What is lamp color rendering index?
It is known that two lamps of different types, even with the same color temperature, such as a fluorescent lamp and an incandescent lamp, often convey the colors of the objects illuminated by them in different ways. A fluorescent lamp, in comparison with an incandescent lamp, has less energy in the red region of the spectrum, therefore the red color appears brighter when an incandescent lamp illuminates a body than when a fluorescent lamp illuminates the same body with the same color temperature. So, the color rendering properties of various lamps directly depend on the nature of the spectrum of their radiation.
The parameter characterizing the degree of correspondence of the natural color of an object to the visible color of this object when it is illuminated by a given light source is called the color rendering index Ra, or the color rendering coefficient, in English the color rendering index, or abbreviated CRI. This value is relative, and Ra of the reference light source ...
The efficiency of LED lighting systems is no longer in doubt, it is for this reason that it is increasingly LEDs that serve as light sources in many areas, both in industry and in everyday life. Thanks to the use of LEDs, the energy consumption for lighting is reduced up to 10 times compared to incandescent lamps. However, economy is not the only advantage of LED lighting.
The light output of the LEDs reaches 110 Lm / W and much more, while the luminous efficiency limit for a conventional incandescent lamp is only 15 Lm / W, for an energy-saving fluorescent lamp - 70 Lm / W, and for a metal halide lamp of average power - a maximum of 90 Lm / W . In addition, the life of LEDs as light sources reaches 100,000 hours, that is, 100 times greater than the guaranteed lifetime of an average incandescent lamp, amounting to only 1000 hours ...
Speaking of energy-saving light sources, such as compact fluorescent lamps or LEDs, we, first of all, note their high efficiency. The main indicator of this same efficiency is by no means low power consumption; the main characteristic of the efficiency of a light source is its direct light output.
It is the light output that shows how many lumens of visible light a particular lamp gives, a particular light source, consuming a unit of electric power, and is measured, respectively, in Lm / W, that is, in lumens per watt. It is understood that for each watt of the electric power consumed by the light source, a strictly defined number of lumens of the visible light flux emitted by it is necessary. The value of light output is strongly associated with the manufacturing technology of a particular light source. Obviously, those who give up their positions as main...
The bathroom is very different in humidity from other rooms in the home, therefore, for the safe installation of electrical appliances there, it is important to consider this factor. This also includes fixtures, which, although it is customary to place them high on the ceiling or on the wall, nevertheless, a correctly selected lamp for the bathroom can be installed in almost any humidity zone of the bathroom, provided, of course, that it has the appropriate protection class .
Basically, any bathroom can be divided into four humidity zones, in each of which the requirements for the security of the installed lamp, as well as safety, will be different. Each humidity zone is different from each other, which is why for each of them special requirements are placed on the fixtures.The first humidity zone is in the bath or in the shower ...
Children's lamps, in addition to their intended purpose, are able to play the role of an important element of decor and harmoniously complement the most unusual composition in the room of a mischievous little boy or little princess.
What to look for when choosing children's lamps? A product purchased for small users should be, above all, of high quality. Considering safety, it is better to give preference to models in which the ceiling, which is securely fixed to the base of the device, is made of impact-resistant materials that will not break when dropped.
A table lamp should fully illuminate the work surface, without taking up much space. Please note that the light from her does not hit the child in the eye, but gently scatters down. Sharp and traumatic corners and surfaces, overly fragile parts and unreliable fastening mechanisms are not allowed in children's fixtures ...
The effect of LED lamps on human health
The whole civilized world is gradually, but with more and more decisive, switching to LED lighting, and this is not at all surprising, since LEDs open a new era in the technology of light production itself, so this highly efficient technology claims to be the main one of its kind in 21 century. But how will the use of LEDs affect human health? We will try to figure it out now.
Let's start with the environmental aspect associated with the content or absence of heavy metals in LED lamps. Most recently, fluorescent energy-saving lamps containing mercury vapor in a flask were very popular, and this is a fact that causes unreasonable fears. In the event of a malfunction, the disposal of such lamps should be done in a special way, they cannot simply be taken and thrown into the bin, and, as a result, in many countries these lamps are distributed ...
Progress does not stand still, and LED lamps are rapidly appearing on store shelves, gradually displacing not only incandescent lamps, but also compact fluorescent lamps, so beloved by many of those who are used to scrupulously approach energy conservation.
However, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) require special measures when disposing of them, so not everything went smoothly with them. The LED lamp, in turn, is environmentally completely safe. Let's dwell in more detail on how to choose the right LED lamp, if necessary.
First of all, you should understand for yourself that it is not worth chasing cheapness when choosing an LED lamp, because a high-quality LED lamp can work for 50,000 hours. If you translate this into days, say 9 hours a day, you get more than 15 years ...
A compact fluorescent lamp (housekeeper) is popular due to the significantly lower power consumption compared to traditional incandescent lamps. But, often there is such an unpleasant situation as the flashing of housekeepers, which occurs when the switch of a given lamp is turned off. That is, the fluorescent lamp operates in normal mode, but continues to flash when turned off, which, firstly, causes inconvenience, and secondly, it causes concern regarding the safety of the lamp in this mode.
Below we consider the main causes of the flashing of compact fluorescent lamps and the corresponding methods for solving this problem. One of the most common problems of flickering housekeepers is the presence of this backlight in the light switch.In this case, the flashing occurs because the circuit supplying the LED ...