The most energy-consuming household appliances
The life of a modern person is inconceivable without electrical appliances. We cook and reheat food, store food, do cleaning, wash, iron, work at the computer, spend leisure time, etc. All their life, people interact with electrical appliances, using them to provide a more comfortable and more efficient life for themselves and their loved ones.
But have you ever wondered how much electricity all these household appliances consume together and individually? Indeed, many of us often think about saving energy. And how to achieve this if you do not calculate consumption? Let’s count what our comfortable, so-called civilized everyday life turns into. First of all, in order to calculate the consumption, it is necessary to know the power of each household appliance, that is, the number of watts consumed in normal daily operation. On any device, as a rule, there is a plate ...
How to measure the power consumption of home electrical appliances
Sometimes it is useful to make sure that the home counter is working correctly and does not count anything superfluous. To do this, it is enough to measure the real power consumption of your home electrical appliances. Or maybe you have doubts about whether the heater or the water heater consumes too much, if it’s painfully impressive bills have recently come for electricity.
One way or another, there are several ways to find out. The first way - using the meter itself to find out the consumption that it counts, the second - using a multimeter or current clamp to find out the consumption of the device? The third way is to measure the consumption of a specific device with a household wattmeter. Let's look at each method in detail, and let the reader choose the most convenient and suitable for themselves. At each counter, whether it is electronic or mechanical ...
Schemes of motion sensors and the principle of their work, wiring diagrams
A motion sensor is most often used to turn on lighting when you walk or are near it. With it, you can save electricity and save yourself the trouble of flipping a switch. This device is also used in alarm systems to detect unwanted intrusions. In addition, they can be found on production lines, they are needed there for the automated execution of any technological tasks. Motion sensors are sometimes called occupancy sensors.
Motion sensors distinguish according to the principle of action, their work, accuracy of operation and features of use depend on this. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses. The final price of such a sensor also depends on the design and type of element used. The motion sensor can be made in one housing and in different buildings (the control unit is separate from the sensor). The easiest option for a motion sensor is to use a limit switch or a reed switch ...
What is the coefficient of performance (COP)
The efficiency (abbreviated - Efficiency) of an electrical installation shows what proportion of active electrical energy Q, irrevocably consumed by this installation, is accounted for by the useful work A performed by this installation for its intended purpose (if we are talking about a converter or a consumer), or what proportion to the installation of mechanical energy (or energy of a different form, for example, chemical or light) is converted into useful energy (work) in it.
Thus, the efficiency is a dimensionless quantity, the value of which is always less than unity, and can be written in the form of a decimal fraction, or in the form of a number (the number of percentages) - from 0% to 100%.Electric heaters, in which the energy of electric current is converted directly to heat, have the highest efficiency (close to 100%). In practice, this is the so-called Joule heat, which is released according to the Joule-Lenz law ...
Judging by the abundance of videos and comments on them on YouTube, the topic of the so-called "Free Energy" has already snapped many and continues to excite the minds. Which is not at all surprising, because the desire to learn new things is quite natural for an intelligent person. However, not every person, having first seen something unusual and new, is able to correctly interpret what he saw. For this reason, many immediately begin to stigmatize inventors, innovators, calling them deceivers, charlatans, scammers. But is it worth judging so clearly? Let's think about it.
The first law of thermodynamics tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only transfer from one species to another. This means that if the Free Energy devices, in the form in which they are presented on YouTube, are real, then they simply transform the energy of some unusual sources ...
How to calculate power consumption
For electricity, you need to pay, as well as for any other resources and services. In order not to let yourself be deceived when paying, you need to learn how to calculate its expense. There are special devices for this, for example, an individual meter, which is installed in each house or apartment. However, it shows the total consumption, and how to calculate the electricity consumption by a separate device we will describe in this article.
The main characteristics of electrical appliances are voltage, current and power. At the same time, either all three parameters can be indicated on the case or in the instrument passport, or in a selective manner. In Russia and neighboring countries, electrical appliances are used that are designed for a voltage of 220 V AC, in America, for comparison, there may be a voltage of 110 or 120 V. In the passport of the device, depending on the specific case, in explicit form, the power may not be indicated at all, but the electricity consumption ...
Calculation of LED lighting of a room in an apartment or house
When repairing an apartment, lighting issues are usually considered without special responsibility, and they install lamps as you like, estimating the brightness of the light "by eye". However, lighting is an important part of any construction, both from a design and from an engineering point of view. Moreover, there are state documents that regulate these issues, such as SNIP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting."
This article will talk about how to calculate LED lighting for the home. Although the calculations for industrial and other types of premises, as well as using other types of light sources, are generally similar. The purpose of calculations and lighting design is to achieve normalized lighting for a particular room. Each room has its own lighting standard. It can be calculated based on the class of visual work ...
The difference between LED lamps and energy-saving compact fluorescent
Household consumers are gradually phasing out incandescent lamps, and they are using them less and less. At first they were replaced by compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). They consume 5 times less energy at the same brightness. That is, a 20 W fluorescent lamp can replace a 100 W incandescent lamp. For this they were called energy-saving.
Technology does not stand still and in the last 5 years, LED lamps or LEDs have strengthened in the market. The range of products is wide enough from light panels and tapes to searchlights and lamps for all possible socles.At the same time they shine 10 times brighter than incandescent lamps of the same power. Let's take a closer look at the differences between energy-saving and LED lamps. LED lamps actually also belong to energy-saving ones, but in the people this name is fixed to compact fluorescent lamps, although they save energy not like LED ones ...