Vaneless turbines - a new type of wind generator
Alternative energy specialists have long formed a stereotype regarding how correct and efficient wind generators should look. This state of affairs is not at all surprising, because wind turbines are built every year around the world, and these are always huge structures with blades, similar to giant windmills. As for the vaneless wind generators, the attitude towards them, as a rule, among alternative people is very, very skeptical.
Nevertheless, developers of new solutions are in no hurry to stop in their enthusiasm. And so, in 2015, the Spanish company Vortex Bladeless proposed a new version and a ready-made solution model, showing how wind generators can be arranged that are not inferior in efficiency to traditional blade ones, but surpassing them both in safety and in production efficiency ...
Electricity metering devices - types and types, main characteristics
Electric energy is transmitted over vast distances between different states, and is distributed and consumed in the most unexpected places and volumes. All these processes require automatic accounting of the passing capacities and the works performed by them. The state of the energy system is constantly changing. It is necessary to analyze and competently manage the main technical parameters.
The measurement of the current power is assigned to wattmeters, the unit of measurement of which is 1 watt, and the work performed over a certain period of time is assigned to meters that take into account the number of watts per hour. Depending on the amount of energy taken into account, the devices operate within kilo-, mega-, gigo- or tera-units. This allows: one main meter located at a substation providing power ...
Types of lamps for home lighting - which are better and what is the difference
Which lamps are better for home lighting? LED, fluorescent, halogen or incandescent? What are the advantages of some and the disadvantages of others? How economical is it to use lamps of one type or another? Let's try to figure it out.
Incandescent lamps remain the most common type of lamp in homes. To this day, they are available in various capacities, come in a variety of sizes and shapes, suitable for installation in almost any lighting device, whether it be a lamp, a night lamp or a chandelier. Incandescent lamp - the simplest electric light source. It consists of a sealed transparent evacuated flask, a metal base, and a spiral is installed inside the flask - a tungsten filament. During the operation of the lamp, an electric current flows through its tungsten filament, just causing the filament to become white ...
How to properly ground the washing machine with your own hands
Electrical assistants have firmly and permanently entered our lives. They facilitate the performance of routine homework, save a person from monotonous physical labor. Therefore, manufacturers of household appliances are constantly improving their products, providing them with new features and improved capabilities for operating conditions with increased safety. However, in real life, for some reason, it turns out that a new serviceable washing or dishwasher is shocking and requires grounding. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and how to do the right thing in this situation.
Modern production is designed to produce household electrical products designed to work in three-phase wiring. It is connected via the TN-S grounding system using a separate PE conductor providing reliable electrical connection ...
Popular Z-wave smart home device devices
Wireless automation systems based on Z-Wave are confidently strengthening their positions in the areas of home and office optimization, which is not at all surprising, because these systems are flexible and affordable. And the operating frequency of 869 MHz is allowed, and will not bring any trouble to the owner of such a system (radio frequencies, frequencies of cellular networks and Wi-Fi will not cause interference). Thus, the wireless standard Z-Wave allows you to automate the control of home and office equipment, bringing only additional comfort to the everyday life of a modern person.
The technical side of the technology is very attractive: indoor communication at a range of up to 25 meters and up to 50 meters in open space. Moreover, the use of routing through network nodes allows the user to eliminate the need for direct visibility between the sources and receivers of signals ...
The main types of transformer designs
Among the diverse transformer devices, transformers are most often found: power, measuring and special. The term “power” defines the purpose associated with the conversion of high power. This is due to the fact that most household and industrial consumers of electric networks need power supply voltage of 380/220 volts. However, delivering it over long distances is associated with huge energy losses, which are reduced through the use of high-voltage lines.
Measuring transformers are created with a high class of accuracy. During operation, their metrological characteristics are periodically checked for correct measurement of both the values and the angles of deviation of the current and voltage vectors. The main feature of the device of current transformers is that they are constantly operated in short circuit mode ...
In energy, electronics and other branches of applied electrical engineering, a large role is given to transformations of electromagnetic energy from one type to another. Numerous transformer devices, which are created for various production tasks, deal with this issue.
Some of them, having the most complex design, perform the transformation of powerful high-voltage energy flows, for example. 500 or 750 kilovolts in 330 and 110 kV or in the opposite direction. Others work as a part of small-sized devices of household appliances, electronic devices, automation systems. They are also widely used in various power supplies of mobile devices. Transformers work only in alternating voltage circuits of different frequencies and are not intended for use in DC circuits that use other types of converters ...
Resistance of the human body - what it depends on and how it can change
When a person gets under electric voltage, an electric current begins to flow through his body, and the magnitude of this current depends not only on the magnitude of the applied voltage, but also on the resistance of the human body. Meanwhile, the resistance of the human body is by no means constant; its value depends on many factors: on the state of the person at the moment of contact (mental and physical), on the parameters of the closed circuit, on the external environmental conditions in which the person is at the time of the impact.
The human body consists of various tissues, and each type of tissue has its own resistance. So, for example, tendons, skin, adipose tissue, cartilage and bones have a resistivity of the order of 3 - 20 kOhm / m. Blood, muscles, lymph, brain and spinal cord - only from 0.5 to 1 Ohm / m.Of all these tissues, skin is the most resistant, therefore it is the skin that largely determines the resistance of the human body to electric current ...
Quartz resonator - structure, principle of operation, how to check
Modern digital technology requires high accuracy, so it is not surprising that almost any digital device, which would not catch the attention of the average man today, contains a quartz resonator inside. Quartz resonators for various frequencies are necessary as reliable and stable sources of harmonic oscillations, so that the digital microcontroller could rely on the reference frequency and operate with it in the future, during the operation of the digital device. Thus, a quartz resonator is a reliable replacement for an oscillatory LC circuit.
If we consider a simple oscillatory circuit, consisting of a capacitor and an inductor, it quickly becomes clear that the quality factor of such a circuit in the circuit does not exceed 300, moreover, the capacitance of the capacitor will float depending on the ambient temperature, the same will happen with the inductance ...
What is the danger of self-grounding in the apartment (alteration TN-C to TN-C-S)
In the operation of home wiring, the most important issue is the safety of the operation of household electrical appliances. Grounding of electrical wiring is the main way to minimize the impact of electric current on a person in the event of a life-threatening potential on the metal case of household electrical appliances. The problem of the lack of grounding in the apartment or in the house is quite common due to the power supply from outdated TN-C configuration networks in which the grounding of home electrical wiring is not provided.
To solve the problem, proceed as follows - ground the electrical wiring through the alteration of the TN-C system to TN-C-S. As a result, improper grounding of the wiring makes the operation of the wiring even more dangerous than in the absence of grounding per se. In this article, we consider the danger of self-grounding ...
Fluorescent lamps - from heyday to sunset
Luminescent lighting in the form in which we have it today is about 80 years old, although the history of the formation of technology lasted about the same, that is, in general, about 160 years have taken the path of technology of luminescent lamps.
Before a fluorescent lamp appeared in every house, before fluorescent lamps appeared in street lighting, before fluorescent lamps appeared in offices, engineers and scientists went a long way from inventing a vacuum tube, through experiments with glowing inert gases under high voltage, to developing integral technology with reliable and high-quality fluorescent coating of luminous tubes and a suitable power supply circuit for fluorescent lamps. The first gas-discharge lamp (in the form of an experimental setup) will be released in 1856, and it will be a Geisler tube. The German glassblower Heinrich Geisler was distinguished by his inventive talent, and thanks to the vacuum pump...
Bipolar and field effect transistors - what is the difference
Most people, one way or another confronted with electronics, the basic device of field-effect and bipolar transistors should be known. At least from the name “field effect transistor”, it is obvious that it is controlled by the field, the electric field of the gate, while the bipolar transistor is controlled by the base current.
Current and field are a cardinal difference. For bipolar transistors, the collector current is controlled by changing the control current of the base, while to control the drain current of the field effect transistor, it is enough to change the voltage applied between the gate and the source, and no control current is needed anymore.The advantage of field-effect transistors, in comparison with bipolar ones, is obvious: field-effect transistors have a high input resistance in direct current, and even control at a high frequency does not lead to significant ...