How not to get into the wire when drilling walls
Drilling walls and ceilings is a common thing for an electrician, installer, repairman. And a simple layman may occasionally need to drill a hole in the wall or in the ceiling. And if there is a drill or a puncher at home, then you can do everything yourself, only by answering a question about how to avoid getting into hidden wiring.
If you get into the wiring with a drill or a drill, then in the most optimistic case you will break the cable and your sockets will stop working. With less success - there will be a short circuit through the tool, the circuit breaker will open at the entrance to the apartment, but the wiring will again have to be repaired. In the worst case, an electric shock or even a fire awaits a person. Therefore, when drilling, it is better not to get into the wiring. About how not to get into the wiring and will be discussed in our article. Suppose you decide to install a Swedish wall for a child, and fixing to the wall is necessary ...
How not to burn Arduino - tips for beginners
Microcontrollers are, first of all, devices for control, monitoring and data processing, but not for work in power circuits. Although modern chips are quite developed in terms of the presence of various protections against accidental damage in the electrical part, nevertheless, there are dangers awaiting a beginner radio amateur at every step.
How to work safely with arduino? This is the main question of the article. Consider both electrical hazards for the microcontroller, and for the entire board and its components as a whole, as well as harmful factors of mechanical origin. You can write a book about the internal structure of microcontrollers, so we will only consider the main points that you need to pay attention to when working. Microcontrollers are sensitive to both currents and voltages. Emergency operating modes are permissible only for a short time, or are unacceptable in general ...
Of course, any charger in the course of its work, at least a little, but it must be warmed up, here it’s enough to recall the Joule-Lenz law, indicating that if the current flows through the conductor, then heating of this conductor will be observed, if of course we are talking about a real conductor, for example about the same copper, or about the semiconductor from which diodes and transistors are made.
Even the most ordinary wires, one way or another from the current, are always slightly warmed up. But some chargers sometimes get hot beyond measure. Let's try to figure out why this happens. In the case of current chargers, the reason for their heating or overheating is not only in Joule heat. Any modern mains charger is, first of all, a step-down pulse converter. And in the step-down pulse converter there is, firstly, a pulse transformer ...
How to determine the compatibility of the power supply and the device
It happens that the network power supply of some portable device burns out, and we have to flee urgently to the store in order to buy a new one. But how to determine if the power supply offered in the store is compatible with our device? Will it fit, will it not harm the device, will it burn it, will it pull, will it burn itself? So the question is about choosing the most suitable power supply.
We can talk about a charger for a tablet, a power supply for a router, laptop or printer, for a scanner or monitor, for a game console or for anything else, up to an automatic device for measuring blood pressure. It is not enough today in our everyday life devices with external power supplies (usually DC), which are plugged into a wall outlet. The first step is to find the voltage information that your device needs.It is measured in volts and is indicated 24 V, 12 V, 5V ...
Features of modern magnetic starters and their application
It is necessary to consider this topic from magnetic starters from representatives of the Soviet era. Bright representatives are PML and the like. Starters are used to switch a powerful load with a control signal with a small current. The control signal is supplied to the coil, which creates a magnetic field. It, in turn, creates a force on the magnetic circuit, which is mechanically connected with moving power contacts and block contacts.
The magnetic starter can be divided into two parts: upper and lower. In the lower part there is a coil and a fixed part of the magnetic circuit, terminal terminals of the coil. The upper part of the starter contains: a set of contacts, a moving part of the magnetic circuit with a return spring. It is needed to open the contacts, when voltage is not applied to the coil, the contacts return normal position. On many copies it is located ...
How to make a do-it-yourself wind generator
Wind is free energy! So let's use it for personal purposes. If the creation of a wind farm on an industrial scale is very expensive, because in addition to the generator, a number of studies and calculations are necessary, the state does not incur such costs, and for investors in the countries of the former USSR this, for some reason, does not cause much interest. In private, you can make a mini-windmill for your own needs. It should be understood that the project of converting your home to alternative energy is a very expensive undertaking.
As already said: you need to make long-term observations and calculations in order to find the optimal ratio of the sizes of the wind wheel and the generator, suitable for your climate, wind rose and average annual wind speed. The efficiency of a wind power installation within one region can vary significantly, this is due to the fact that the movement of the wind depends not only ...
Microwave does not heat food - causes of malfunction of mechanically controlled microwaves
A microwave is one of the most commonly used electrical appliances in the kitchen. Once again, you put food on warming up - the microwave is buzzing habitually, the lights are working inside, the food plate is spinning, but after the time set on the timer, the food remains cold. What to do in this case? The failure of the microwave oven causes a number of inconveniences, so many people prefer to try to repair the microwave oven on their own, saving not only time, but also money.
Why doesn't the microwave heat food? Consider the possible causes of malfunctioning microwaves with mechanical control. We also give a good example of troubleshooting a microwave oven. If the microwave oven works, but does not heat food, then first of all you need to make sure that the voltage in the network is not too low. Very often, the conclusion about a malfunction of the microwave is erroneously made ...
Examples of layout of outlets, switches and lights in the kitchen - useful tips
The kitchen is one of the most difficult rooms in terms of repair. It is full of various household appliances, for which it is advisable to foresee at the planning stage not only their place of permanent placement, but also how they will be connected to the mains and how convenient it will be to use them. Sometimes mistakes in planning can significantly spoil the impression of the work done, and redoing or not having time, and often just expensive.
Now residents and new settlers massively install kitchens that are beautiful, modern, but you look at the end result and you see that the electrics are made at the level of Soviets, the cords weigh (from lamps, hoods, microwaves, etc.), there is one socket, a maximum of two and in such a place that it is not clear why she, because again, you need an extension cord to make everything work properly. Guys, I understand everything, the head at such moments is always full of a sea of information...