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Biefeld-Brown effect and other electromagneto-gravitational effects


Electromagnetogravitational effects from the standpoint of a unified theory of the field, space and timeMankind has repeatedly encountered natural phenomena and experiments that cannot be explained from the standpoint of modern science (in any case, from the standpoint of an accessible part of it). These include the existence of anomalous points on the planet, anti-gravity effects, transitions to other dimensions of people and objects, etc. These phenomena, as a rule, occur in the presence of electric and magnetic fields, demonstrate the relationship of gravitational space-time with electromagnetic fields.

Each elementary particle of matter carries not only gravitational, but also an electric charge, however, in general, the electric potential in our space is equal to zero. The lack of electric potential in the gravitational field-ether is due to two factors:

1. Equality of the ether-forming pair of particles in our space (proton and electron) of electric charges of a positive and negative sign.

2. The number of protons and electrons is exactly equal in the entire closed volume of the metagalaxy.

These factors are a property of matter, a property of the ether field of the constant gravitational potential of the closed space-time of our metagalaxy. An electric field can be present only in local regions of space-time. From the point of view of a unified theory of field, space and time, radiation crossing a similar region acquires two components: electromagnetic and magnetogravitational. In the space region of double electrogravity nature, not only a change in the electric, but also a change in the gravitational field leads to the formation of a magnetic field. The amplitude of the electromagnetic and magnetogravitational component of single oscillations depends on the potential of the field of the opposite nature (gravitational and electric, respectively).

A change in the magnetic field in space-time of a double nature forms both an electric and a gravitational field, depending on the potential of the field of the opposite nature. If the electric potential is equal to zero, then the energy of the magnetic field completely transfers to the electric field. In an ideal gravitational ether, there are only electromagnetic waves. In the presence of an electric potential of a positive or negative sign, part of the magnetic energy is spent on the formation of a gravitational alternating field, and the larger the electric potential, the greater the amplitude of the gravitational component of the single electromagnetic-gravitational vibrations.

The gravitational ether of our space is an inexhaustible source of electromagnetic energy. Currently, devices have already been created that receive electricity "from nothing": from space-time of gravitational nature. Such devices lay the foundation for the energy of the future. Now we can confidently say that the energy crisis does not threaten humanity.

1. The Biffeld-Brown Effect

The interaction of a high-voltage electric field with gravitational ether was experimentally discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown, a college student, at the beginning of the last century. Naturally, Brown himself did not seek a theoretical justification for the effect of his name. His discovery was not met with understanding by the scientific community (except for Professor Paul Alfred Biefeld - the future teacher of student Brown). It was clear that there was a connection between the electric and gravitational fields, however, all the efforts of the fathers of this effect were mainly aimed at finding a practical application of an incomprehensible phenomenon.

The effect consists in the translational motion of the flat high-voltage capacitor towards the positive pole. After years of research in the years 25-65, Brown created film disk capacitors charged to a voltage of 50 kV, capable of rising into the air and making circular motions at a speed of 50 m / s.

The capacitor is a unique device that creates between the plates a "bipolar" electric ether, two electric subspaces-time. The anti-gravity effect is associated with the curvature of the initial space-time by an electric field. Naturally, the anti-gravity effect is stronger

  • if there is a greater electric field potential (more voltage between the plates);

  • if the capacitor is larger (the distance between the plates is smaller and their area is larger);

  • if the volume of the area curved by the electric field is larger (the distance between the plates is larger and their area is larger); * if the mass of the substance is in the region of maximum electric potential;

  • if the dielectric has a different dielectric constant in thickness ...

In the electrically charged region, many physical laws of the gravitational ether change, in particular, the direction and intensity of the interaction of gravitational and electric charges changes, the space bends, and the speed of the passage of time changes. Between the capacitor plates there are two regions having a positive and negative electric potential, distorting the initial gravitational ether in different directions. A positive electric potential expands space-time, and a negative potential compresses it. The pressure from the side of the ether is created on the gravitationally charged substance located in the curved region. The capacitor seeks to move from the region of a denser field-ether to the region of rarefied space-time.

At the time of charging the capacitor, a magnetic field is formed between the plates. In the presence of an electric potential, this magnetic field forms a secondary gravitational field, according to the equations of a unified field theory. In the positive and negative electric potential, the gravitational field has a different direction, acting on the gravitationally charged substance of the dielectric in different directions. If it were possible to obtain a positive potential much greater than negative, then the anti-gravity effect would be much greater. To some extent, this can be promoted by a dielectric with a variable dielectric constant, which introduces an imbalance between electric subspaces of different signs.

The Biffeld-Brown effect, by and large, is not anti-gravitational, it does not depend on external gravity. The secondary gravitational field created between the plates of the capacitor creates its own "gravity". If the positively charged plate faces the ground, then the weight of the capacitors increases compared to the original. Since the gravitational potential in the entire metagalaxy has a constant value equal to the square of the speed of light (the radius of the metagalaxy is equal to the gravitational), the magnitude of the effect does not depend on a point in space. The secondary gravitational field, which drives a charged flat capacitor, does not depend on how the space is curved by the uneven distribution of matter and fields of various nature. In the entire closed volume of the metagalaxy, the effect has the same magnitude; at any point, the motion of charged high-voltage capacitors is possible. Maybe such interstellar ships in the future will plow the vastness of the universe.

2. Electrogravity deployed capacitor

The disadvantage of a flat capacitor is that the maximum magnetic field is located in the region of zero electric potential, at an equal distance from the plates of the capacitor.The secondary gravitational field is maximum if the maximum of the magnetic field coincides with the electric potential of only one sign. For a flat capacitor, this is achieved using a dielectric with nonlinear properties. Another solution to this problem: the use of plates of various sizes and shapes, located at an angle to each other.

The mechanism of formation of the secondary gravitational field in the case of deployed capacitors is associated with the formation of a high magnetic field in the presence of an electric potential. The problem of obtaining the maximum gravitational field is associated with the small capacity of the deployed T-shaped or plane-cylindrical capacitors. The solution to this problem should be sought in electromagnetic systems that create at one point in space both the electric potential of the same sign and the magnetic field.

A conventional capacitor has natural limitations in increasing the electrical potential on the plates. These limitations are associated with the area of ​​the plates, the breakdown voltage, a small region of the electric potential between the plates. Such systems are possible in which the accumulated electric potential does not have such limitations, but depends only on the power of electromagnetic energy generators.

3. Philadelphia experiment

In short, the experiment is as follows: Four powerful coils were mounted on the deck of the destroyer DE-173 (Eldridge) in order to create an electromagnetic field that could hide the ship from view. In the hold there were four phase-synchronized generators (75 kW each), capable of pumping deck inductances at a resonant frequency with a pulsed voltage. On October 28, 1943, the whole system was turned on, and the destroyer disappeared for a while, leaving a clear imprint of its hull on the water. As a result of the experiment, several people disappeared forever, five were melted into the steel plating of the ship, many lost their minds.

You can comment on the results of the experiment from the position of a unified theory of field, space and time as follows:

The magnetic system formed around the perimeter of the ship a powerful pulsed magnetic field of a certain direction. Synchronously with the magnetic vortex electric field of high tension was formed, directed perpendicular to the surface of the deck. A powerful electric field near the conducting water surface led to the redistribution of electric charges there, to the formation of a huge electric potential on the destroyer hull. Powerful pulses of an electric field of the same polarity created a huge electric potential, distorting space and time in a local area. A large-capacity “water” deployed capacitor was charged: the ship’s hull acquired an electric charge of the same sign, and the opposite charge was distributed in the surrounding body of water.

The geometric properties of space-time are influenced not only by the gravitational field, but also by the electric field. The total potential of both fields at any point in the closed volume of the metagalaxy is equal to c2. Any change in the electric or gravitational fields leads to a change in the density of ether in the local region, to a curvature of the space-time continuum.

The space-time surrounding the ship became not only gravitational, but also electric. In gravitational ether in the presence of an electric potential:

  • the nature (intensity) of the interaction of electric and gravitational charges changes;

  • the inertial mass of all bodies is determined not only by the gravitational charge, but also by the electric one;

  • the values ​​of electric, magnetic and gravitational constants change;

  • radiation has the character of electromagnetism waves;

  • a magnetic field is formed when not only electric charges, but also gravitational masses are moved;

  • a change in the magnetic field forms secondary and electric and gravitational fields;

  • in the local region carrying an electric charge, both the spatial scale and the time interval change.

In the case of a positive electric potential, the destroyer could several times increase its geometric dimensions, dissolving in space in the literal sense of the word. This is only possible with a simultaneous change in spatial scale and time interval. The ship with people left our time and space, our dimension. When the magnetic field was turned off, the reverse changes occurred. The movement of people at the time of disappearance led to the fact that they could go beyond the curved area and did not return to the starting point of space. Their position could accidentally coincide with the position of objects, sheathing of a ship or water ... Moreover, they could be enclosed in a steel (or other) trap.

... Similar effects can be observed not only in laboratories, but also in nature, in outer space. From the standpoint of a unified theory of field, space and time, we can consider the existence of anomalous points of the planet (similar to the Bermuda Triangle), various atmospheric phenomena. Wherever there is a movement of a huge mass of matter in the presence of the Earth's magnetic field and the electric field of the Galaxy, effects of this kind arise. If the experiment of the same name was actually carried out 59 years ago in Philadelphia, then we should note our catastrophic lag in the question of the study of electromagneto-gravitational interactions. But the future energy resources of the planet are not in the reserves of coal or gas, not in nuclear energy. They are concentrated in the inexhaustible energy of the gravitational field-ether of our space-time.

Kosyev V.Ya.

See also at

  • Levitation and the Biffeld-Brown effect, ionic wind - how it works
  • Earth's magnetic field
  • The use of electrostatic induction in technology
  • What is electric current?
  • Voltage, resistance, current and power are the main electrical quantities


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    A more accessible understanding will be when the infa about electricity is declassified, some know it, but science is silent about it, because then it will be necessary to uncover the secret of ball lightning, on the principle of which UFO works, and it works in the fuel-free mode of the perpetual motion machine, nobody uses these technologies will not allow you to create, control over this is strictly, inventors die quickly, are eliminated. The article is not complete, it must be added that this effect has been kept secret for a long time, in addition to the flying Conder, they opened another experiment, they noticed that the X-ray vacuum tube twitched when it was turned on, that is, it created traction, which means that if you connect the vacuum tube to Conder, then we get the UFO engine.


    # 2 wrote: Paul | [quote]


    Where is the competent writing material? What is the curvature of space? You are not making a movie for housewives !!


    # 3 wrote: Jackie | [quote]


    Something nonsense is written, some kind of gravitational field was invented, the explanation is illiterate to the limit. The engine to the limit is simple, plus minus and forward. And what is hard to build? Chubais does not give money? Where is all this? In the same place as the ECIP - in the trash.