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Security Alarm System


Now you can quite simply purchase equipment for the protection of an apartment or house in a store or order it via the Internet. It will differ in the number of constituent elements, their capabilities, but have common features.

Control block

Communication between detectors and annunciators is carried out by the security and reception panel.

From the front side it is placed:

  • Information table;

  • buttons for recruiting commands and controlling security functions;

  • speaker

  • microphone.

Security control panel

On the back side under the cover are located:

  • cable connection sockets;

  • connecting wire terminals

  • operation mode control switches;

  • place to install a SIM card.

Thanks to the built-in power supply module and all the elements inherent in mobile communication devices with a SIM card, including a microphone and speaker, such a remote control can operate in a mobile phone mode. Through it, you can conduct conversations and send SMS messages, which is used to immediately transmit information to the apartment owner about the operation of a specific sensor.

The presence of factory mounting methods in the form of special sockets for screws allows you to install a security unit at the exit of the apartment near the door, which is quite convenient for constant use.

Individual owners place it in a conspicuous place, using it to decorate a room or as a wall clock. However, it is worth considering that an attacker who managed to trick one of the input sensors and entered the room will first of all look for this particular remote control and will try to quickly tear it off the wall and throw it in a bucket filled with water to prevent all other detectors from working. Is it worth it to facilitate the actions of criminals in this way?

Next, we will analyze the device, the principle of operation, the basic rules for connecting and configuring the Chinese GSM alarm Security Alarm System.


Sensors can be created using one of the methods described in the article. "Device and principle of operation of the alarm signal" ways of working. They have a built-in power supply, convenient shape, an operating mode switch on the case, an external antenna and an electronic board.

Detector Sensor Design

The sensor can be fastened with screws or with an adhesive tape (Velcro). When installing detectors in a place of permanent work, one should take into account the possibility of disguising them and restricting access to criminals for incapacitation.

In addition to various types of security detectors, other useful monitoring sensors are connected to the control panel and transmit information. for example, water leakage from a water supply system, the appearance of smoke in an apartment, or other functions.

Due to this, the capabilities of the burglar alarm are expanded, it begins to carry out a set of other additional preventive tasks.


A sound siren is connected to the security control panel, which with its signals warns people about the penetration of intruders into the territory, scares them away from committing a crime.

External siren design

Modern sirens, having small dimensions, give out loud annoying signals and are equipped with a convenient wired connector for connecting to a security unit. Their fastening can be done both with Velcro and screws.

Mobile Remotes

The trinkets included in the kit are small and allow you to remotely control the burglar alarm.

Alarm Key Fob

They can change the security mode, exclude movement sensors from working for the period people are in rooms and perform other functions.

Alarm configuration principles

To commission the Security Alarm System, the recommendations of the factory instructions must be followed. Usually they include the following sequence of actions:

  • antenna connection;

  • SIM card installation in the slot;

  • power on the remote;

  • communication setup between the security control panel and a mobile phone;

  • connection of external devices.

Antenna connection

On the remotes, to which the antenna is additionally supplied, there is a special socket. For other Security Alarm devices, it is already integrated into the enclosure.

Antenna connection

Installing a SIM card in the slot

This operation is the same as for all mobile phones.

Installing a SIM card in the slot

Power on the remote

Install the power adapter in the socket of the security panel and connect it to the 220 volt network, and then switch the ON / OFF toggle switch to work (ON position).

Turn on the power toggle switch

Setting up communication between the control panel and a mobile phone

On a mobile phone, they dial a ten-digit number of the entered SIM card and wait for a response signal. Then enter the password, for example, factory characters "8888 (4 digits)" and in the mode of entering SMS messages display the mobile phone number.

Communication setup between the security panel and a mobile phone

To check the system’s performance on the remote control, press the SOS button - send an alarm call. If everything is done correctly, then an alarm message will be sent to the mobile phone.

Checking the passage of SMS messages

Connect an external siren

After docking the cable connector with the remote control socket, the operation of external speakers is checked when a signal is sent to them through the remote control by using the functions of a closed and open lock.

Connect an external siren

Such simple actions ensure reliable configuration and proper operation of the alarm system.

As a final tip, we once again draw attention to the observance of security masking measures and the limitation of the circle of people who can use it. Indeed, even the inclusion of a simple jammer of radio waves operating at the frequency of the security network can put an established system to work correctly. Therefore, such a simple measure will greatly complicate the actions of future attackers.

See also at

  • How the burglar alarm and detectors are arranged and working
  • How the fire alarm is arranged and works
  • DIY alarm system
  • Wireless motion sensors
  • The device and circuit intercom
