How is difavtomat arranged and what is it used for
Difavtomat or differential circuit breaker is a device that combines two protective switching devices - RCD and circuit breaker. They are used in 220/380 Volt switchboards in everyday life and in production. In this article we will consider what a difavtomat is, how it is structured and where it is used.
Difavtomats are used to protect wiring from overload, overcurrents, short circuit, as well as to protect a person from electric shock during leaks. Leaks can occur as a result of a breakdown into the body of electric heaters (heating elements), for example, in boilers - water tanks, electric ovens, stoves, washing machines or dishwashers, as well as aging or damage to insulation. All these problems can be localized by installing a device that compares currents between phase and zero, and if more flows through the phase ...
Outfit approval for work in electrical installations
Today we’ll talk about something that many electricians who make wiring in apartments did not even hear about, but every day electrical workers in enterprises or organizations deal with this. When they are sent to carry out some types of tasks, they are preliminarily given an admission order for work in electrical installations. We will talk about what it is later in the article.
One of the main documents for an electrician is PBEEP or the Rules for the Safe Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers. On it every year, and in the event of a break in work for more than 6 months or other situations, they often pass exams to obtain an electrical safety clearance group. Let's look at what is written in it, below is a screenshot from the text of this document. Admission order (outfit) - an order for the safe conduct of work drawn up on a special formdefining its content, place, start and end time ...
What are the types of LED strips
LED strips are popular because the simplicity and ease of working with them allow you to implement many ideas. Moreover, this can be done not only quickly, but also relatively cheaply and without special knowledge. Tapes easily bend and repeat the shape of the interior or objects. They can be used as a backlight and for basic lighting. In this article we will consider what kind of LED strips are. Device
LED strip is a linear light source. Structurally, it is a flexible printed circuit board on an adhesive base. LEDs are located on it. It is cut into multiple segments along the cut line, it is applied between the pads. Depending on the number of LEDs per 1 meter, the cutting length is different. For example, for a 12V LED strip, the cutting ratio depends on the number of LEDs per meter - usually 3 pieces in a section ...
How to use photoresistors, photodiodes and phototransistors
Sensors are completely different. They differ in principle of action, the logic of their work and the physical phenomena and quantities to which they are able to respond. Light sensors are not only used in automatic lighting control equipment, they are used in a huge number of devices, from power supplies to alarms and security systems.
A photodetector in a general sense is an electronic device that responds to a change in the light flux incident on its sensitive part. They may differ, both in structure and in principle of operation. Let's look at them. A photoresistor is a photographic device that changes the conductivity (resistance) depending on the amount of light incident on its surface. The more intense the illumination of a sensitive area, the less resistance. It consists of two metal electrodes, between which there is ...
Differences between single-board computers Orange pi and Raspberry pi, what to buy?
The idea of making a small computer has been in the minds of engineers for many years. One of the most popular types of microcomputers is a smartphone - a symbiosis of a computer with its operating system and functionality and a cell phone. The proliferation of smartphones based on processors with ARM architecture, both processor manufacturers to make miniature but powerful computing systems, and electronics designers to develop in the direction of single-board systems.
System-on-a-Chip (SoC) is the English name for this type of computer. The first Raspberry pi was announced in 2011 and put into production in 2012. Usually, the Raspberry boards come in different versions, differ in the type designation “Model A”, “Model B” and the like, the differences are in the periphery and power.Despite the weak technical characteristics, the community of electronics and computer enthusiasts warmly welcomed such a concept ...
A universal power supply is an indispensable thing that must be present in the workshop of any radio amateur. Test the newly developed circuit, check the device that came to hand, charge the battery, urgently power up some medical device, in which the power supply unit suddenly failed or the batteries simply run out.
But you never know, it may require constant voltage. And it would be good if the value of this constant voltage could be regulated within certain limits, and even better - the presence of a current control unit in the power supply, so that when a certain current value is reached, the voltage would no longer increase, but would be kept at such a level that the in no case would the load current be exceeded. The described needs are fully able to satisfy the laboratory power supply, which is a universal ...
An example of using modern automation in a greenhouse
Greenhouses are constructions intended for growing natural vegetables in a shorter period of time than in open ground. The use of greenhouses is common both among private owners and in agriculture as a whole. Many factors necessary for the effective cultivation of vegetable crops require the use of modern automation, for example: automatic maintenance of optimal air temperature, automatic watering, automatic lighting, automatic soil heating.
When growing tomatoes and cucumbers, as the most common crops grown in greenhouses, it is desirable that the air temperature be from +18 to +25 ° C during the day and not lower than +16 ° C at night. Soil temperature is from +10 ° С and higher.Lowering the temperature is carried out using actuators that open the windows of the greenhouse for ventilation when the air temperature rises...
Illuminated switch and LED lamps
A backlit switch is a convenient and beautiful solution. It is needed in order not to look at night with your hand where the light turns on, randomly clapping on the wall. But with the transition to energy-saving, and then to LED lamps, many encountered the problem that the light is blinking or dimly lit with such a switch. The backlight also causes this effect. In this article, we will explain why the LED bulbs flash when the light is off.
The switches set the backlight of one of two possible types: a neon bulb (glow discharge indicator) or an LED. Light indication on a neon bulb, as well as on LEDs consumes low current (units of milliamps). The neon indicator lights up when the switch is in the “OFF” position, that is, when its contacts are open.When you press a key, closing its contacts, the lamp turns on and the display turns off. The logic of work is elementary ...
Current clamp application examples
To diagnose malfunctions in electrical equipment or electrical installations, it is often necessary to measure currents. There are two options: use an ammeter or using current clamps. The first option can be done using a conventional multimeter, but it is bad in that you need to break the circuit, and this is not always possible and not always convenient for correct measurements. The second method, clamp meters, allows you to find out the current in the circuit without disconnecting it.
The principle of operation of current clamps is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The conductor, in which the current is measured, is inserted into the magnet wire, on which the secondary winding is wound. The measured current in this case is called primary, and the current in the measuring coil (secondary winding) is called secondary. Moreover, its value is proportional to the primary current and can be calculated. Previously, clamp meters, for the most part, could only measure alternating current ...
What is an electric cord and where is it used
There are three main types of products for connection - these are cables, wires and cords. The first two types are very similar and often differ mainly in the technical conditions of the manufacturers and the definitions used in them. And the third type - cords has some features, for example, the cross-sectional area of these products rarely exceeds one and a half square millimeters, and their flexibility is very high. Therefore, we will tell you about electric cords and their scope.
To understand the electrical engineering terms and for their correct understanding, you need to refer to the legal documentation, such as GOSTs, SNiPs and other documents. GOST 15845-80. “Cable products. Terms and definitions "An electric cord is defined as an" electric wire with insulated conductors of a high class of flexibility. Moreover, in various sources you can find information that the maximum cross-sectional area of their conductive conductors ...
Earth's magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field of a giant permanent magnet, tilted at an angle of 11 degrees to the axis of its rotation. But there is a nuance, the essence of which is that the Curie temperature for iron is only 770 ° C, while the temperature of the Earth’s iron core is much higher, and only on its surface is about 6000 ° C. At such a temperature, our magnet would not be able to maintain its magnetization. So, since the core of our planet is not magnetic, terrestrial magnetism has a different nature. So, where does the Earth’s magnetic field come from?
As you know, magnetic fields are surrounded by electric currents, so there is every reason to assume that the currents circulating in the molten metal core are the source of the earth's magnetic field. The shape of the Earth’s magnetic field is indeed similar to the magnetic field of a current loop.Magnitude measured on the surface of the earth ...
A superconducting magnet is an electromagnet whose winding has the property of a superconductor. As in any electromagnet, the magnetic field is generated here by direct current flowing through the winding wire. But since the current passes in this case not through an ordinary copper conductor, but through a superconductor, the active losses in such a device will be extremely small.
As superconductors for magnets of this type, superconductors of the second kind almost always act, that is, those in which the dependence of magnetic induction on the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field is nonlinear.In order for a superconducting magnet to begin to show its properties, ordinary conditions are not enough - it must be brought to a low temperature, which in principle can be achieved in various ways. The classic way is this: the device is placed in a Dewar vessel with liquid helium, and the Dewar vessel itself ...