How the electric heat-insulated floor is arranged and works
The desire of a person to create comfortable living conditions has led to the development of various heating systems. Among them, recently, structures mounted on the floor and working at the expense of electricity have become increasingly popular.
Manufacturers produce various modifications that can be arbitrarily combined by type of heating element: cable heating, heating mats, infrared film emitter, liquid-electric structures.
When electricity is transferred based on the Joule-Lenz law, heat is released. This pattern is the basis for the operation of heating elements. If metals and their cross-section are selected in ordinary wires in order to reduce heat losses at maximum load, then structures capable of emitting ...
The device and principles of operation of the magnetic starter
The name of this electrical device for 0.4 kV electrical installations contains two fundamental actions: actuation as an electromagnet from the passage of electric current through the coil winding and start-up of the electric motor by power contacts.
Structurally, any magnetic starter consists of a stationary part and a movable armature that moves along the runners. It is highlighted in blue in the picture.
The starter can be very simplified as one button, on the case of which there are terminals with connected power circuits and stationary contacts. A contact bridge is mounted on the moving part. Its purpose: providing a double break of the power circuit to turn off the power of the electric motor and a reliable electrical connection of the incoming and outgoing wires when the circuit is switched on ...
How is the electronic electricity meter arranged and working
The main purpose of this device is to measure the power consumption of the monitored section of the electrical circuit and display its magnitude in a human-friendly form. The element base uses electronic components operating on semiconductors or microprocessor designs. Such devices are produced for working with current circuits: a constant value and a sinusoidal harmonic shape.
DC electricity meters only work at industrial enterprises that operate powerful equipment with high consumption of constant power (electrified railway transport, electric vehicles ...). For domestic purposes, they are not used, are issued in limited quantities. Therefore, we will not consider them in the further material of this article, although the principle of their operation differs from models operating on alternating current ...
Since childhood, we have known the button above the door to an apartment or building. When you click on it, the owner is given a sound signal - a melodic ringing of a bell or a simple musical composition warning about the appearance of a guest. This is how an ordinary electric bell works. We will disassemble its design without affecting electronic models on multivibrators, microcircuits, and other components.
The electric bell has existed for two centuries, uses the energy of the electromagnetic field. His household designs work on current: a constant value and with a variable sinusoidal harmonic, usually powered by a voltage of 220 volts. To create sound waves, the impacts of a small malleus are used in the form of a steel ball located at the end of a springy plate, which, when mechanically vibrated, strikes the bell. Voltage source in the circuit ...
How infrared motion sensors are arranged and work
An infrared motion sensor is an electronic device capable of responding to changes in the intensity of background thermal radiation in its area of effect. Absolutely any objects possess thermal radiation, and not just a person.
If an object of sufficient size moves at a sufficient speed, crossing the working area of such a sensor, it will trigger, and the sensor will send a signal to the electronic control circuit to perform one or another action by one or another device. Such a device can be either a switch or a dimmer, a burglar alarm, or something else.
Obviously, such an infrared sensor can be used for various automation purposes, both at home and at production and other enterprises and facilities ...
How are programmed room thermostats for underfloor heating arranged and working
Thermostats (thermostats) for “warm floors” are necessary, first of all, as a means of ensuring the most optimal and most accurate control of the “warm floor” heating system. The most comfortable floor heating of the house, optimal energy consumption, and simply convenient automated climate control of the room are the main tasks that the room thermostat solves.
In the process, the thermostat receives data on the temperature in the room (or floor temperature) from the temperature sensor, and, in accordance with the data received, switches the heating system on or off.
There are programmable and non-programmable thermostats. A non-programmable thermostat ensures that the room temperature is maintained at a strictly set level ...
Besides TENOV and open spirals there are many other elements, some of which are almost the same age as the open spiral, while others have appeared relatively recently, thanks to the development of modern technologies. About these heaters, new and not very, will be discussed in this article.
They are used in various devices, primarily infrared room heaters. Simply put, these are heating appliances that create comfort in a house, apartment, office or workshop. For various conditions, a wide variety of heater designs are used. Infrared heaters can also be used in various technological equipment where heating of certain objects is required. A striking example of such technological equipment are infrared soldering stations and modern laboratory heating cabinets and furnaces. Widely used infrared heating in group soldering ...
How are the radio-controlled models
In recent years, radio-controlled car models have attracted increasing interest in both children and adults. It can be models on an electric motor or even on an internal combustion engine. In the framework of this article, we will reveal the topic of the device of radio-controlled models of various types, and consider the principle of their work, so that anyone who is interested in designing their own radio-controlled models or just buying them knows what he has to deal with.
As for radio-controlled car models, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the scales are very different, ranging from 1: 5 to 1:28. The most popular today are the 1: 8 and 1:10 scales, and as for the 1: 5 scale, these are very large models, which are mainly models on ICE. An internal combustion engine is larger than an electric motor. Engine volume ...