines, for example, to connect sensors, a sledgehammer is often used, and even scrap. Without this tool, a hole in a brick, especially a concrete wall ...
Almost all modern technological equipment is automated. These are CNC machines, injection molding machines, various automatic lines, automated boiler rooms, water and sewage pumping stations, gas pipelines, power supply systems and much more. A lot of automated equipment at metallurgical plants, in transport in mechanical engineering and in the automotive industry.
Modern automation is most often performed on microcontroller control circuits, which replaced the control units on microcircuits with a small degree of integration. And this is not just a fashion or a tribute to time. Such a replacement allows you to automate almost everything. But the microcontroller is not everything. Typically, automated equipment is connected to a computer, which in turn is connected to a computer network. Not only production equipment is being automated ...