Installation of electrical wiring in concrete floors
Electrical wiring in the house: installation features
Not so long ago, in Soviet times, wiring was decided to be routed around the rooms strictly along the walls, switches and sockets should be installed in uncomfortable places for use, often making room furniture difficult. Today, the usual "wall" installation is being replaced by floor, or more precisely, underground.
Laying the electric network under the floors is much more convenient from the point of view of economy, because the wires are mounted directly, along the shortest path, which can reduce the consumption of materials sometimes up to 40% (!). In addition, hidden in the floor wiring implies absolutely free placement of furniture. Outlets will not loom in the middle of the wall: they can be led directly to the equipment, for example, hidden under a computer table, even if this table is in the middle of the room ...
Electric cars - the future of mankind
So far, electric cars are not very relevant, but the future lies with them. After all, they use an inexhaustible resource and are absolutely environmentally friendly and cheap.
When pronouncing the word - an electric car, it makes us smile and only a car from a science fiction film comes to mind. Although in the world, they are actively inventing and are already driving them.
Russia has long been accustomed to driving large and powerful SUVs, especially on such off-road conditions. Everything changes in the world, the global financial crisis shows instability and sharp jumps in oil prices. They make us look further into the future ...
Three-phase voltage at home - easy!
According to existing Russian standards, consumers are supplied with single-phase power supply with variable characteristics, that is, with alternating current.
The rated voltage is 220 volts with a frequency of 50 Hz. But there are such cases that sharply pop up in rural areas and in summer cottages, when we need to connect a three-phase electric device to work.
An example of such a device is a power-saw bench, powerful pumps, electric tractors, various types of threshers and meat grinders, concrete mixers. So where to get these two missing phases? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this and will be on the shoulder of anyone who is more or less versed in electrical engineering and energy.
Usually in such cases, we are advised to purchase a portable generator. But you can do without it, or at least use the cheaper option - a three-phase asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor ...
How to make a perpetual motion machine with your own hands
Does the perpetual motion machine still exist?
According to the scheme below, a real and fully functional model of a perpetual motion machine was developed.
The diagram shows a more simplified connection of the working elements, namely, the connection of the engine anchors and generators and a single aggregate shaft, in real execution a belt drive was used. The generator and electric motor were fixed so that when starting the electric motor could simultaneously rotate the generator shafts.
To create a prototype of the engine, a conventional car battery and the same generator 1 with a standard 12 in voltage were used. Generator 2, relative to generator 1, was made smaller by the weight of the root, respectively, thereby it produces less working energy and reduces the load on the electric motor ...
How is a hammer drill different from a drill
Perforator device. How does he work. Features of fastening of the drill. Cartridge. Impact energy. Cost.
If you are planning to carry out repairs yourself in the house and expect to drill a large number of holes, you, of course, need a hammer drill.
In popularity, the punch is not inferior to electric drills, being one of the most popular electric tools used in the repair business.
The main task of the puncher is the operation of drilling holes in difficult to process materials such as concrete and stone. But, as an addition, there is also the possibility of drilling holes in metal, brick and other materials, the processing of which is often encountered in the process of repair.
Despite the similarity of the principles of action, perforators differ in their characteristics from impact drills ...
Motion sensor - a small helper for great savings
Description of the purpose, principle of operation of infrared motion sensors. How to choose a motion sensor to fit your needs.
Today, the issues of applying energy-saving technologies in everyday life are becoming increasingly relevant. The cost of electricity consumed can be significantly reduced by using motion sensors in everyday life (“PIR” - from English - “passive infrared” - “passive infrared”).
Infrared motion sensors designed to close the power circuit in the event of the appearance (movement) of a person (car, etc.) in a controlled area. Depending on the version, the sensors can be used both indoors and outdoors. Household motion sensors use in their work the principle of constant monitoring of infrared radiation in the tracking zone. When an object appears, of sufficient mass and with a temperature exceeding the surrounding by five degrees Celsius, the overall picture of the thermal field changes ...
The article contains tips that will be useful to all motorists repairing the electrics of their cars.
TIP 1. When repairing any electrical component of the car, be sure to disconnect the ground wire (common wire, usually “-”) from the battery, this will protect you from accidental short circuit and failure of some elements.
TIP 2. Know that the main enemies of automobile electricians are moisture and dirt, which reduce the insulation resistance, thereby contributing to the possible short circuit and failure of electrical appliances and components.
TIP 3. A normal spark plug should have a light brown color, without strong soot and oxidation ...
More recently, the term "stepper motor" was known only to a narrow circle of electrical engineers. Now, stepper motors have received the honorable right to be called only by their "initials" - SD evidence of the widespread use of electrical machines of this type.
Imagination involuntarily prompts the image of a stepping electric machine with limbs. No, this is not a robot, although a stepper motor can control one of its joints. The car itself is very simple. A stepper motor can be represented in the form of several electromagnets with pulse windings on a fixed part (stator) and an armature, which when switching the windings rotates or moves progressively ...
The purpose of the kit is "Starry Sky". Description, features.
The luminous starry sky is intended for decorative illumination of ceilings, POS materials, the creation of light-dynamic shows and all kinds of decorative elements.
"Starry sky" consists of LED dots that are sequentially soldered into a loop, which go in a loop with ballast resistors.
You can control this light with the help of controllers, to which you can connect any number of channels, you can control the dynamic light and embedded scenarios in these controllers, special infrared remote controls are often used with such controllers ...
The use of low voltage is the best protection against electric current. Small voltages are in the range of 12 volts - 42 volts.
Such a need arises when using portable power receivers, as well as for lighting particularly hazardous rooms, in outdoor electrical installations.
Batteries and rectifiers, single-phase transformers, whose power is small, can serve as sources of low voltage. Do not use resistors or chokes to reduce the voltage.
Low-power step-down transformers are available both for installation on machines and portable. The flexible wire for connecting to the network must have a portable transformer ...
Data transmission over 220 / 380V network
A brief overview of equipment technologies and prices of data transmission devices over 220/380 V. networks
Due to the rapid development of home automation and the cost of laying additional communication lines, data transmission between various devices on existing 220-380V lines is of great interest. "From the outlet to the outlet."
The control and controlled device or devices are connected by standard network wires to a home electrical outlet and receive power and control signals from it.
Thus, local networks between computers, security and fire alarm networks, Smart Home systems and the like can be built. The complexity of organizing such networks lies in the fact that this was not originally envisaged, there are no uniform standards, the networks are very noisy, and their parameters change greatly when the load changes.
Devices and tools for soldering
Description of instruments and tools that are necessary for soldering. The main aspects when choosing tools and instruments.
As they say, the real owner should be able to do a lot, including soldering. I don’t argue, soldering complex boards is not easy, there must be knowledge, practice, expensive instruments and tools. But in an economy where you need to fix something basic, you don’t need special skills and expensive instruments and tools for soldering. We don’t talk about how to solder correctly today, but about what you need to have from tools and devices, just remember ...