How does the electromagnetic field smell
In this article we will talk about living “receivers” of the electromagnetic field, about what electromagnetic waves have learned to perceive in the process of evolution living things and what kind of “devices” they have for this.
Electromagnetic waves permeate us. Their spectrum is wide: from rays with a wavelength of less than 10 - 13 m to radio waves whose length is measured in kilometers. However, living creatures for photobiological processes use only a narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum from 300 to 900 nm.
The Earth’s atmosphere cuts off, as a filter, life-threatening electromagnetic waves from our luminary. Rays shorter than 290 nm, hard ultraviolet, are trapped in the upper layers of the atmosphere by ozone, and the long-wave sizzling radiation is absorbed by carbon dioxide, water vapor and ozone.
In the process of evolution, "animals" appeared in many animals and even plants, which capture rays from 300 to 900 nm, among them - the eyes ...
Instead of a conductor, a dielectric
In 1870, the English physicist John Tyndall demonstrated an interesting experience in the propagation of light through a stream of water. Light from a carbon arc is introduced through a lens into a water stream. Due to the multiple internal reflections of the rays at the boundary of two media - water and air - the jet glowed along its entire length. It was the first light guide - liquid.
After 35 years, another scientist, Robert Wood, suggested that "light without large losses can be transmitted from one point to another, using the internal reflection from the walls of a glass stick." So the idea of a solid transparent light guide came up.
50 years passed from the emergence of this idea to its realization, until in the late 1950s, two-layer glass fibers with different refractive indices were obtained: large in the inner and smaller in the outer layer. As in the Tyndall experiments, due to multiple reflections at the interface of two media, a light beam propagated along the fiber - from the transmitting end to the receiving one ...
The doctrine of electromagnetism has been criticized for a long time, speaking about it: incomprehensible, complex, contradictory.
Indeed, there are about a hundred paradoxes in it. However, their theoretical analysis, so to speak, theorization, refinement, despite the usefulness of such a lesson, sometimes still smacks of something cabinet, speculative. In such cases, one involuntarily wants to ask: is there anything new in practice, in experiments, that would even astonish the most experienced theorists?
I must say that unusual experiments, nevertheless explainable within the framework of the existing doctrine, can be counted with a dozen. Among them there are those who finally open the way to a new electrodynamics - clear, simple and logical, devoid of paradoxes.
Let's talk about both. Extremely spectacular look "motors" in which between the electrodes, where the high voltage is connected, a variety of objects rotate frantically. One such wheel was built by Franklin. The principle of its operation is very simple: charges flowing from the electrodes onto the rotor are repelled by the Coulomb forces ...
How to make a perpetual motion machine with your own hands
Does the perpetual motion machine still exist?
According to the scheme below, a real and fully functional model of a perpetual motion machine was developed.
The diagram shows a more simplified connection of the working elements, namely, the connection of the engine anchors and generators and a single aggregate shaft, in real execution a belt drive was used. The generator and electric motor were fixed so that when starting the electric motor could simultaneously rotate the generator shafts.
To create a prototype of the engine used a conventional car battery and the same generator 1 with a standard 12 voltage.Generator 2, relative to generator 1, was made smaller by the weight of the root, respectively, thereby it produces less working energy and reduces the load on the electric motor ...
More recently, the term "stepper motor" was known only to a narrow circle of electrical engineers. Now, stepper motors have received the honorable right to be called only by their "initials" - SD evidence of the widespread use of electrical machines of this type.
Imagination involuntarily prompts the image of a stepping electric machine with limbs. No, this is not a robot, although a stepper motor can control one of its joints. The car itself is very simple. A stepper motor can be represented in the form of several electromagnets with pulse windings on a fixed part (stator) and an armature, which when switching the windings rotates or moves progressively ...
Modern wind generators are "preparing" for the reception of wind long before it appears
The article describes new equipment that allows wind generators to automatically adjust to air flow.
It would seem that collecting wind energy is a simple matter. Air passes through the turbine blades, causing it to rotate. The turbine drives the generator. A generator produces electricity. But, in fact, not everything is so simple.
Wind generators without fail are installed in the area where storms often rage. A strong wind can damage or even destroy air turbines if they are at the wrong angle. They should be fine-tuned so that powerful gusts rotate, not destroy the blades. Such adjustment is a common thing in working with turbine equipment.
This process can greatly facilitate the technology created Torben Mikkelsen and his colleagues from the Danish National Laboratory of Sustainable Energy Sources Risoe DTU. Dr. Mikkelsen is working on a system that allows each generator to scan upwind and pre-adjust the blades ...
Comparison of a conventional ceiling LVO lamp with an LED analogue.
The revolutionary Age of lighting is approaching. The best universal technology for lighting equipment, selected at the state level, is energy-saving LED technology. And technological innovations appear, there are a huge number of them, they replace like ordinary incandescent lamps, spotlights, architectural and interior lighting. There are solutions for offices, and in general, for their upcoming construction, using cost-effective lighting devices.
Namely, where I drove everything, in the last sentence, these are LED lamps built into the ceiling. Let's see if there is a benefit in its use and how economical is this device?
Experimental collisions of the Leiden experience
No one can name the exact date of the scientific discovery of the fact that electric charges can be accumulated using special devices, later called Leyden banks and later developed in devices called electric capacitors. But it can be argued that after 1745. with the help of a Leyden jar, it was possible to find out the high speed of the spread of electricity, its effect on the human and animal organism, the possibility of igniting combustible gases with electric sparks, etc. Thousands of researchers are trying to use this device for the needs of the national economy. However, for some reason no one is trying to study the Leiden bank itself.
The first question to nature on the bank itself is asked by the great American self-taught scientist Benjamin Franklin.Recall that the Leyden jar at that time was an ordinary corked bottle of water, into the cork of which an iron rod was inserted that touched this water. The bottle itself was either held in hands or placed on a lead sheet. That was her whole device.
Franklin wondered where in this simple apparatus made of glass of metal and water electricity could accumulate. In an iron rod, water or the bottle itself? ...