Hidden Wiring Detectors - Woodpecker, MS-158M, MS-48, BOSCH DMF 10 zoom
The article describes the principle of operation of several different devices for troubleshooting in wiring. This article will be useful both for beginner electricians, and for people who are just interested.
Almost every man at least once in his life, but hammered a nail into the wall. Someone in order to hang a beautiful, expensive painting, which was recently acquired at the exhibition. Someone just nailed a shelf for a flower. And surely every second thought flashed: "But is there any electric wire or fittings?" And it’s good if you have a drawing according to which electric wires were laid. And if there is no such picture? Then everyone acts at their own peril and risk.
But in order not to get into a mess and do business, there are special devices that relatively accurately indicate the presence of electrical wiring or fittings in this place.
In this article we will consider the most popular and affordable devices for finding hidden electrical wiring ...
Troubleshooting wiring harnesses
The article provides practical recommendations for troubleshooting and wiring. The article is recommendatory (like, what, where) and fact-finding.
In this article, we will consider the most common wiring malfunctions in typical apartments.
After a hard working day, when you come home, you find that your apartment does not have light or sockets do not work. Do not panic.
If you live in an apartment where the wiring has not yet changed, then first you should check the circuit breakers (automatic machines) or fuses in the switchboard.
Most homes have standard wiring. If the house is more than 15-20 years old, the wiring is made of aluminum wire. Over time, aluminum corrodes and degrades ...
How to make a conductive paste yourself
We note immediately that "conductive pastes" in the literature are much more often called "conductive adhesives." This name is more accurate - because, in fact, the main thing in the installation is to fasten, glue the parts. And whether such glue will have the consistency of a paste or, say, liquid sour cream - this is a secondary matter.
And one more reservation: it is not necessary to think that electrically conductive glue should be used for installation of any details through which current should pass. Old, tested soldering is both simpler, more affordable, and cheaper. And that, perhaps the most important thing, solders are produced by industry, and electrically conductive glue has to be done in a handicraft way.
In any case, conductive glue should be used only when the material either cannot be brazed, or pickling before brazing is undesirable, or parts cannot be heated (which is inevitable during soldering) ...
How to build a warm floor on your own. Tips of an experienced electrician
Warm floor. What is it? This is comfort, coziness, profitability ... The article gives some tips and recommendations from an electrician with experience. Read it, think it over and you will understand whether you can build a “warm floor” on your own ...
Today, there are several types of heating systems of this type - this is a cable system where a cable is used. Cable thickness from 3 to 10 mm. For ease of installation, some manufacturers make systems in the form of mats. And the second type is the so-called “warm” or “heating film”, which we will talk about in the next article.
So, how do you build a warm floor on your own? Is it possible? What is needed to know and be able to do this? Here are some simple tips that you can use to achieve the desired result ...
Installation of plastic skirting boards with cable channel
Brief installation instructions for plastic skirting boards with cable channel.
Installation of skirting boards is a joyful moment of repair, as it is its final stage. Skirting boards vary in the material from which they are made. “Classics” are wooden skirting boards, but wood-based skirting boards from MDF and also from plastic are produced.
Recently, plastic skirting boards with a cable channel, in which you can lay a telephone or network cable, with the possibility of replacing it without dismantling the skirting board, have been very popular. All fasteners (screws or nails) are inside it.
The cable channel is closed with a decorative panel that masks the channel itself, together with fasteners ...
It is hardly worthwhile to talk in detail about the enormous damage caused by metal corrosion. This is common knowledge. Recall only one (also well-known) figure: approximately a tenth of the metal mined per year is spent to cover the irrevocable corrosion losses.
Summarizing the losses caused by corrosion damage, it is impossible to discount the premature failure of machines, parts, metal structures, and the costs of all kinds of protective measures: the development, production and application of corrosion inhibitors, galvanic and paint coatings.
The last of the listed methods of corrosion protection is the most massive. Varnishes and paints protect cars and pipelines, bridges and tanks, ships and building structures from the damaging effects of the environment. But sooner or later, red traces of rust still appear on the metal surface ...
Installation of electrical wiring in concrete floors
Electrical wiring in the house: installation features
Not so long ago, in Soviet times, wiring was decided to be routed around the rooms strictly along the walls, switches and sockets should be installed in uncomfortable places for use, often making room furniture problematic. Today, the usual "wall" installation is being replaced by floor, or more precisely, underground.
Laying the electric network under the floors is much more convenient from the point of view of economy, because the wires are mounted directly, along the shortest path, which can reduce the consumption of materials sometimes up to 40% (!). In addition, hidden in the floor wiring implies absolutely free placement of furniture. Outlets will not loom in the middle of the wall: they can be led directly to the equipment, for example, hidden under a computer table, even if this table is in the middle of the room ...
Three-phase voltage at home - easy!
According to existing Russian standards, consumers are supplied with single-phase power supply with variable characteristics, that is, with alternating current.
The rated voltage is 220 volts with a frequency of 50 Hz. But there are such cases that sharply pop up in rural areas and in summer cottages, when we need to connect a three-phase electric device to work.
An example of such a device is a power-saw bench, powerful pumps, electric tractors, various types of threshers and meat grinders, concrete mixers. So where to get these two missing phases? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this and will be on the shoulder of anyone who is more or less versed in electrical engineering and energy.
Usually in such cases, we are recommended to purchase a portable generator. But you can do without it, or at least use a cheaper option - a three-phase asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor ...