How Duralight is arranged and connected
The word "duralight" can literally be translated as "durable light" (from English durable light). And indeed, duralight, upon careful examination, turns out to be a transparent polymer flexible cord, inside of which there are lamps or LEDs (LED Duralight), in fact - a strong tubular garland. PVC tube in the role of a frame provides duralight moisture resistance, flexibility, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and physical strength.
A typical LED duralight can operate at ambient temperatures from −50 ° C to + 60 ° C, and the resource for the operating time is limited only by the capabilities of the LEDs - this is tens of thousands of hours. Inside the cord is by no means hollow; the gaps between the LEDs are also filled with PVC to give duralight extra strength. So, duralight can be safely used in outdoor and indoor advertising structures, in a variety of architectural lighting, for decorating trees ...
How to choose lamps and fixtures for suspended ceilings
In the design of apartments, plasterboard constructions are used in order to create a beautiful interior in the rooms. False ceiling is one of the types of such solutions. There is another variety - stretch ceilings. This is an elastic fabric stretched at a distance from the main ceiling. And the appearance of the design can be absolutely anything, both monochrome and with colorful prints. But lighting still remains a necessity in every room. In this article we will talk about the choice of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings.
To begin with, stretch ceilings are a canvas stretched on a supporting structure at a small distance from the main floor. The canvas can be fabric or PVC. It should be noted that the PVC film does not withstand high temperatures. 80 degrees Celsius will already be critical. Therefore, in fact, the film normally transfers heat of 40-50 degrees. The fabric canvas is more resistant to temperature ...
At all times, mankind understood that day is necessarily the sun, and night is certainly darkness. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, for most people it was considered absolutely normal to work on the street during the daylight hours, while daylight illuminates everything around. But as soon as dusk came, everyone went home, and at night they went to bed.
Today everything has changed. Most people in the so-called civilized countries work in rooms with artificial lighting, and when the sun goes below the horizon, the more they turn on artificial light to work longer, stay awake, and go to bed later. Initially, people used fire to illuminate indoors: lamps, candles, torches. Later appeared oil, kerosene and gas lamps, and finally, the first electric lighting fixtures ...
To begin with, in a regular LED strip, regardless of whether it is single-color or RGB, all the LEDs of the tape are powered and lit at the same time, since they all receive power in parallel from one source, a driver that works according to its own algorithm, implemented directly inside the driver, and it simply supplies power to the entire tape at once, in fact - to all LEDs connected in parallel to it.
Address LED strip, in contrast to the usual, contains the so-called address LEDs. This means that although each LED receives power in parallel from a common source, each LED turns on according to an individual command, and that means that each LED can get its own unique shade, one of 2553 = 16581375 possible.Each LED in the tape has its own unique address, at which the driver accesses it using a three-bit command ...
The problem of overheating of lighting LEDs and solutions
When compared with rapidly fading light sources, LED sources have only one, but a very serious flaw. Their durability and reliability largely depend on the efficiency of heat removal from light emitting components. Therefore, the protection circuit of the LED from overheating is an important component of any high-quality LED lighting system.
The average light-emitting diode LED ten times surpasses a traditional bulb with a filament in energy efficiency (profitability). However, if the LED is not installed on a radiator of sufficient area, then it will most likely fail. It is generally accepted, without going into details, that more efficient lighting LEDs need more efficient heat dissipation than conventional ones. Let us nevertheless examine the problem more deeply ...
Street lighting with solar lamps
In the dark, summer cottages, driveways and simply garden paths, flower beds and lawns will be wonderfully complemented by a small solar-powered autonomous lighting system. Lamps of such a plan not only give soft, not harsh light, but also simply decorate the territory. And from an economic point of view, they also contribute to the conservation of monetary resources. Let's take a closer look at these fixtures, talk about their design, consider the advantages and disadvantages of such systems for cottages and estates.
Solar-powered evening lanterns can be seen for a long time in the squares, near cafes and shops, they also appear in the dachas, where guests visit from time to time. And this situation is justified, because having arrived at the cottage, we want to relax or, say, receive guests in a beautiful, cozy, calm environment, in a word - in comfortable, pleasant for the soul conditions. Solar-powered flashlights just create such conditions. In addition, the presence of workers in the dark ...
How to find out the power of an LED strip
To organize outdoor and indoor lighting, especially to create a variety of local lighting of interior areas, they are increasingly resorting to the use of LED strips. LED strips are universal, compared to lamps they are inexpensive, compared to fluorescent lamps - they are very energy-efficient, and besides, they are very easy to install - all this explains the growing popularity of LED strips among a wide range of consumers.
In connection with the relevance of this topic, let's talk about the parameters of LED strips, how to find out and calculate the power of the tape and what you should look for when choosing an LED strip for your needs. A typical LED strip is a kind of flexible printed circuit board with SMD LEDs mounted on it in a certain order on one side, and with conductive tracks on the back. These tapes are issued on a constant voltage 5, 12, 24 or 36 volts ...
Ripple and flicker of LED lamps and other light sources
The current popularity of LED light sources used in everyday life, at manufacturing enterprises and in street lighting systems, is explained by their many advantages: efficiency, environmental friendliness, and another important property - minimal pulsations of the emitted light. Let's look at this aspect in more detail. Why is the nature of the pulsations of the light flux so important for people?
At all times of the existence of human civilization, the Sun has always remained the main source of light on earth. At night - the moon.But it was the sunlight of the eye and the human nervous system that learned to perceive more comfortably than even light from a fire, a lamp or a candle, and even more so from other specially created sources. A person’s need to conduct an active and productive life activity in the dark, forced him to look for alternative light sources ...