How the LEDs are arranged and work
Light-emitting semiconductor devices are widely used for lighting systems and as indicators of electric current. They relate to electronic devices operating under the applied voltage. Since its value is insignificant, such sources belong to low-voltage devices, they have an increased degree of safety regarding the effect of electric current on the human body. The risks of injuries increase when sources of increased voltage, for example, a household home network, which require the inclusion of special power supplies in the circuit, are used to illuminate them.
A distinctive feature of the design of the LED is a higher mechanical strength of the housing than that of Illich and fluorescent lamps. With proper operation, they work long and reliably. Their resource is 100 times higher than that of incandescent filaments, reaching one hundred thousand hours ...
As soon as the production of LEDs reached industrially significant proportions, their widespread introduction began. The use of LEDs is so extensive these days that if you look around you will almost certainly catch something that has LEDs. What explains their popularity?
It's simple: the LED is a very efficient, safe, and inexpensive light source that meets many lighting needs, not inferior to either incandescent or neon lamps, and in fact, significantly surpassing them all. Where are the LEDs used, what are their areas of application? We will try to give an answer to this question here. First of all, pay attention to the fact that many LCD screens, for example, TV screens, monitors, displays of mobile phones, and various mobile gadgetshave LED backlight. This applies to both old models and the latest ...
Despite the wide choice in stores of LED flashlights of various designs, hams are developing their own options for powering white super-bright LEDs. Basically, the task boils down to how to power the LED from just one battery or accumulator, to conduct practical research.
After a positive result is obtained, the scheme is disassembled, the details are put in a box, the experiment is completed, moral satisfaction ensues. Often, studies stop at this, but sometimes the experience of assembling a particular assembly on a breadboard goes into a real design, made according to all the rules of art. The following are some simple circuits developed by ham radio operators. In some cases, it is very difficult to establish who is the author of the scheme, since the same scheme appears on different sites and in different articles. Often authors of articles honestly write that this article was found on the Internet ...
Powerful LED arrays in lighting: device and application features
Since the development of the first practically applicable LED by the University of Illinois professor Nick Holonyak in 1962, more than half a century has passed, however, the revolutionary invention to this day undergoes progressive changes, becoming more perfect and more technological and useful.
The electroluminescence of a semiconductor transition, with the recombination of electrons and holes, is now the basis for supereconomic light sources. LED, often called LED (short for English light-emitting diode), lamps are gradually gaining a stable position in the market of modern energy-saving lighting technologies, both for domestic needs, and for enterprises and even for street lighting systems.LED lamps outperform compact fluorescent lamps ...
RGB LED strip - types, device, schemes
In addition to white LED stripsdescribed in a previous article tapes with color LEDs are also available. Currently, it is only 4 colors: red, blue, green and yellow. The LED housings are the same as in the white tapes. Colored ribbons are used mainly for decorative lighting, modding of computer cases and cars, as well as at discos and other entertainment events.
Usually they are called RGB tapes. Each LED of such a tape is an assembly of red, blue and green LEDs. RGB tape has 4 pins. One conclusion is common and three separate conclusions for each color.
According to the laws of physics, from these colors you can get the whole gamut of shades. This is how colors appear on the TV screen. Naturally, to control such a tape you will need ...
LED strips can be seen almost everywhere. A car is driving, and in its headlights the LEDs are brightly lit. Motorists affectionately call such a backlight "cilia." The purpose of such a backlight is daytime running lights, this is a requirement of car inspection, and not the desire of a car owner to decorate his car. Such lights are much more economical and more durable than incandescent lamps used in headlights. However, if you want to decorate your car, you can use the colored ribbon, gluing it wherever your soul desires.
You go to the store, there are also LEDs everywhere: the goods on the windows are highlighted, various cabinets are also indicated by luminous stripes. Even street advertising is highlighted with LED strips. And no one soldered these LEDs one at a time, everything is already soldered to us. In domestic conditions, LED strip can also be used. This is the illumination of ceilings, aquariums, cabinets ...
Good and bad LED wiring patterns
In previous articles, various issues related to connecting LEDs have been described. But you cannot write everything in one article, so you have to continue this topic. Here we will talk about various ways to turn on the LEDs.
The Chinese industry produces all kinds of souvenirs, trinkets, lighters, in which the LED is turned on without a limiting resistor: just two or three disk batteries and one LED. In this case, the current is limited by the internal resistance of the battery, the power of which is simply not enough to burn the LED.
But here, in addition to burnout, there is another unpleasant property - the degradation of LEDs, most inherent in white and blue LEDs: after a while, the brightness of the glow becomes quite insignificant, although the current through the LED flows quite enough, at the nominal level. This is not to say that it does not shine at all ...
Illuminated magnifier: switch to LEDs
Favorite backlit magnifier honestly worked for almost a year and a half and died. Quiet cotton, light smoke, a peculiar smell - and silence. The electronic ballast burned out. With this electronic ballast is not so simple. I connected a functioning electronic ballast from a compact 11W fluorescent lamp (one lamp directly, the second through an additional inductor parallel to the one installed).
Only one burns. Inconveniently. Have to watch CFL. Inside the Chinese design are two 137 mm fluorescent noname lamps with a G23 socket.
Wikipedia: “The G23 lamp is a double folded tube. A starter is located inside the base; only an electromagnetic inductor is needed to start the lamp. Available at a power of 5 to 14 watts. The main application is table lamps, but they are often found in fixtures for showers and bathrooms ”...