How electronic ballasts are arranged and work for fluorescent lamps
Fluorescent lamps cannot work directly from a 220V network. To ignite them, you need to create a high voltage pulse, and before that heat their spirals. To do this, use ballasts. They are of two types - electromagnetic and electronic. In this article we will consider electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps, what is who and how they work.
Fluorescent lamp is this gas-discharge light source. It consists of a tube-shaped flask filled with mercury vapor. At the edges of the flask are spirals. Accordingly, on each edge of the flask is a pair of contacts - these are the conclusions of the spiral. The operation of such a lamp is based on the luminescence of gases when an electric current flows through it. But the current just between the two metal spirals (electrodes) just does not flow. For this, a discharge must occur between them, such a discharge is called smoldering ...
Smart lamps: device, types and their application
Smart home is a system that makes technology work for you and simplifies life. In order to make your home smart, you either need to radically redo the entire wiring and introduce microprocessor or even microcomputer control systems ... Or go softer, different way, gradually equipping it with smart things. The simplest thing you can do is automate the lighting. This article will discuss how smart lamps help in this and what it is.
What is a smart lamp? The concept of "smart" or "smart" in our time is glued to almost all technology. Progress has come to seemingly such a simple and mundane thing as a light bulb. What is called a smart lamp? There are two possible answers: A lamp or a full-fledged lamp with additional functions, such as automatic switching on by popping, human presence, in the dark and when other sensors are triggered. Lighting device with a set of sensors and a microcontroller system ...
LED strip is a multifunctional light source due to its low voltage DC power supply and low power consumption. On the modern market, there are types of ribbons from low-power, for use for decorative purposes, to bright ones that are suitable as a light source. Also interesting are multi-color RGB models. In this article we will look at where you can use LED strips.
LED strips are powered by direct current with a voltage of 12V. This means that you definitely need to buy a power supply for this voltage of the corresponding power, then we will give a table of consumption of different tapes. In fact, the luminous flux depends on the LEDs used.Next, determine how you will connect the power and connect the segments of the tape. If you are going to solder, then you need a 25-40W soldering iron, rosin or another flux, for example, LTI-120, and solder, for example POS-60 ...
How to distinguish a bad LED from a good LED
The modern market is filled with a variety of LED lighting products. On sale there are both lamps under the familiar e27 threaded socket and lamps of other types. A separate class of products can be called LED lamps, in which it is impossible to replace the lamp, they do not have a cartridge, and the LEDs are simply soldered on the boards or strips. This begs the question: how to choose a good LED lamp?
Light requirements may be determined by the design decision, but this is not such a weighty argument as SNiP 23-05-95 and other regulatory documents. There are two main requirements for lighting the room: illumination and ripple factor. Both requirements depend on what the room is intended for, what and how long they will do something in it.This also implies the so-called class of visual work - it depends on the dimensions of the parts ...
Calculation of LED lighting of a room in an apartment or house
When repairing an apartment, lighting issues are usually considered without special responsibility, and the lamps are installed as you wish, estimating the brightness of the light "by eye". However, lighting is an important part of any construction, both from a design and from an engineering point of view. Moreover, there are state documents that regulate these issues, such as SNIP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting."
This article will talk about how to calculate LED lighting for the home. Although the calculations for industrial and other types of premises, as well as using other types of light sources, are generally similar. The purpose of calculations and lighting design is to achieve normalized lighting for a particular room. Each room has its own lighting standard. It can be calculated based on the class of visual work ...
Types, characteristics, marking of SMD LEDs
Types, characteristics, marking of SMD LEDs Lighting is an important condition for work and human comfort. For a long time, incandescent lamps were used as light sources, then fluorescent lamps; for high-power spotlights and lamps, halogen lamps, DRL and DNaT were used.
In the 21st century, the generation of lighting fixtures has changed, and LED lamps occupy more than half of the market, they are often called foreign lamps or LED lamps. Depending on the design and power, they are either LED COB-matrices, or assemblies of individual LEDs. The first LED fixtures and lamps were built on the basis of 5-mm output LEDs. They were not distinguished by high energy efficiency, price and reliability, but this was the first step in the development of a new light source. For a long time, such LEDs were used as indicators ...
The whole truth about dimming LED lights: dimmers, drivers, and theory
Adjusting the brightness of light sources is used to create comfortable illumination of a room or workplace. Adjusting the brightness, it is possible to arrange several circuits that are switched on by individual switches. In this case, you will get a stepwise change in illumination, as well as separate luminous and off lamps, which can cause inconvenience. Stylish and relevant design solutions include a smooth adjustment of the overall illumination, provided all the lamps are lit. This allows you to create both an intimate setting for relaxation, and bright for celebrations or working with small details.
Earlier, when the main light sources were incandescent lamps and spotlights with halogen lamps, there were no problems with adjustment. The usual 220V dimmer was used on the triac (or thyristors). Which was usually in the form of a switch, with a rotary knob instead of keys ...
The difference between LED lamps and energy-saving compact fluorescent
Household consumers are gradually phasing out incandescent lamps, and they are using them less and less. At first they were replaced by compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). They consume 5 times less energy at the same brightness. That is, a 20 W fluorescent lamp can replace a 100 W incandescent lamp. For this they were called energy-saving.
Technology does not stand still and in the last 5 years, LED lamps or LEDs have strengthened in the market. The range of products is wide enough from light panels and tapes to searchlights and lamps for all possible socles. At the same time they shine 10 times brighter than incandescent lamps of the same power. Let's take a closer look at the differences between energy-saving and LED lamps.LED lamps actually also belong to energy-saving ones, but in the people this name is fixed to compact fluorescent lamps, although they save energy not like LED ones ...