About electric injuries and how to deal with it
The development of human thought has led to the emergence of various devices designed to simplify our lives. However, this to some extent pushed humanity closer to that dangerous line beyond which the harm caused by the device will exceed its benefit.
Electricity is the driving force of the entire modern process of life; many vital systems cannot do without it. Nevertheless, many people die or receive damage from electricity. Therefore, we can conclude that a characteristic feature of the development of power supply and power consumption is electric injury.
Injury has become a social phenomenon and is the subject of study not only of medicine alone. The problems of preventing and eliminating injuries should be addressed mainly by organizational and technical measures ...
What to do if the light goes out in the apartment? The article gives a brief description of the troubleshooting technique in the power supply system of an apartment, a private house by those who have never done this — single boys and girls, men and women who do not have special education.
The lights went out - and immediately a lot of problems: how can I watch the series, in the morning - a bathtub, toilet, hairdryer? Let's try to help ourselves. The first thing you need is local lighting: a flashlight, a mobile phone, a lighter, in a pinch, a candle, matches. The best thing now is the LED flashlight, which is mounted on the head - very comfortable and hands free.
Now let’s determine how the light is off: in the whole apartment or in one room ...
Do-it-yourself replacement of electrical wiring in an apartment, private house. Save time and money.
If you started an apartment or house repair, it is advisable to change the electrical wiring. Why it is desirable, because in the 70-80s no one counted on the electrical equipment that is now used in our apartments, and even more so in houses, and repairs were usually made cosmetic.
Nowadays, a lot of household appliances have appeared, such as washing machines, coffee makers, electric kettles, microwave ovens, electric ovens, bread makers, you can list the names of this equipment for a long time, and the question arises of how the old electrical wiring can withstand this technique, with an old power shield, in which there are usually two traffic jams. For this reason, it is necessary to replace the old aluminum wiring with a new, preferably copper ...
Power consumption limiting device
An article on the use of a device that allows you to competently distribute the power supplied by electric networks.
The end of the nineties. All free capacities in distribution networks are almost selected. The prices for obtaining permission to connect capacity are galloping at an awful rate. But in order to give, the population needs power, distribution networks need to reconstruct and build a huge number of networks and distribution substations.
Financing for the modernization program is practically not allocated. The consumer has to shoulder the problems of distribution networks. According to the technical specifications issued by the same networks, reconstruct or build high-voltage lines in order to bring the point of connection of their capacities closer to the place of their own construction. To buy equipment or finance the reconstruction of distribution substations. And all this in order to get to the house or cottage not 3 kW, but at least 10 kW. So, we will talk about this category of consumers. I will give an interesting example of the relationship of this category of consumers ...
Installation of electrical wiring in concrete floors
Electrical wiring in the house: installation features
Not so long ago, in Soviet times, wiring was decided to be routed around the rooms strictly along the walls, switches and sockets should be installed in uncomfortable places for use, often making room furniture problematic. Today, the usual “wall” installation is being replaced by floor, or more precisely, underground.
Laying the electrical network under the floors is much more convenient from the point of view of economy, because the wires are mounted directly, along the shortest path, which can reduce the consumption of materials sometimes up to 40% (!). In addition, hidden in the floor wiring implies absolutely free placement of furniture. Outlets will not loom in the middle of the wall: they can be led directly to the equipment, for example, hidden under a computer table, even if this table is in the middle of the room ...
How is a hammer drill different from a drill
Perforator device. How does he work. Features of fastening of the drill. Cartridge. Impact energy. Cost.
If you are planning to carry out repairs yourself in the house and expect to drill a large number of holes, you, of course, need a hammer drill.
In popularity, the punch is not inferior to electric drills, being one of the most popular electric tools used in the repair business.
The main task of the puncher is the operation of drilling holes in difficult to process materials such as concrete and stone. But, as an addition, there is also the possibility of drilling holes in metal, brick and other materials, the processing of which is often encountered in the process of repair.
Despite the similarity of the principles of action, perforators differ in their characteristics from impact drills ...
Feedthrough switch. Wiring diagram
Circuit-breaker circuits allow turning on and off lighting from two or more different places for their installation. In some cases, this is not only convenient, but also very necessary.
For example, there is a long corridor. It is naturally lit. Turning on the light at the beginning, and having this very scheme of connecting the passage switch, you do not have to return again to turn off, but you can do this with the second switch that is installed at the other end of the corridor.
Let's take a closer look at this wiring diagram, consisting of two loop-through switches. It will require two switches (they are also called “walk-through”), each of which has three contacts and two switching positions. Moreover, the switching mode must be of "cross over nature", that is -one contact is common to the other two.In one position it is closed with one of them, and in another position, of course, with another ...
In almost all houses of the old construction and in most modern houses, the electrical wiring is mounted with aluminum wires in a single insulation. The section of this wiring is most often calculated based on a consumption rate of 1-2 kW. power, which is quite normal for the sixties of the last century, but our contemporaries consume much more.
Let's count. The consumption of a TV is 200-300 W, an electric kettle is 800-1500 W, a microwave oven is up to a kilowatt, an electric heater is a minimum of one and a half kilowatts, etc. That is why the old wiring can no longer stand ...