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How to bring to mind a cheap extension cord


How to bring to mind a cheap extension cordThe article provides a real-world example of the refinement of a cheap extension cord by amplifying electrical contacts and replacing a wire. The result is a good and reliable extension cord, in no way inferior to expensive analogues.

Currently, more and more portable electric appliances and tools are being produced. These are electric drills, grinders, jigsaws, screwdrivers, scissors and the list goes on and on. For them, often for work, extension cords are required. And there are plenty of this product in today's market: from cheap to expensive.

Extension cords, which are more expensive, can meet all the necessary requirements, but which are unlikely to be cheaper. But once they are, then naturally the people also buy them. Maybe because they don’t know which ones are better, which are worse, or maybe for financial reasons. And once having bought a cheap product, it ceases to work normally, namely, as they say - "phase, that is, it is not there."

The main reason that a cheap extension cord does not work well is poor contact between the plug and the outlet. Working with such an extension cord can be annoying even for non-irritants. Do not rush to throw out such an extension cord, it can be “brought to mind" and after completion, it will not give way to expensive ones in its parameters.

For example, I just have such an instance: a cheap extension cord - a wire length of three meters, a cross section of 0.5 mm2, a cassette of sockets for three consumers - "makes a bad" contact.

First, remove the top cover of the sockets. There you can see two rows of contacts, which are: two independent copper strips, with roundings for the plug electrodes, inserted into special grooves so as not to “disperse”. With this design, it is hardly possible to achieve hard and reliable electrical contact.

We take out all these parts and solder the power cord (if it is soldered). We take one group of contacts, put them together - how they should stand in the case. And we wrap places between roundings with sticky insulating tape 2-3 turns. Now these parts do not crumble, then the ends of these contacts are well tin-coated with a soldering iron.

Then, the tinned ends are wrapped with a single-core copper wire with a cross section of 0.3 - 0.5 mm2 and soldered to the tinned places. Next, we will replace the extension cord itself with a larger cross section. I have a piece of 2.5 meter left from a recent installation - three veins and a section of 2.5 mm2, so I'll use it for the future extension cord. I will use all the wires, which means one of the wires will have a larger cross section. We clean the tips and solder to the edges of the contact groups and the resulting structure, already monolithic, is inserted in its place.

Until you close the lid, you can try how the plug enters the outlet, if there are any inconsistencies, you can adjust and correct the rounding in the outlet. I assure you, the contact will be tight enough - the plug will be inserted tight enough into the outlet. After making sure that everything works “correctly, close the lid. It remains on the other end to put a good fork.

You can also wrap the places that were wrapped with electrical tape with a copper wire (bandage) and also solder it. Insulating tape - a kind of indicator, after prolonged use, you can look at its condition by removing the cover from the outlet.

And a little parting word: since the “ours and euro” forks differ in the diameter of the electrodes, then for the “our” forks, define some place, marking it in some way. Here is such an option for revision. This is my personal one, I think there are plenty of such craftsmen.

I took some moments for clarity, if there is something not clear in the text.

Socket before the upcoming revision.

Here is the factory-configured outlet:

How to bring to mind a cheap extension cord

We wrap the sections in the middle with electrical tape:

We wrap the sections in the middle with electrical tape

We wrap the middle sections with tape. So it looks after the changes:

We wrap the middle sections with tape. So it looks after the changes

These were the contact parts. It turned out a good and reliable extension cord.

These were the contact parts. It turned out a good and reliable extension cord.

Here's the extension cord. Maybe someone will take my advice.

L. Ryzhenkov

See also at

  • How to repair an extension cord
  • The main types of electrical extension cords for home
  • Homemade Carrier Extension
  • How to make a reliable extension cord (carrying)
  • What is the difference between a surge protector and an extension cord


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Good article. I also modify extension cords before use, since what is sold does not inspire any confidence. I liked the fact that the entire process of finalizing the extension cord is supplemented with photographs. Sometimes it's better to see something than just read.


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    Thank you so much for this article, the problem of an infinitely growing number of loads — just this time in the kitchen — in one well-made, high-quality socket, endlessly asking for a washing machine, microwave, and now also a toaster! Now I will provide everyone with my "nest"!
    The problem of quality extension cords, and indeed the sockets, is always relevant.
    And in general, thanks for the coolly selected articles, I read, copy and use them with great pleasure.


    # 3 wrote: Boris | [quote]


    Why all these unnecessary movements? But this is generally hilarious: “From a recent installation I still have a piece of 2.5 meter - three core and 2.5 mm2 cross-section, so I’ll use it for the future extension cord. I’ll use all the wires, so one of the wires will have a larger cross-section.” ! Drag such an extension cord around the apartment and you will often recall such an “adviser” with an unkind word. It’s easier to buy a socket (a block on N sockets without grounding), a plug, a 2x1.5 (18A) wire - assembled and that's it.


    # 4 wrote: Vladimir | [quote]


    Boris, I’ll support you, that is nonsense!

    1) if you do not want to burn your house - forget this article!

    2) have come !!!!! let's do this JACKER for some fucking 2.5-meter extension cord! NEW BUY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE? or. WOULD HUNT HUNT?

    3) DECIDED TO SAVE ON ELECTRICAL SAFETY? - go for it! just do not be surprised if a fire department comes to YOU ​​soon !!

    4) I understand that a man should be able to do a lot of housework and be quick-witted, but if we are talking about “workloads,” “phase,” then no one thought about reading the PUE, PTEEP before doing this modernization?

    Boris, rightly said:
    I’ll use all the wires, which means one of the wires will have a larger cross section. "!

    What section should the phase and zero have at U = 220 V? Right, SAME! and then what is proposed to do ??? - I say, BURN OUT!

    And so, in principle, the idea is great! The main thing is ECONOMIC!


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]




    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Woe-electric! And the network cable without a clamping collar sticks out of the box so that at the first tripping of a foot about this "miracle-carrying" it breaks out and short-cuts all the fuck ?! The article was more correct to call: "How to go crazy with a cheap extension cord")) The Soviets are clearly stolen from the 60s newspaper "Crazy October".


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Maybe you're right, but I doubt that the new Chinese extension cord will be better than this))))). I was convinced from my own experience! Just my advice: I wanted to redo the extension cord, redo the new one immediately, not the old shit))))


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Extension? At home?..
    As for me, an extension cord is a thing for a construction site. And then there is nothing special to argue - the article is informative, I myself redid my working extension cord. True, initially, before I started using it. I bought a block of outlets in a rubberized case, a convenient, not afraid of mechanical damage, high-quality plug, a “thick” 3x2.5 PVA wire, assembled, soldered connections and rejoice.
      And at home, in my opinion, there is nothing to do with an extension cord. It’s better to pull the wire where necessary and put the outlet in the box.


    # 9 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    The best option is to make the extension cord yourself by choosing the structural elements for it that correspond to the load that you plan to include. For example, you need an extension cord to supply a load of 16 A. If you buy a ready-made one in a store, it will not last long. As a rule, the rated current of such extension cords is overstated. A wire with a cross section of 0.75-1 square meters. mm, the plug does not withstand in fact more than 10 A. And contact plates (similar to those depicted in the article), when a current of 16 A flows through them, will heat up, which will lead to a melting of the carrying case. If you carry it yourself, you will be completely confident in its reliability. The plug can be selected at 16 A (visually corresponding to the specified nominal load), 2.5 kV wire. mm, a block for 2-3 sockets. When choosing a socket outlet, pay attention to its design, namely its compliance with the declared load. So that there were no thin plates, but, for example, spring-loaded contacts for each of the outlets. In general, if you need to power a large load from carrying, then you definitely need to carry it yourself. And if there is a need to power low-power electrical appliances, for example, a TV, audio and video equipment, then you can use the purchased carry.


    # 10 wrote: My name is too famous ... | [quote]


    I agree with Alex, Vladimir and Boris! The article is masturbation. And harmful. Mr. Ryzhenkov - You gave out stupidity for "the experience of a specialist." Masturbation specialist, damn it ....


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    I never do such nonsense.

    When you need an extension cord, I go to the store and buy a separate cable, block and plug. I collect everything. It turns out cheaper and much better.

    After all, I do not take a cable less than 1.5 squares in principle.


    # 12 wrote: | [quote]


    with all comments saglasen, but also the 5th and 10th newly purchased extension cord on the same principle - two plates are laid in plastic guides, from the heat which are spread out and a minimum of contact. My advice is discovered. I made a type of U-shaped clip from a 2.5 copper core of the cable and soldered several pieces along the lamella and also the lead-in wire, instead of a flimsy bolt, the spring effect is excellent and the contact with the plug pins is excellent and the proposed electrical tape winding is complete nonsense - immediately heat up from non-contacts. with a nasty smell and further on the comments above.


    # 13 wrote: Maksim | [quote]


    Ivan, the house also sometimes can not do without an extension cord. For example, to connect a TV and related equipment. Are you going to put five outlets? Tees - I do not welcome. Better extension cord. I plugged everything into it, and plugged it into a power outlet. If necessary, disconnect from the network just pulled the plug and that's it. It’s more convenient for me personally than turning on / off the construction of forks and tees.


    # 14 wrote: | [quote]


    Insulating tape is not a mechanical fastener. Heated - not her! # 12-right!